--- DEPRECATION NOTICE : Music Assistant and the Nextcloud Music's Subsonic interface provide an optimized management platform for music broadcast on the home network. It seamlessly integrates with [Home Assistant](https://www.home-assistant.io/). _Music Assistant_ supports all _dlnextcloud_ functionalities, supplies numerous optimizations and reduces maintenance cost. This repository is therefore archived. --- # dlnextcloud dlnextcloud is the simplest bridge between any WebDAV storage and your UPnP/DLNA enabled devices. ## Setup 1. A typical `docker-compose.yaml` file is provided below: ``` version: '3.8' services: dlnextcloud: container_name: dlnextcloud network_mode: "host" build: https://forge.slowte.ch/selfhosted/dlnextcloud.git image: dlnextcloud restart: unless-stopped environment: - NC_PASSWORD=webdav_share_password - NC_USERNAME=webdav_share_username - NC_MUSIC_DIR_URL=webdav_music_endpoint - NC_RADIO_DIR_URL=webdav_radios_endpoint - GERBERA_IP=machine_static_local_ip_for_gerbera - GERBERA_PORT=desired_port_for_gerbera privileged: true ``` 2. Build the container using the provided `Dockerfile`: ``` docker compose up -d --build ``` 3. Fire up your best Hi-fi gear and enjoy! (Or go to `http://gerbera_ip:gerbera_port to acces Gerbera's web portal.) ## Pipeline [![status-badge](https://ci.slowte.ch/api/badges/11/status.svg)](https://ci.slowte.ch/repos/11) A [Docker's buildx](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/)-based building pipeline builds the `Dockerfile` from scratch.