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# Free Chips
Pierre, _gnugen_, 3.5.2023

<h2>A bit of context</h2>
<img src="img/circuit.jpg" width="30%">
<img src="img/chips.jpg" width="30%">
<img src="img/dye.jpg" width="30%">
<h2>More context</h2>
<img src="img/macro.jpg" width="50%">
<li><b>1958</b> - First IC (Jack Kilby, <em>Texas Instruments</em>) 🤖</li>
<li><b>1973</b> - SPICE is born! (Laurence Nagel, <em>California</em>) 🔥</li>
<li><b>1981</b> - EDA becomes an industry 🏭</li>
<li><b>1984</b> - First FPGA is born! (<em>Altera</em>) ♻️</li>
<li><b>1994</b> - First generation of HLS (<em>Synopsys</em>) 🪄</li>
<li><b>2018</b> - Open-source RTL2GDSII flow (<em>OpenROAD</em>) 🚀</li>
<p class="fragment fade-up"><b>Ready to install 50 years of history in 10 minutes?</b></p>
<h2>More Wik'history</h2>
<p>Available technologies are <b>180nm</b> (<em>GlobalFoundries</em>), <b>130nm</b> (<em>SkyWater</em>) and <b>90nm</b> (<em>SkyWater</em>, FDSOI).</p>
<p>First used in the industry between 1999 and 2003. Old but cheap.</p>
<p class="fragment fade-up"><b>Keep in mind that performance can be traded off!</b></p>
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## Why to Open Source?
* No license 📜
* No restriction ⛔
* No NDA 🤐
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## Why to Open Source?
* No integration overhead 🪢
* No knowledge overhead 🧠
* No strategical overhead 👑
* No compliance overhead 🦺
> Streamlined workflow makes engineers (at least me) happy.
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## Now give real reasons!
Silicon is a **basic commodity**.
_Politicians sometimes forget this..._
* You can go into politics. 🗳️
* You can go into low techs. 🚵
* You can go into free chips. 🎀
**🫵 You can also do the three. 🫵**
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## Quick Landsgemeinde
> Who wants overhead?
> Who wants reproducibility?
> Who wants to reinvent the wheel?
> Who wants to keep their IP?
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## 🤩 Are you hyped enough? 🫨
* Some technical bits
* Practical work (if ya fancy 😊)
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# Some technical bits
* Meet the Process Design Kit (PDK)
* Check out the workflows
* Addition contextual knowledge (Rules & MOSFETs)
<h2>Hello Sky130!</h2>
<img style="background-color:white;" src="img/sky130_stack.svg" height="500vh">
<h2>Semicustom workflow</h2>
<img style="background-color:white;" src="img/semicustom.svg" height="500vh">
<h2>Fullcustom workflow</h2>
<img style="background-color:white;" src="img/fullcustom.svg" height="500vh">
<h2>Related knowledge: Rules</h2>
<img style="background-color:white;" src="img/constraints.svg" height="500vh">
<h2>Related knowledge: MOSFETs</h2>
<img style="background-color:white;display:inline-block;vertical-align: middle;" src="img/fet-cross.svg" height="350vw">
<img style="background-color:white;display:inline-block;vertical-align: middle;" src="img/fet-floor.png" height="350vh">
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# Practical work
# 🐂/🐧 + 🍏 users
git clone https://forge.slowte.ch/workshops/freechips.git
# 🪟 users
# Use "IC-CO-IN-SC-*" VMs on https://vdi.epfl.ch
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## Semicustom digital design
# Prepare the conda environment
cd semicustom
conda env create
conda activate semicustom
# Launch the jupyter notebook
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## Fullcustom digital design
# Prepare the conda environment
cd fullcustom
conda env create
conda activate fullcustom
# Launch the jupyter notebook
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# Sources
[1] « 90 nm process », Wikipedia. 10 janvier 2023. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=90_nm_process&oldid=1132820400
[2] « 130 nm process », Wikipedia. 19 décembre 2022. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=130_nm_process&oldid=1128389908
[3] « 180 nm process », Wikipedia. 19 décembre 2022. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=180_nm_process&oldid=1128389505
[4] « Electronic design automation », Wikipedia. 4 avril 2023. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Electronic_design_automation&oldid=1148158141
[5] M. Granger, English: « Tyrrells hand-cooked vegetable crisps - veg crisps - parsnip, beetroot & carrot crisps with sea salt » according to the packaging. Sold in the United Kingdom. 2021. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tyrrells_veg_crisps_1.jpg
[6] F. Fritz, English: AMD@7nm@Zen2_RDNA_APU@Oberon@PlayStation5@CXD90060GG_100-000000189_WM33440U00089_S___DSCx9_poly@5xLED Fritzchens Fritz die photo. 2021. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Via@16nm@Centaur_Technology@CHA_SoC@CNS_NCORE_DSC08626-DSC08626_12.jpg
[7] Epop, English: Integrated circuit MC1488D from Signetics Corporation : Quad Line EIA-232D Driver. 2013. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MC1488D_S_KME4828_9206KJ.jpg
[8] K. Palosaari, English: Three 4016 ICs, manufactured by ST Microelectronics. 2006. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Three_IC_circuit_chips.JPG
[9] hello@bgjar.com, « Free svg background generator », BGJar. https://bgjar.com/ (consulté le 10 avril 2023).
[10] J. Helebrant, microphoto of some electronics circuit board. 2021. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Electronics_PCB_circuit_board_003_(51131861191).jpg
[11] J. Helebrant, microphoto of some electronics circuit board. 2021. Consulté le: 10 avril 2023. [En ligne]. Disponible sur: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Electronics_PCB_circuit_board_007_(51132658884).jpg
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