Pierre Guillod
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142.48 280.96 139.38 M 267.57 160.87 C 270.03 153.13 276.88 152.48 281.35 145.02 M 267.57 160.87 C 274.08 156.53 276.79 150.55 281.35 145.02 M 272.56 161.23 C 277.45 160.89 277.59 158.05 281.09 151.42 M 272.56 161.23 C 276.04 158.36 277.98 154.56 281.09 151.42 M 278.2 160.84 C 278.4 159.51 279.88 158.9 280.83 157.82 M 278.2 160.84 C 278.67 160.18 279.78 159.54 280.83 157.82" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 120 C 196.66 116.73 232.47 117.09 280 120 M 160 120 C 199.33 122.78 234.48 122.08 280 120 M 280 120 C 282.3 128.98 277.43 142.41 280 160 M 280 120 C 279.83 134.89 281.57 147.07 280 160 M 280 160 C 251.95 161.2 214.67 154.47 160 160 M 280 160 C 246.56 161.85 208.19 162.18 160 160 M 160 160 C 158.86 151.79 162.82 135.9 160 120 M 160 160 C 158.96 142.89 160.83 126.82 160 120" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" 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221.45 C 266.03 210.77 274.99 203.12 281.4 192.77 M 256.47 221.45 C 263.74 212.92 270.33 204.63 281.4 192.77 M 262.12 221.05 C 268.11 208.73 273.52 205.16 281.14 199.16 M 262.12 221.05 C 267.36 211.68 274.58 206.16 281.14 199.16 M 267.1 221.41 C 272.6 215.2 274.36 214.15 280.88 205.56 M 267.1 221.41 C 274.26 214.05 276.82 209.97 280.88 205.56 M 272.75 221.02 C 275.23 217.5 275.53 216.59 281.27 211.21 M 272.75 221.02 C 275.77 218.02 275.88 216.05 281.27 211.21 M 277.73 221.38 C 279.39 219.87 280.48 218.97 281.01 217.6 M 277.73 221.38 C 278.71 220.07 279.75 218.18 281.01 217.6" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 180 C 202.78 178.28 240.02 184.63 280 180 M 160 180 C 192.66 178.79 224.47 182.17 280 180 M 280 180 C 282.61 190.48 278.2 194.15 280 220 M 280 180 C 281.74 191.92 281.68 204.99 280 220 M 280 220 C 245.7 221.7 213.33 221.05 160 220 M 280 220 C 230.81 221.2 184 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276.65 C 171.29 263.8 179.38 251.77 192.08 239.67 M 161.64 280.79 C 173.85 271.34 177.14 261.84 197.07 240.03 M 161.64 280.79 C 172.44 266.92 186 251.66 197.07 240.03 M 166.63 281.15 C 177.4 274.74 187.16 262.51 202.71 239.64 M 166.63 281.15 C 181.33 265.17 194.66 250.33 202.71 239.64 M 171.62 281.51 C 181.11 271.53 187.12 263.21 207.7 240 M 171.62 281.51 C 181.3 268.92 192.91 255.21 207.7 240 M 177.26 281.11 C 192.08 262.67 206.01 253.4 212.69 240.36 M 177.26 281.11 C 190.42 267.48 205.75 251.91 212.69 240.36 M 182.25 281.47 C 190.6 265.71 200.76 254.09 218.33 239.97 M 182.25 281.47 C 195.51 266.05 208.72 250.49 218.33 239.97 M 187.89 281.08 C 196.6 265.31 214.38 252.32 223.32 240.33 M 187.89 281.08 C 197.34 270.18 203.08 261.18 223.32 240.33 M 192.88 281.44 C 201.39 272.77 212.53 264.72 228.96 239.93 M 192.88 281.44 C 207.85 266.89 221.33 248.79 228.96 239.93 M 198.52 281.04 C 204.96 274.11 219.52 262.74 233.95 240.29 M 198.52 281.04 C 208.01 270.93 214.28 262.03 233.95 240.29 M 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241.27 M 246.03 281.27 C 258.77 265.76 270.96 250.9 280.8 241.27 M 251.67 280.87 C 258.77 265.63 273.82 256.7 281.19 246.91 M 251.67 280.87 C 260.94 269.65 271.73 256.64 281.19 246.91 M 256.66 281.23 C 262.69 270.66 271.66 258.62 280.93 253.31 M 256.66 281.23 C 265.76 272.92 275.45 262.04 280.93 253.31 M 262.3 280.84 C 270.81 274.93 273.83 271.16 281.33 258.95 M 262.3 280.84 C 268.9 273.27 275.33 263.95 281.33 258.95 M 267.29 281.2 C 270.4 273.49 271.4 271.9 281.07 265.35 M 267.29 281.2 C 272.51 274.65 275.9 272.61 281.07 265.35 M 272.93 280.8 C 276.64 277.69 278.35 275.99 280.8 271.75 M 272.93 280.8 C 276.32 276.47 277.45 274.98 280.8 271.75 M 277.92 281.16 C 278.68 280.6 278.87 279.51 281.2 277.39 M 277.92 281.16 C 279.55 279.81 280.1 278.42 281.2 277.39" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 240 C 200.49 241.32 235.38 240.07 280 240 M 160 240 C 199.69 237.77 239.29 239.59 280 240 M 280 240 C 282.88 248.24 284.19 258.64 280 280 M 280 240 C 280.34 250.47 282.07 262.11 280 280 M 280 280 C 249.1 284.4 225.3 278.74 160 280 M 280 280 C 252.39 281.96 222.72 279.14 160 280 M 160 280 C 163.65 267.61 162.24 252.42 160 240 M 160 280 C 159.88 264.44 162 253.93 160 240" fill="none" stroke="#82b366" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 161px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Freeze the design</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="220" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Freeze the design</text></switch></g><rect x="320" y="120" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 319.84 120.18 C 319.84 120.18 319.84 120.18 319.84 120.18 M 319.84 120.18 C 319.84 120.18 319.84 120.18 319.84 120.18 M 320.24 125.82 C 322.88 124.44 323.39 120.94 325.49 119.79 M 320.24 125.82 C 321.77 124.17 323.88 121.28 325.49 119.79 M 319.98 132.22 C 322.98 127.18 327.93 125.25 330.47 120.15 M 319.98 132.22 C 321.03 129.41 325.95 126.2 330.47 120.15 M 319.71 138.62 C 328.01 131.1 325.67 129.98 336.12 119.75 M 319.71 138.62 C 323.06 131.27 330.91 127.71 336.12 119.75 M 320.11 144.26 C 322.43 137.61 331.19 127.07 341.1 120.11 M 320.11 144.26 C 327.48 135.81 336.42 128.58 341.1 120.11 M 319.85 150.66 C 322.76 139.75 328.99 136.81 346.75 119.72 M 319.85 150.66 C 329.6 139.42 337.46 131.91 346.75 119.72 M 320.24 156.3 C 329.32 148.17 339.03 133.03 351.73 120.08 M 320.24 156.3 C 330.75 145.46 342.75 131.89 351.73 120.08 M 321.29 161.19 C 330.58 152.01 338.32 146.99 357.38 119.68 M 321.29 161.19 C 330.99 149.4 345.82 134.37 357.38 119.68 M 326.94 160.8 C 335.05 150.64 346.56 137.52 362.36 120.04 M 326.94 160.8 C 334.85 149.73 345.66 140.79 362.36 120.04 M 331.92 161.16 C 343.51 148.81 354.2 130.02 368.01 119.65 M 331.92 161.16 C 342.83 148.23 355.6 132 368.01 119.65 M 336.91 161.52 C 344.24 154.58 354.22 144.49 372.99 120.01 M 336.91 161.52 C 346 154.11 355.04 141.63 372.99 120.01 M 342.55 161.12 C 349.8 151.96 356.37 139.53 377.98 120.37 M 342.55 161.12 C 350.69 148.67 363.4 135.58 377.98 120.37 M 347.54 161.48 C 357.79 152.8 363.91 141.65 383.62 119.97 M 347.54 161.48 C 356.19 152.25 362.91 141.31 383.62 119.97 M 353.18 161.09 C 360.32 151.67 372.12 144.58 388.61 120.33 M 353.18 161.09 C 365.03 151.68 374.18 140.16 388.61 120.33 M 358.17 161.45 C 371.42 152.88 377.37 137.09 394.25 119.94 M 358.17 161.45 C 363.92 155.35 371.27 144.98 394.25 119.94 M 363.81 161.05 C 370.99 149.01 385.03 140.68 399.24 120.3 M 363.81 161.05 C 371.61 149.7 382.61 142.94 399.24 120.3 M 368.8 161.41 C 381.4 145.16 387.39 137.82 404.88 119.9 M 368.8 161.41 C 384.53 144.26 398.04 130.86 404.88 119.9 M 374.44 161.02 C 383.21 152.77 390.1 141.1 409.87 120.27 M 374.44 161.02 C 384.54 151.04 393.66 138.24 409.87 120.27 M 379.43 161.38 C 390.46 145.23 405.16 132.49 415.51 119.87 M 379.43 161.38 C 388.2 153.34 395.44 143.65 415.51 119.87 M 385.07 160.98 C 394.91 147.64 411.25 133.13 420.5 120.23 M 385.07 160.98 C 394.13 149.57 403.55 139.8 420.5 120.23 M 390.06 161.34 C 400.99 152.61 409.84 142.23 426.14 119.84 M 390.06 161.34 C 396.97 153.98 403.71 143.09 426.14 119.84 M 395.7 160.95 C 404.61 150.62 424.49 130.93 431.13 120.2 M 395.7 160.95 C 410.48 144.5 425.1 128.14 431.13 120.2 M 400.69 161.31 C 409.28 156.56 416.83 141.71 436.77 119.8 M 400.69 161.31 C 409.32 150.78 414.16 142.76 436.77 119.8 M 406.33 160.92 C 413.69 146.8 424.9 139.12 441.1 120.92 M 406.33 160.92 C 412.98 153.01 422.09 144.14 441.1 120.92 M 411.32 161.28 C 425.68 149.05 436.52 135.54 440.84 127.31 M 411.32 161.28 C 415.53 152.52 424.57 145.61 440.84 127.31 M 416.96 160.88 C 428.77 149.2 437.96 140.55 441.24 132.96 M 416.96 160.88 C 424.34 153.18 428.48 145.07 441.24 132.96 M 421.95 161.24 C 424.1 153.75 432.73 149.78 440.98 139.35 M 421.95 161.24 C 429.03 151.48 434.67 146.35 440.98 139.35 M 427.59 160.85 C 427.68 159.65 435.92 149.52 441.37 145 M 427.59 160.85 C 434.27 156.49 437.24 149.33 441.37 145 M 432.58 161.21 C 436.04 159.94 437.72 159.14 441.11 151.4 M 432.58 161.21 C 435.59 156.77 438.81 154.89 441.11 151.4 M 438.22 160.81 C 438.13 159.51 439.16 160.09 440.85 157.79 M 438.22 160.81 C 439.24 159.69 440.1 158.98 440.85 157.79" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 120 C 358.21 121.16 398.74 120.31 440 120 M 320 120 C 346.72 116.75 370.11 117.01 440 120 M 440 120 C 441.54 133.99 440.58 143.13 440 160 M 440 120 C 438.93 129.02 438.46 139.24 440 160 M 440 160 C 412.5 154.29 389.27 159.63 320 160 M 440 160 C 405.96 162.72 373.43 161.68 320 160 M 320 160 C 319.61 149.94 319.27 132.73 320 120 M 320 160 C 320.42 146.22 318.87 137.32 320 120" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; 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330.66 179.93 M 319.9 198.41 C 319.68 193.15 329.3 190.69 335.65 180.29 M 319.9 198.41 C 325.65 192.77 328.27 188.23 335.65 180.29 M 320.29 204.05 C 330.9 191.81 334.74 185.51 341.29 179.9 M 320.29 204.05 C 327.24 198.73 333.76 189.2 341.29 179.9 M 320.03 210.45 C 329.46 199.16 339.28 190.02 346.28 180.26 M 320.03 210.45 C 330.36 197.87 337.03 188.68 346.28 180.26 M 319.77 216.84 C 331.91 205.06 340.67 193.51 351.92 179.86 M 319.77 216.84 C 328.4 203.54 340.75 191.93 351.92 179.86 M 321.48 220.98 C 336.3 202.82 347.3 186.45 356.91 180.22 M 321.48 220.98 C 331.29 207.76 342.95 193.47 356.91 180.22 M 326.47 221.34 C 338.68 206.99 352.33 192.54 362.55 179.83 M 326.47 221.34 C 337.51 209.08 349.34 193.35 362.55 179.83 M 332.11 220.94 C 338.42 216.14 346.42 203.35 367.54 180.19 M 332.11 220.94 C 343.99 207.95 357.68 189.5 367.54 180.19 M 337.1 221.3 C 345.56 209.88 350.56 206.94 373.18 179.8 M 337.1 221.3 C 349.08 208.09 358.81 198.68 373.18 179.8 M 342.74 220.91 C 356.16 211.38 366.43 197.75 378.17 180.16 M 342.74 220.91 C 354.72 204.42 370.27 189.36 378.17 180.16 M 347.73 221.27 C 358.5 202.19 375.97 192.82 383.81 179.76 M 347.73 221.27 C 355.42 213.88 362.97 205.19 383.81 179.76 M 353.37 220.88 C 359.3 210.53 371.91 204.23 388.8 180.12 M 353.37 220.88 C 363.8 208.15 379.95 190.78 388.8 180.12 M 358.36 221.24 C 370.26 212.65 383.44 192.63 394.44 179.73 M 358.36 221.24 C 371.44 205.59 386.93 189.61 394.44 179.73 M 364 220.84 C 377.58 204.19 391.84 184.68 399.43 180.09 M 364 220.84 C 372.16 208.41 381.78 198.41 399.43 180.09 M 368.99 221.2 C 379.46 208.99 391.09 197.97 405.07 179.69 M 368.99 221.2 C 375.64 209.81 386.24 202.07 405.07 179.69 M 374.63 220.81 C 378.6 209.08 390.66 207.28 410.06 180.05 M 374.63 220.81 C 390.03 203.52 402.42 190.39 410.06 180.05 M 379.62 221.17 C 390.28 211.05 396.74 200.51 415.7 179.66 M 379.62 221.17 C 393 205.97 405.76 188.41 415.7 179.66 M 384.6 221.53 C 402.09 203.63 415.79 188.03 420.69 180.02 M 384.6 221.53 C 396.89 209.65 407.96 195.5 420.69 180.02 M 390.25 221.13 C 403.75 212.05 406.88 200.35 426.33 179.62 M 390.25 221.13 C 400.87 209.59 414.35 196.81 426.33 179.62 M 395.23 221.49 C 405.37 204.86 413.93 194.8 431.32 179.98 M 395.23 221.49 C 403.51 212.98 412.44 201.66 431.32 179.98 M 400.88 221.1 C 411.14 209.27 423.29 189.56 436.3 180.34 M 400.88 221.1 C 408.45 209.46 421 196.49 436.3 180.34 M 405.86 221.46 C 415.49 211.62 430.67 195.14 441.29 180.7 M 405.86 221.46 C 415.92 208.95 425.08 201.88 441.29 180.7 M 411.51 221.06 C 420.59 211.83 429.31 200.54 441.03 187.1 M 411.51 221.06 C 420.55 211.97 425.75 204.39 441.03 187.1 M 416.49 221.42 C 420.11 214.23 424.66 206.55 440.77 193.5 M 416.49 221.42 C 425.89 213.72 433.32 202.8 440.77 193.5 M 422.14 221.03 C 430.61 215.58 432.66 207.03 441.16 199.14 M 422.14 221.03 C 430.57 213.06 435.42 204.14 441.16 199.14 M 427.12 221.39 C 432.83 218.7 432.3 216.03 440.9 205.54 M 427.12 221.39 C 431.87 217.84 435.65 212.73 440.9 205.54 M 432.77 220.99 C 437.77 219.53 440.98 212.6 441.29 211.18 M 432.77 220.99 C 434.72 219.42 437.34 214.66 441.29 211.18 M 437.75 221.35 C 439.4 219.91 440.44 217.7 441.03 217.58 M 437.75 221.35 C 438.67 219.89 440.27 218.52 441.03 217.58" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 180 C 355.92 176.2 402.1 175.75 440 180 M 320 180 C 353.75 180.53 388.93 179.22 440 180 M 440 180 C 441.81 191.74 438.57 207.62 440 220 M 440 180 C 441.53 187.57 438.85 196.36 440 220 M 440 220 C 399.9 216.98 353.25 217.32 320 220 M 440 220 C 403.54 219.49 364.14 220.21 320 220 M 320 220 C 317.17 212.27 317.89 201.05 320 180 M 320 220 C 322.56 207.99 321.35 200.72 320 180" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" 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122.47 485.51 119.76 M 480.26 125.8 C 481.61 124.72 483.35 122.83 485.51 119.76 M 480 132.2 C 482.31 129.32 484.92 123.71 490.49 120.12 M 480 132.2 C 482.27 128.82 486.3 126.96 490.49 120.12 M 479.73 138.6 C 480.05 135.24 485.95 131.07 496.14 119.73 M 479.73 138.6 C 485.01 134.22 490.78 128.26 496.14 119.73 M 480.13 144.24 C 485.84 139.24 488.57 134.02 501.12 120.09 M 480.13 144.24 C 486.84 133.23 495.14 124.55 501.12 120.09 M 479.87 150.64 C 490.87 144.64 491.37 134.93 506.77 119.69 M 479.87 150.64 C 488.43 141.26 498.36 129.88 506.77 119.69 M 480.26 156.28 C 488.59 149.24 496.03 133.69 511.75 120.05 M 480.26 156.28 C 492.05 145 500.3 131.85 511.75 120.05 M 481.31 161.17 C 493.3 151.2 508.83 131.22 517.4 119.66 M 481.31 161.17 C 491.66 146.03 504.59 131.98 517.4 119.66 M 486.3 161.53 C 502.41 143.22 510 127.65 522.38 120.02 M 486.3 161.53 C 500.3 145.7 512.98 127.37 522.38 120.02 M 491.94 161.13 C 500.49 145.8 513.31 138.39 528.03 119.63 M 491.94 161.13 C 498.08 151.82 505.96 142.88 528.03 119.63 M 496.93 161.49 C 504.88 153.57 512.89 141.79 533.01 119.99 M 496.93 161.49 C 507.81 146.47 522.23 132.13 533.01 119.99 M 502.57 161.1 C 513.45 149.94 520.34 143.26 538 120.35 M 502.57 161.1 C 515.31 147.31 522.61 134.43 538 120.35 M 507.56 161.46 C 519.64 148.29 533.25 133 543.64 119.95 M 507.56 161.46 C 521.52 145.06 533.1 130.32 543.64 119.95 M 513.2 161.07 C 517.93 149.8 531.34 144.29 548.63 120.31 M 513.2 161.07 C 520.77 149.18 532.83 142.1 548.63 120.31 M 518.19 161.43 C 528.75 143.37 541.16 135.12 554.27 119.92 M 518.19 161.43 C 531.38 145.97 543.81 132.7 554.27 119.92 M 523.83 161.03 C 535.1 149.34 542.5 134.79 559.26 120.28 M 523.83 161.03 C 534 148.94 546.24 135.71 559.26 120.28 M 528.82 161.39 C 538.82 153.22 548.09 138.53 564.9 119.88 M 528.82 161.39 C 537.62 148.91 548.52 138.52 564.9 119.88 M 534.46 161 C 548.74 145.66 557.05 129.56 569.89 120.24 M 534.46 161 C 542.45 148.55 555.02 135.24 569.89 120.24 M 539.45 161.36 C 550.62 147.52 564.07 138.9 575.53 119.85 M 539.45 161.36 C 552.57 148.76 563.64 135.61 575.53 119.85 M 545.09 160.96 C 556.29 156.67 559.76 148.72 580.52 120.21 M 545.09 160.96 C 553.08 151.85 562.26 141.97 580.52 120.21 M 550.08 161.32 C 559.82 145.34 573.23 132.32 586.16 119.81 M 550.08 161.32 C 555.54 153.9 564.55 143.54 586.16 119.81 M 555.72 160.93 C 566.66 147.89 571.51 139.91 591.15 120.17 M 555.72 160.93 C 568.25 147.15 578.25 137.1 591.15 120.17 M 560.71 161.29 C 575.55 150.13 585.57 133.3 596.79 119.78 M 560.71 161.29 C 573.23 148.12 585.87 133.78 596.79 119.78 M 566.35 160.89 C 576.22 146.39 586.97 129.56 601.12 120.89 M 566.35 160.89 C 577.1 148.19 589.98 135.3 601.12 120.89 M 571.34 161.25 C 579.69 147.03 592.19 139.17 600.86 127.29 M 571.34 161.25 C 581.22 151.84 590.58 139.57 600.86 127.29 M 576.98 160.86 C 585.27 153.53 590.02 149.23 601.26 132.93 M 576.98 160.86 C 583.55 154.73 585.41 150.58 601.26 132.93 M 581.97 161.22 C 584.08 153.42 591.75 152.68 601 139.33 M 581.97 161.22 C 587.76 151.82 595.81 143.09 601 139.33 M 587.61 160.82 C 590.3 156.65 597.01 153.44 601.39 144.97 M 587.61 160.82 C 593.18 155.46 596.55 149.23 601.39 144.97 M 592.6 161.18 C 592.24 156.62 595.29 155.93 601.13 151.37 M 592.6 161.18 C 593.9 160.21 595.91 157.78 601.13 151.37 M 598.24 160.79 C 598.97 160.49 600.68 158.57 600.87 157.77 M 598.24 160.79 C 599.5 159.58 600.39 158.88 600.87 157.77" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480 120 C 521.64 116.04 557.47 115.99 600 120 M 480 120 C 520.78 119.51 563.76 120.64 600 120 M 600 120 C 600.48 137.49 602.95 152.11 600 160 M 600 120 C 600.13 134.11 599.24 153.48 600 160 M 600 160 C 563.3 159.67 525.22 155.01 480 160 M 600 160 C 557.11 160.25 514.86 162.75 480 160 M 480 160 C 482.74 146.6 476.52 125.37 480 120 M 480 160 C 479.1 153.77 478.22 144.12 480 120" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" 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y="180" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480.05 179.94 C 480.05 179.94 480.05 179.94 480.05 179.94 M 480.05 179.94 C 480.05 179.94 480.05 179.94 480.05 179.94 M 479.79 186.34 C 482.04 184.57 481.16 185 485.04 180.3 M 479.79 186.34 C 481.97 185.44 482.72 182.45 485.04 180.3 M 480.18 191.99 C 483.2 188.98 488.89 186.72 490.68 179.91 M 480.18 191.99 C 481.71 188.32 483.69 185.54 490.68 179.91 M 479.92 198.38 C 479.73 197.31 489.58 191.79 495.67 180.27 M 479.92 198.38 C 483.61 195.67 488.2 188.69 495.67 180.27 M 480.31 204.03 C 486.31 200.59 492.12 191.62 501.31 179.88 M 480.31 204.03 C 486.6 196.15 492.48 189.16 501.31 179.88 M 480.05 210.42 C 484.28 202.13 491.08 200.3 506.3 180.24 M 480.05 210.42 C 489.13 199.73 501.85 186.71 506.3 180.24 M 479.79 216.82 C 484.64 204.87 499.12 200.92 511.94 179.84 M 479.79 216.82 C 489.71 203.07 502.31 191.88 511.94 179.84 M 481.5 220.96 C 491.86 210.24 503.48 195.15 516.93 180.2 M 481.5 220.96 C 491.95 208.4 505.72 195.07 516.93 180.2 M 486.49 221.32 C 491.27 215.34 501.58 198.96 522.57 179.81 M 486.49 221.32 C 497.87 208.78 508.2 200.15 522.57 179.81 M 492.13 220.92 C 500.88 204.93 518.13 187.34 527.56 180.17 M 492.13 220.92 C 499.33 211.43 508.21 200.17 527.56 180.17 M 497.12 221.28 C 504.54 207.43 515.57 194.8 533.2 179.77 M 497.12 221.28 C 503.67 212.75 511.56 201.78 533.2 179.77 M 502.76 220.89 C 511.81 207.94 522.4 192.07 538.19 180.13 M 502.76 220.89 C 510.62 211.21 517.67 204.51 538.19 180.13 M 507.75 221.25 C 513.14 207.42 522.88 202.22 543.83 179.74 M 507.75 221.25 C 520.74 206.69 533.16 190.2 543.83 179.74 M 513.39 220.85 C 524.91 208.66 531.13 203.95 548.82 180.1 M 513.39 220.85 C 525.17 205.65 536.24 192.72 548.82 180.1 M 518.38 221.21 C 529.24 203.14 548.89 190.66 554.46 179.7 M 518.38 221.21 C 527.67 208.51 541.04 193.94 554.46 179.7 M 524.02 220.82 C 534.61 212.67 543.14 203.09 559.45 180.06 M 524.02 220.82 C 534.56 209.07 549.41 192.6 559.45 180.06 M 529.01 221.18 C 536.88 207.61 543.79 197.25 565.09 179.67 M 529.01 221.18 C 541.61 206.17 552.82 193.12 565.09 179.67 M 534.65 220.78 C 544.14 209.97 557.61 195.74 570.08 180.03 M 534.65 220.78 C 547.94 205.02 563.77 187.39 570.08 180.03 M 539.64 221.14 C 551.32 205.04 571.74 190.32 575.72 179.63 M 539.64 221.14 C 548.5 211.13 557.86 198.42 575.72 179.63 M 544.62 221.5 C 557.01 212.78 557.74 203.87 580.71 179.99 M 544.62 221.5 C 555.82 206.51 566.63 196.26 580.71 179.99 M 550.27 221.11 C 562.39 206.47 569.87 192.37 585.69 180.35 M 550.27 221.11 C 563.21 208.32 574.76 192.34 585.69 180.35 M 555.25 221.47 C 567.36 211.62 568.85 205.33 591.34 179.96 M 555.25 221.47 C 568.42 207.39 579.89 194.15 591.34 179.96 M 560.9 221.07 C 570.23 211.09 577.69 197.66 596.32 180.32 M 560.9 221.07 C 569.18 211.06 574.35 204.02 596.32 180.32 M 565.88 221.43 C 578.06 203.15 592.85 193.46 601.31 180.68 M 565.88 221.43 C 576.11 208.05 589.11 192.88 601.31 180.68 M 571.53 221.04 C 579.15 209.83 595.43 197.4 601.05 187.08 M 571.53 221.04 C 582.25 208.48 591.75 195.52 601.05 187.08 M 576.51 221.4 C 581.46 212.97 594.43 204.06 600.79 193.48 M 576.51 221.4 C 585.1 214.3 590.26 203.33 600.79 193.48 M 582.16 221.01 C 589.71 215.25 590.79 209.93 601.18 199.12 M 582.16 221.01 C 588.43 213.41 595.69 204.88 601.18 199.12 M 587.14 221.37 C 589.57 212.53 598.26 205.61 600.92 205.52 M 587.14 221.37 C 591.41 216.81 595.6 212.63 600.92 205.52 M 592.79 220.97 C 593.96 216.55 598.55 214.93 601.31 211.16 M 592.79 220.97 C 594.74 218.3 597.85 213.63 601.31 211.16 M 597.77 221.33 C 599.79 219.9 599.03 219.31 601.05 217.56 M 597.77 221.33 C 599.13 219.76 599.77 218.4 601.05 217.56" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480 180 C 519.35 183.89 560.83 184.23 600 180 M 480 180 C 507.82 178.49 534.58 178.05 600 180 M 600 180 C 599.14 195.24 599.34 208.6 600 220 M 600 180 C 601.12 196.66 598.03 210.6 600 220 M 600 220 C 566.7 222.37 529.19 220.7 480 220 M 600 220 C 574.69 221.01 553.57 221.29 480 220 M 480 220 C 478.7 208.93 481.54 193.69 480 180 M 480 220 C 479.64 207.54 479.1 191.51 480 180" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 200px; margin-left: 481px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: 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330.75 C 484.51 324.36 491.14 319.29 506.67 299.81 M 480.16 336.4 C 489.19 329.19 494.36 321.23 511.65 300.17 M 480.16 336.4 C 493.23 324.67 501.74 311.95 511.65 300.17 M 481.21 341.28 C 488.69 329.38 496.78 318.76 517.3 299.77 M 481.21 341.28 C 490.54 328.24 501.57 315.17 517.3 299.77 M 486.86 340.89 C 497.01 331.15 509.08 321.87 522.28 300.13 M 486.86 340.89 C 500.97 327.61 511.93 312.63 522.28 300.13 M 491.84 341.25 C 503.7 332.36 510.65 320.33 527.93 299.74 M 491.84 341.25 C 500.44 329.8 510.63 319.85 527.93 299.74 M 497.49 340.85 C 505.85 330.73 519.7 317.48 532.91 300.1 M 497.49 340.85 C 508.4 330.73 516.8 319.03 532.91 300.1 M 502.47 341.21 C 510.78 334.44 518.14 325.36 538.56 299.71 M 502.47 341.21 C 514.39 325.83 524.49 312.92 538.56 299.71 M 508.12 340.82 C 521.79 324.89 534.63 313.75 543.54 300.07 M 508.12 340.82 C 519.95 329.79 528.98 315.79 543.54 300.07 M 513.1 341.18 C 523.56 335.9 530.72 323.82 549.19 299.67 M 513.1 341.18 C 520.52 330.66 527.65 323.85 549.19 299.67 M 518.75 340.79 C 528.9 329.71 532.43 321.46 554.17 300.03 M 518.75 340.79 C 527.98 328.48 538.09 320.82 554.17 300.03 M 523.73 341.15 C 539.3 329.57 548.28 316.56 559.82 299.64 M 523.73 341.15 C 534.88 324.03 548.59 312.05 559.82 299.64 M 528.72 341.51 C 534.47 331.99 547.01 325.95 564.8 300 M 528.72 341.51 C 543.46 327.96 554.99 312.27 564.8 300 M 534.36 341.11 C 545.43 334.84 556.07 322.47 569.79 300.36 M 534.36 341.11 C 545.87 327.61 557.89 317.8 569.79 300.36 M 539.35 341.47 C 550.66 329.95 554.86 317.44 575.43 299.96 M 539.35 341.47 C 549.61 332.61 557.28 320.32 575.43 299.96 M 544.99 341.08 C 556.63 328.26 562.33 318.73 580.42 300.32 M 544.99 341.08 C 553.54 334.27 558.48 324.29 580.42 300.32 M 549.98 341.44 C 558.54 327.64 576.5 311.99 586.06 299.93 M 549.98 341.44 C 559.64 332.5 566.94 322.69 586.06 299.93 M 555.62 341.04 C 567.67 325.15 580.58 312.73 591.05 300.29 M 555.62 341.04 C 568.98 323.21 585.46 307.31 591.05 300.29 M 560.61 341.4 C 566.47 332.13 579.76 321.63 596.69 299.89 M 560.61 341.4 C 569.81 329.9 583.02 317.53 596.69 299.89 M 566.25 341.01 C 571.66 334.12 583.02 324.14 601.02 301.01 M 566.25 341.01 C 574.16 331.5 579.85 322.6 601.02 301.01 M 571.24 341.37 C 581.58 331.97 587.74 321.76 600.76 307.41 M 571.24 341.37 C 576.9 335.27 584.65 328.42 600.76 307.41 M 576.88 340.97 C 586.49 331.44 591.67 317.91 601.16 313.05 M 576.88 340.97 C 583.49 329.87 595.94 320.09 601.16 313.05 M 581.87 341.33 C 583.95 333.99 590.64 328.47 600.9 319.45 M 581.87 341.33 C 589.5 331.54 595.96 323.21 600.9 319.45 M 587.51 340.94 C 595.55 338.62 595.48 331.15 601.29 325.09 M 587.51 340.94 C 592.6 334.02 600.37 328.72 601.29 325.09 M 592.5 341.3 C 593.51 338.64 597.93 338.06 601.03 331.49 M 592.5 341.3 C 596.39 338.89 598.9 333.95 601.03 331.49 M 598.14 340.9 C 599.05 340.51 599.31 338.29 600.77 337.89 M 598.14 340.9 C 598.95 339.61 599.88 338.92 600.77 337.89" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480 300 C 517.07 298.93 556.19 299.67 600 300 M 480 300 C 514.85 302.27 549.4 300.27 600 300 M 600 300 C 599.41 304.99 597.33 317.09 600 340 M 600 300 C 599.72 315.21 598.42 327.72 600 340 M 600 340 C 570.1 337.06 541.16 338.39 480 340 M 600 340 C 572.26 336.97 540.28 339.02 480 340 M 480 340 C 476.26 331.26 480.16 314.01 480 300 M 480 340 C 481.78 329.32 481.57 314.91 480 300" fill="none" stroke="#82b366" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 320px; margin-left: 481px;"><div style="box-sizing: 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484.17 250.76 489.87 245.71 495.85 240.06 M 479.84 264.57 C 485.67 256.81 497.91 248.05 501.49 239.66 M 479.84 264.57 C 484.69 258.74 494.15 250.06 501.49 239.66 M 480.24 270.21 C 484.52 257.82 493.54 249.27 506.48 240.02 M 480.24 270.21 C 485.62 262.4 491.12 255.57 506.48 240.02 M 479.98 276.61 C 484.06 265.77 496.26 261.42 512.12 239.63 M 479.98 276.61 C 491.17 262.41 500.04 251.63 512.12 239.63 M 481.03 281.5 C 492.64 261.77 512.22 247.52 517.11 239.99 M 481.03 281.5 C 490.68 270.78 502.76 258.2 517.11 239.99 M 486.67 281.1 C 500.7 267.44 506.68 257.07 522.1 240.35 M 486.67 281.1 C 492.61 272.45 501.3 263.07 522.1 240.35 M 491.66 281.46 C 505.6 270.2 517.23 255.71 527.74 239.95 M 491.66 281.46 C 501.48 269.67 512.83 257.22 527.74 239.95 M 497.3 281.07 C 505.14 266.46 521.99 252.38 532.73 240.31 M 497.3 281.07 C 511.08 265.19 520.13 252.6 532.73 240.31 M 502.29 281.43 C 515.19 266.23 526.32 255.87 538.37 239.92 M 502.29 281.43 C 509.25 270.24 519.04 263.57 538.37 239.92 M 507.93 281.03 C 522.96 270.96 531.98 253.85 543.36 240.28 M 507.93 281.03 C 518.83 267.84 528.69 256.07 543.36 240.28 M 512.92 281.39 C 529.38 268.33 544.57 248.75 549 239.88 M 512.92 281.39 C 524.62 267.49 534.81 254.76 549 239.88 M 518.56 281 C 527.35 268.5 538.08 264.04 553.99 240.24 M 518.56 281 C 527.92 271.43 534.99 262.45 553.99 240.24 M 523.55 281.36 C 530.4 273.38 540.45 265.4 559.63 239.85 M 523.55 281.36 C 529.52 272.87 538.65 265.94 559.63 239.85 M 529.19 280.96 C 541.41 267.49 558.55 249.77 564.62 240.21 M 529.19 280.96 C 534.73 274.78 543.22 264.89 564.62 240.21 M 534.18 281.32 C 540.59 271.43 548.53 260.77 570.26 239.82 M 534.18 281.32 C 542.41 272.5 550.75 262.35 570.26 239.82 M 539.82 280.93 C 551.43 267.39 562.38 257.04 575.25 240.18 M 539.82 280.93 C 552.79 266.65 565.71 250.78 575.25 240.18 M 544.81 281.29 C 557.65 273.44 560.63 262.93 580.89 239.78 M 544.81 281.29 C 556.56 268.62 567.12 254.27 580.89 239.78 M 550.45 280.9 C 561.37 268.47 573.38 251.76 585.88 240.14 M 550.45 280.9 C 561.93 268.05 575.75 252.62 585.88 240.14 M 555.44 281.26 C 568.73 268.45 578.36 249.63 591.52 239.75 M 555.44 281.26 C 562.28 271.36 573.07 260.5 591.52 239.75 M 561.08 280.86 C 571.12 272.72 581.88 257.57 596.51 240.11 M 561.08 280.86 C 574.8 264.31 587.66 251.06 596.51 240.11 M 566.07 281.22 C 573.53 270.84 588.66 260.29 600.84 241.22 M 566.07 281.22 C 574.82 271.32 584.4 260.4 600.84 241.22 M 571.71 280.83 C 581.32 266.44 591.26 259.66 601.23 246.86 M 571.71 280.83 C 578.2 270.4 586.12 262.87 601.23 246.86 M 576.7 281.19 C 578.12 277.1 586.65 272.55 600.97 253.26 M 576.7 281.19 C 581.59 274.69 588.47 267.68 600.97 253.26 M 582.34 280.79 C 589.86 275.49 597.97 265.4 601.37 258.91 M 582.34 280.79 C 590.45 272.8 596.12 264.67 601.37 258.91 M 587.33 281.15 C 592.35 277.34 599.51 269.33 601.11 265.3 M 587.33 281.15 C 590.49 275.6 595.07 272.34 601.11 265.3 M 592.32 281.51 C 594.86 279 595.62 277.49 600.84 271.7 M 592.32 281.51 C 595.15 279.36 597.06 276.75 600.84 271.7 M 597.96 281.12 C 598.2 279.56 599.63 278.61 601.24 277.34 M 597.96 281.12 C 599.61 279.45 600.29 278.09 601.24 277.34" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480 240 C 522.78 238.77 559.55 239.91 600 240 M 480 240 C 525.88 241.25 568.22 241.68 600 240 M 600 240 C 598.08 250.74 601.72 261.58 600 280 M 600 240 C 598.32 253.76 598.81 264.84 600 280 M 600 280 C 573.5 279.75 553.14 284.08 480 280 M 600 280 C 565.84 277.73 530.99 277.56 480 280 M 480 280 C 481.82 273.59 478.79 262.33 480 240 M 480 280 C 478.32 271.1 478.44 258.31 480 240" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div 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322.53 242.56 325.2 240.11 M 319.69 252.55 C 321.43 246.72 322.5 250.09 330.84 239.72 M 319.69 252.55 C 322.74 248.28 328.58 242.24 330.84 239.72 M 320.09 258.19 C 320.69 250.11 331.01 246.48 335.83 240.08 M 320.09 258.19 C 325.37 253.7 329.04 246.21 335.83 240.08 M 319.82 264.59 C 328.98 258.57 335.13 247.21 341.47 239.69 M 319.82 264.59 C 328.04 256.18 332.87 246.03 341.47 239.69 M 320.22 270.23 C 332.54 262.79 335.79 247.53 346.46 240.05 M 320.22 270.23 C 328.35 259.26 335.9 252.6 346.46 240.05 M 319.96 276.63 C 324.74 265.63 334.67 260.87 352.1 239.65 M 319.96 276.63 C 333.91 261.98 343.04 251.63 352.1 239.65 M 321.01 281.52 C 336.11 269.31 340.25 256.4 357.09 240.01 M 321.01 281.52 C 329.65 267.46 339.82 255.86 357.09 240.01 M 326.65 281.13 C 334.97 277.16 337.7 264.79 362.08 240.37 M 326.65 281.13 C 340.04 268 350.36 253.53 362.08 240.37 M 331.64 281.49 C 340.89 267.23 346.65 256.12 367.72 239.98 M 331.64 281.49 C 343.91 265.01 357.58 251.54 367.72 239.98 M 337.28 281.09 C 353.7 264.1 360.55 248.37 372.71 240.34 M 337.28 281.09 C 345.69 269.85 356.95 259.64 372.71 240.34 M 342.27 281.45 C 352.46 270.81 371.91 250.21 378.35 239.94 M 342.27 281.45 C 349.86 272.91 362.26 262.44 378.35 239.94 M 347.91 281.06 C 364.74 267.97 373.21 254.77 383.34 240.3 M 347.91 281.06 C 358.56 268.95 366.1 261.65 383.34 240.3 M 352.9 281.42 C 366.93 266.51 383.73 248.52 388.98 239.91 M 352.9 281.42 C 364.29 269.06 373.38 256.79 388.98 239.91 M 358.54 281.02 C 372.6 267.08 381.75 254.21 393.97 240.27 M 358.54 281.02 C 371.25 266.2 383.31 250.43 393.97 240.27 M 363.53 281.38 C 372.83 273.75 384.25 259.53 399.61 239.87 M 363.53 281.38 C 371.93 272.11 382.33 258.66 399.61 239.87 M 369.17 280.99 C 385.18 266.14 389.63 249.03 404.6 240.23 M 369.17 280.99 C 380.59 269.82 389.64 258.69 404.6 240.23 M 374.16 281.35 C 386.16 272.3 395.58 257.14 410.24 239.84 M 374.16 281.35 C 380.29 271.46 392.09 260.8 410.24 239.84 M 379.8 280.95 C 391.59 269.68 401.33 255.41 415.23 240.2 M 379.8 280.95 C 389.96 270.35 399.54 255.26 415.23 240.2 M 384.79 281.31 C 398.09 264.9 403.31 252.77 420.87 239.8 M 384.79 281.31 C 397.11 270.96 407.41 256.52 420.87 239.8 M 390.43 280.92 C 400.14 262.7 416.68 251.39 425.86 240.16 M 390.43 280.92 C 404.44 266.59 416.53 247.73 425.86 240.16 M 395.42 281.28 C 402.69 265.82 413.24 258.76 431.5 239.77 M 395.42 281.28 C 407.16 265.82 420.48 253.04 431.5 239.77 M 401.06 280.88 C 417.25 267.86 430.41 250.83 436.49 240.13 M 401.06 280.88 C 411.49 269.95 424.97 254.64 436.49 240.13 M 406.05 281.24 C 416.01 270.48 430.69 250.78 440.82 241.24 M 406.05 281.24 C 418.91 266.54 432.25 251.6 440.82 241.24 M 411.69 280.85 C 415.29 272.47 426.89 263.33 441.21 246.89 M 411.69 280.85 C 423.86 269.76 432.08 256.87 441.21 246.89 M 416.68 281.21 C 419.42 274.92 428.38 261.13 440.95 253.29 M 416.68 281.21 C 420.75 276.29 425.37 269.24 440.95 253.29 M 422.32 280.81 C 429.8 275.21 436.94 260.34 441.35 258.93 M 422.32 280.81 C 425.34 276.8 429.61 273.45 441.35 258.93 M 427.31 281.18 C 434.93 274.38 432.56 273.29 441.09 265.33 M 427.31 281.18 C 429.99 278.07 434.98 271.74 441.09 265.33 M 432.95 280.78 C 436.21 275.73 438.18 274.45 440.82 271.72 M 432.95 280.78 C 435.56 277.78 440.19 273.05 440.82 271.72 M 437.94 281.14 C 438.56 279.59 440.17 280.27 441.22 277.37 M 437.94 281.14 C 438.88 279.36 440.61 278.02 441.22 277.37" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 240 C 358.21 241.65 398.27 243.59 440 240 M 320 240 C 355.94 240 393.87 241.32 440 240 M 440 240 C 437.01 254.24 444.09 262.56 440 280 M 440 240 C 439.51 250.85 439.6 263.09 440 280 M 440 280 C 396.3 277.14 361.08 279.46 320 280 M 440 280 C 396.99 279.25 352.42 278.63 320 280 M 320 280 C 323.35 270.25 322.43 254.96 320 240 M 320 280 C 321 266.65 317.79 253.1 320 240" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g 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701.3 284.64 697.92 287.8 695.86 287.35 M 699.39 280 C 702.77 279.22 695.8 288.6 695.86 287.35 M 695.86 287.35 C 698.86 285.73 703.96 290.25 709.29 291.67 M 695.86 287.35 C 698.21 287.58 703.73 289.39 709.29 291.67" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 68px; height: 1px; padding-top: 320px; margin-left: 641px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: 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80 380 M 40 386.79 C 44.15 382.43 53.78 382.38 80 380 M 80 380 C 93.53 379.11 103.18 383.59 108.28 381.99 M 80 380 C 86.78 382.1 101.46 383.21 108.28 381.99 M 108.28 381.99 C 116.35 380.52 121.02 386.2 120 386.79 M 108.28 381.99 C 114.63 385.9 118.28 380.98 120 386.79 M 120 386.79 C 122.87 409.59 115.98 430 120 453.21 M 120 386.79 C 118.6 409.32 118.86 434.94 120 453.21 M 120 453.21 C 121.13 455.36 116.61 454.74 108.28 458.01 M 120 453.21 C 115.51 453.16 117.52 453.58 108.28 458.01 M 108.28 458.01 C 97.44 459.3 87.32 459.32 80 460 M 108.28 458.01 C 104.08 459.84 91.62 458.94 80 460 M 80 460 C 57.45 458.32 37.18 459.62 40 453.21 M 80 460 C 53.55 463.75 41.78 460.95 40 453.21 M 40 453.21 C 39.35 427.51 43.02 400.7 40 386.79 M 40 453.21 C 41.75 430.98 41.09 406.55 40 386.79" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 120 386.79 M 120 386.79 C 121.1 391.24 119.65 390.4 108.28 391.6 M 120 386.79 C 120.18 389.01 120 387.6 108.28 391.6 M 108.28 391.6 C 98.84 391.6 90.22 394.28 80 393.59 M 108.28 391.6 C 100.32 393.17 93.92 397.49 80 393.59 M 80 393.59 C 60.24 396.32 41.39 393.66 40 386.79 M 80 393.59 C 53.94 392.59 39.8 391.14 40 386.79" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 78px; height: 1px; padding-top: 426px; margin-left: 41px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); 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fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 220 L 220 233.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 220 238.88 L 216.5 231.88 L 220 233.63 L 223.5 231.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 220 M 220 220 C 219.1 224.38 218.32 226.86 220 233.63 M 220 220 C 220.95 223.15 221.36 228.68 220 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 216.57 231.81 C 216.57 231.81 216.57 231.81 216.57 231.81 M 216.57 231.81 C 216.57 231.81 216.57 231.81 216.57 231.81 M 218.27 235.94 C 218.85 235.63 219.36 235 220.24 233.67 M 218.27 235.94 C 219.06 234.92 219.56 234.23 220.24 233.67" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 238.88 M 220 238.88 C 219.96 238.4 217.34 235.92 216.5 231.88 M 220 238.88 C 218.31 236.57 217.39 234.82 216.5 231.88 M 216.5 231.88 C 217.47 232.47 217.67 233.25 220 233.63 M 216.5 231.88 C 217.36 232.33 217.7 232.67 220 233.63 M 220 233.63 C 221.04 233.06 221.55 232.08 223.5 231.88 M 220 233.63 C 220.78 233.3 222.06 233 223.5 231.88 M 223.5 231.88 C 221 235.3 222.51 236.09 220 238.88 M 223.5 231.88 C 222.31 234.7 220.71 236.46 220 238.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 160 L 380 173.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 178.88 L 376.5 171.88 L 380 173.63 L 383.5 171.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 160 M 380 160 C 379.31 163 382.69 167.64 380 173.63 M 380 160 C 380.2 163.34 380.76 169.23 380 173.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.4 172 C 376.4 172 376.4 172 376.4 172 M 376.4 172 C 376.4 172 376.4 172 376.4 172 M 378.76 175.37 C 379.46 174.55 379.8 174.69 380.07 173.86 M 378.76 175.37 C 379.28 174.76 379.71 174.41 380.07 173.86" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 178.88 M 380 178.88 C 378.83 177.34 378.41 172.43 376.5 171.88 M 380 178.88 C 379.06 177 378.85 174.73 376.5 171.88 M 376.5 171.88 C 377.41 172.45 379.22 172.94 380 173.63 M 376.5 171.88 C 377.37 172.26 378.11 172.5 380 173.63 M 380 173.63 C 380.82 172.84 382.21 172.56 383.5 171.88 M 380 173.63 C 380.88 173.38 381.28 172.96 383.5 171.88 M 383.5 171.88 C 383.12 173.06 379.73 177.96 380 178.88 M 383.5 171.88 C 382.61 174.5 381.21 175.95 380 178.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 220 L 380 233.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 238.88 L 376.5 231.88 L 380 233.63 L 383.5 231.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 220 M 380 220 C 377.8 227.04 379.57 226.5 380 233.63 M 380 220 C 379.14 221.89 379.13 224.97 380 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.59 231.78 C 376.59 231.78 376.59 231.78 376.59 231.78 M 376.59 231.78 C 376.59 231.78 376.59 231.78 376.59 231.78 M 378.29 235.92 C 379.24 235.28 379.47 235 380.26 233.65 M 378.29 235.92 C 378.78 235.56 379.05 235.03 380.26 233.65" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 238.88 M 380 238.88 C 378.51 235.38 376.64 235.04 376.5 231.88 M 380 238.88 C 378.14 236.7 377.03 234.84 376.5 231.88 M 376.5 231.88 C 378.17 232.33 378.41 233.42 380 233.63 M 376.5 231.88 C 378.18 232.48 379.52 232.92 380 233.63 M 380 233.63 C 381.72 233.41 382.13 232.13 383.5 231.88 M 380 233.63 C 380.79 233.17 382.35 232.15 383.5 231.88 M 383.5 231.88 C 381.53 233.99 382.51 237 380 238.88 M 383.5 231.88 C 382.07 234.27 381.58 235.74 380 238.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 160 L 540 173.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 540 178.88 L 536.5 171.88 L 540 173.63 L 543.5 171.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 160 M 540 160 C 541.74 165.63 541.91 170.81 540 173.63 M 540 160 C 540.81 163.16 540.22 168.88 540 173.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 536.42 171.97 C 536.42 171.97 536.42 171.97 536.42 171.97 M 536.42 171.97 C 536.42 171.97 536.42 171.97 536.42 171.97 M 538.13 176.11 C 539.06 174.87 539.02 174.11 540.09 173.84 M 538.13 176.11 C 538.32 175.72 538.82 175.18 540.09 173.84" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 178.88 M 540 178.88 C 537.9 176.55 537.71 174.51 536.5 171.88 M 540 178.88 C 539.07 176.53 537.05 173.52 536.5 171.88 M 536.5 171.88 C 537.43 172.2 537.67 172.34 540 173.63 M 536.5 171.88 C 537.5 172.36 538.74 173.43 540 173.63 M 540 173.63 C 540.42 172.78 540.72 172.39 543.5 171.88 M 540 173.63 C 540.71 173.3 541.16 172.82 543.5 171.88 M 543.5 171.88 C 542.37 173.18 540.75 175.71 540 178.88 M 543.5 171.88 C 543.1 174.04 541.96 175.53 540 178.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 220 L 540 233.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 540 238.88 L 536.5 231.88 L 540 233.63 L 543.5 231.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 220 M 540 220 C 540.23 224.21 538.79 229.67 540 233.63 M 540 220 C 539.75 224.43 541.3 230.07 540 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 536.61 231.76 C 536.61 231.76 536.61 231.76 536.61 231.76 M 536.61 231.76 C 536.61 231.76 536.61 231.76 536.61 231.76 M 538.31 235.89 C 538.85 235.62 539.34 234.84 540.28 233.63 M 538.31 235.89 C 538.82 235.47 538.93 234.92 540.28 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 238.88 M 540 238.88 C 537.57 237.57 539.07 233.85 536.5 231.88 M 540 238.88 C 538.43 236.37 537.07 233.77 536.5 231.88 M 536.5 231.88 C 537.32 232.57 539.83 233.66 540 233.63 M 536.5 231.88 C 537.54 232.23 538.67 233.16 540 233.63 M 540 233.63 C 541.32 233.35 542.21 231.96 543.5 231.88 M 540 233.63 C 541.4 232.95 542.22 232.65 543.5 231.88 M 543.5 231.88 C 544.2 234.1 540.68 234.75 540 238.88 M 543.5 231.88 C 541.86 235.21 540.93 238.11 540 238.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 280 L 540 293.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 540 298.88 L 536.5 291.88 L 540 293.63 L 543.5 291.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 280 M 540 280 C 538.72 282.8 541.13 288.53 540 293.63 M 540 280 C 541.42 282.98 539.67 285.8 540 293.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 536.79 291.55 C 536.79 291.55 536.79 291.55 536.79 291.55 M 536.79 291.55 C 536.79 291.55 536.79 291.55 536.79 291.55 M 538.5 295.68 C 538.93 294.8 539.15 294.74 540.47 293.42 M 538.5 295.68 C 539.11 294.85 539.84 293.83 540.47 293.42" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 298.88 M 540 298.88 C 540.37 298.74 537.29 296.46 536.5 291.88 M 540 298.88 C 539.78 297.61 538.21 295.25 536.5 291.88 M 536.5 291.88 C 538.08 292.45 539.02 292.57 540 293.63 M 536.5 291.88 C 537.65 292.1 537.9 292.88 540 293.63 M 540 293.63 C 540.72 292.36 542.2 293.1 543.5 291.88 M 540 293.63 C 540.6 293.08 541.88 292.54 543.5 291.88 M 543.5 291.88 C 541.91 293.16 542.05 296.46 540 298.88 M 543.5 291.88 C 542.89 294.98 541.31 296.33 540 298.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 170 40 L 280 40 L 290 60 L 280 80 L 170 80 L 180 60 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 171.11 37.51 L 282.93 40.1 L 287.61 56.07 L 282.22 83.06 L 170.06 78.73 L 177.04 58.5 L 172.07 41.05" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 170 40 M 170 40 C 216.16 44.77 251.38 39.9 280 40 M 170 40 C 206.71 39.59 242.22 38.88 280 40 M 280 40 C 286.14 48.56 286.91 55.41 290 60 M 280 40 C 283.96 46.88 288.39 51.13 290 60 M 290 60 C 288.84 65.1 280.86 71.1 280 80 M 290 60 C 285.61 65.48 283.95 73.48 280 80 M 280 80 C 257.72 80.77 230.88 79.18 170 80 M 280 80 C 244.93 78.39 214.04 78.93 170 80 M 170 80 C 173.16 79.02 172.05 74.41 180 60 M 170 80 C 173.7 74.04 178.91 66.47 180 60 M 180 60 C 179.57 54.34 169.58 42.51 170 40 M 180 60 C 177.28 52.92 171.62 43.68 170 40" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; 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40 C 442.58 47.94 445.46 54.78 450 60 M 450 60 C 446.22 63.91 447.9 72.33 440 80 M 450 60 C 447.72 64.38 442.88 71.09 440 80 M 440 80 C 404.75 84.55 379.15 78.49 330 80 M 440 80 C 417.75 80.13 394.09 82.5 330 80 M 330 80 C 329.22 73.62 339.1 64.51 340 60 M 330 80 C 331.12 74.7 337.99 64.55 340 60 M 340 60 C 340.75 57.57 334.93 53.57 330 40 M 340 60 C 336.65 52.67 332.65 46.32 330 40" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 331px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" 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568.57 77.47 534.13 77.67 490 80 M 490 80 C 491.28 72.21 494.15 70.62 500 60 M 490 80 C 493.35 75.35 497.87 66.62 500 60 M 500 60 C 499.93 56.8 496.27 48.62 490 40 M 500 60 C 495.22 52.41 492.88 44.95 490 40" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 491px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Checks</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="550" y="64" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Checks</text></switch></g><path d="M 120 420 L 133.63 420" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 138.88 420 L 131.88 423.5 L 133.63 420 L 131.88 416.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 120 420 M 120 420 C 122.2 422.01 126.81 421.06 133.63 420 M 120 420 C 123.55 420.75 129.68 419.02 133.63 420" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 131.85 416.54 C 131.85 416.54 131.85 416.54 131.85 416.54 M 131.85 416.54 C 131.85 416.54 131.85 416.54 131.85 416.54 M 134.21 419.92 C 134.66 419.45 134.88 418.68 135.52 418.41 M 134.21 419.92 C 134.9 419.43 135.14 418.54 135.52 418.41" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 138.88 420 M 138.88 420 C 134.61 420.01 132.13 423.78 131.88 423.5 M 138.88 420 C 137.08 421.82 134.57 422.44 131.88 423.5 M 131.88 423.5 C 132.96 422.3 131.95 421.71 133.63 420 M 131.88 423.5 C 132.76 422.84 133.17 421.71 133.63 420 M 133.63 420 C 133.53 418.81 132.31 417.43 131.88 416.5 M 133.63 420 C 132.64 418.88 132.53 417.04 131.88 416.5 M 131.88 416.5 C 133.89 417.84 135.41 419.59 138.88 420 M 131.88 416.5 C 134.48 418.29 137.05 419.44 138.88 420" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 600 320 L 633.63 320" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 638.88 320 L 631.88 323.5 L 633.63 320 L 631.88 316.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 600 320 M 600 320 C 611.13 323.31 624.22 323.08 633.63 320 M 600 320 C 614.7 318.82 626.63 320.32 633.63 320" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 632.17 316.16 C 632.17 316.16 632.17 316.16 632.17 316.16 M 632.17 316.16 C 632.17 316.16 632.17 316.16 632.17 316.16 M 633.88 320.29 C 634.45 319 635.33 318.23 635.85 318.03 M 633.88 320.29 C 634.06 319.62 634.88 319.55 635.85 318.03" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 638.88 320 M 638.88 320 C 636.87 321.02 636.14 323.3 631.88 323.5 M 638.88 320 C 636.36 321.09 635.47 321.83 631.88 323.5 M 631.88 323.5 C 632.31 321.99 633.01 321.9 633.63 320 M 631.88 323.5 C 632.28 321.82 633.55 320.52 633.63 320 M 633.63 320 C 633.26 318.22 631.62 317.25 631.88 316.5 M 633.63 320 C 632.93 319.17 632.87 318.14 631.88 316.5 M 631.88 316.5 C 633.02 316.38 634.74 318.15 638.88 320 M 631.88 316.5 C 634.34 318.21 637.57 319.24 638.88 320" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 280 L 220 490 L 300 490 L 300 100 L 380 100 L 380 113.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 118.88 L 376.5 111.88 L 380 113.63 L 383.5 111.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 280 M 220 280 C 224.9 348.36 222.56 417.72 220 490 M 220 280 C 218.72 350.66 219.65 419.83 220 490 M 220 490 C 236.57 486.81 260.19 489.93 300 490 M 220 490 C 249.44 491.48 281.83 489.63 300 490 M 300 490 C 295.17 398.03 297.25 308.61 300 100 M 300 490 C 295.81 353.76 297.33 216.57 300 100 M 300 100 C 330.35 96.83 354.27 100.55 380 100 M 300 100 C 324.28 101.97 347.04 101.58 380 100 M 380 100 C 380.06 101.75 378.73 106.25 380 113.63 M 380 100 C 378.61 103.54 380.29 106.92 380 113.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.21 112.21 C 376.21 112.21 376.21 112.21 376.21 112.21 M 376.21 112.21 C 376.21 112.21 376.21 112.21 376.21 112.21 M 378.58 115.59 C 378.62 114.97 379.38 114.92 379.89 114.08 M 378.58 115.59 C 378.98 115.19 379.68 114.43 379.89 114.08" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 118.88 M 380 118.88 C 378.2 115.93 378.79 114.74 376.5 111.88 M 380 118.88 C 378.38 116.63 378.18 113.8 376.5 111.88 M 376.5 111.88 C 378.09 111.94 378.41 113.29 380 113.63 M 376.5 111.88 C 377.76 112.76 378.72 113.18 380 113.63 M 380 113.63 C 381.19 112.36 381.88 111.92 383.5 111.88 M 380 113.63 C 380.65 113.03 382.11 112.42 383.5 111.88 M 383.5 111.88 C 381.42 112.75 382.41 116.11 380 118.88 M 383.5 111.88 C 382.67 114.35 380.82 115.11 380 118.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="320" y="300" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 319.74 300.3 C 319.74 300.3 319.74 300.3 319.74 300.3 M 319.74 300.3 C 319.74 300.3 319.74 300.3 319.74 300.3 M 320.14 305.94 C 322.13 302.27 325.45 301.13 325.39 299.9 M 320.14 305.94 C 321.88 303.73 323.01 302.47 325.39 299.9 M 319.88 312.34 C 322.3 308.2 325.84 306.89 330.37 300.26 M 319.88 312.34 C 324 308.78 325.6 307.14 330.37 300.26 M 320.27 317.98 C 328.65 311.01 328.1 307.08 336.02 299.87 M 320.27 317.98 C 323.77 313.77 327.13 310.96 336.02 299.87 M 320.01 324.38 C 330.48 316.93 336.47 305.99 341 300.23 M 320.01 324.38 C 329.48 316.94 337.08 307.65 341 300.23 M 319.75 330.78 C 329.51 325.34 335 314.16 346.65 299.83 M 319.75 330.78 C 326.5 323.81 335.91 316.03 346.65 299.83 M 320.14 336.42 C 327.74 327.57 338.08 312.51 351.63 300.19 M 320.14 336.42 C 328.08 328.03 337.64 317.26 351.63 300.19 M 321.19 341.31 C 329.64 329.29 339.58 318.01 357.28 299.8 M 321.19 341.31 C 333.97 328.81 345.83 313.87 357.28 299.8 M 326.84 340.91 C 335.33 326.57 346.53 315.62 362.26 300.16 M 326.84 340.91 C 334.38 331.12 341.41 322.67 362.26 300.16 M 331.82 341.27 C 341.94 324.37 356.74 316.4 367.91 299.76 M 331.82 341.27 C 341.46 327.71 355.88 313.93 367.91 299.76 M 337.47 340.88 C 345.62 331.95 360.48 315.76 372.89 300.12 M 337.47 340.88 C 351.42 325.91 363.82 307.35 372.89 300.12 M 342.45 341.24 C 350.33 325.17 365.26 317.37 378.54 299.73 M 342.45 341.24 C 351.56 327.85 361.47 315.86 378.54 299.73 M 348.1 340.84 C 363.61 329.08 378.05 310.05 383.52 300.09 M 348.1 340.84 C 360.42 323.84 372.72 311.8 383.52 300.09 M 353.08 341.2 C 360.47 331.64 371.66 325.21 389.17 299.69 M 353.08 341.2 C 363.31 332 372.16 317.06 389.17 299.69 M 358.73 340.81 C 368.35 327.39 374.84 317.57 394.15 300.05 M 358.73 340.81 C 367.21 330.37 377.38 318.94 394.15 300.05 M 363.71 341.17 C 376.85 325.93 387.82 310.33 399.8 299.66 M 363.71 341.17 C 369.74 331 376.44 322.86 399.8 299.66 M 368.7 341.53 C 381.42 323.93 394.13 308.6 404.78 300.02 M 368.7 341.53 C 379.08 329.16 392.41 313.12 404.78 300.02 M 374.34 341.13 C 385.78 331.31 393.82 317.72 410.43 299.63 M 374.34 341.13 C 381.29 331.1 391.58 321.2 410.43 299.63 M 379.33 341.49 C 388.22 329.05 401.55 320.73 415.41 299.99 M 379.33 341.49 C 387.06 331.04 398.68 318.85 415.41 299.99 M 384.97 341.1 C 395.51 324.94 411.59 313.55 420.4 300.35 M 384.97 341.1 C 393.29 329.69 405.26 319.52 420.4 300.35 M 389.96 341.46 C 394.38 328.89 407.92 321.94 426.04 299.95 M 389.96 341.46 C 400.96 325.56 413.73 309.28 426.04 299.95 M 395.6 341.07 C 403.14 329.41 415.02 318.04 431.03 300.31 M 395.6 341.07 C 408.4 326.67 420.33 314.46 431.03 300.31 M 400.59 341.43 C 413.07 329.37 420.69 321.19 436.67 299.92 M 400.59 341.43 C 407.63 329.93 419.62 322.35 436.67 299.92 M 406.23 341.03 C 422.07 327.85 430.95 312.83 441 301.03 M 406.23 341.03 C 412.46 332.63 424.07 321.99 441 301.03 M 411.22 341.39 C 423.04 333.4 430.78 322.86 441.4 306.67 M 411.22 341.39 C 423.21 329.53 433.97 313.02 441.4 306.67 M 416.86 341 C 419.75 331.24 432.39 326.25 441.14 313.07 M 416.86 341 C 425.07 332.27 431.85 322.85 441.14 313.07 M 421.85 341.36 C 427.02 336.44 427.64 332.88 440.88 319.47 M 421.85 341.36 C 429.03 333.88 432.23 328.78 440.88 319.47 M 427.49 340.96 C 436.35 337.02 439.95 330.14 441.27 325.11 M 427.49 340.96 C 430.78 334.51 438.14 330.77 441.27 325.11 M 432.48 341.32 C 432.58 340.08 438.36 336.32 441.01 331.51 M 432.48 341.32 C 435.43 336.36 439.14 334.74 441.01 331.51 M 438.12 340.93 C 440.14 340.08 441.19 338.72 441.4 337.15 M 438.12 340.93 C 439.3 340 439.96 339.47 441.4 337.15" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 300 C 367.45 303.38 412.29 299.74 440 300 M 320 300 C 345.43 300.67 373.26 301.63 440 300 M 440 300 C 441.69 309.2 437.65 326.28 440 340 M 440 300 C 440.12 312.61 440.61 323.87 440 340 M 440 340 C 413.34 339.39 383.94 344.21 320 340 M 440 340 C 401.6 341.83 361.13 343.67 320 340 M 320 340 C 320.45 323.16 317.96 307.35 320 300 M 320 340 C 320.96 326.93 319.11 313.76 320 300" fill="none" stroke="#82b366" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 320px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Don't forget to drink, eat and sleep</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="380" y="324" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Don't forget to drin...</text></switch></g><rect x="320" y="420" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320.11 419.87 C 320.11 419.87 320.11 419.87 320.11 419.87 M 320.11 419.87 C 320.11 419.87 320.11 419.87 320.11 419.87 M 319.85 426.27 C 321.03 423 322.7 423.02 325.1 420.23 M 319.85 426.27 C 321.65 424.43 322.42 422.56 325.1 420.23 M 320.25 431.91 C 321.98 429.52 323.18 424.52 330.74 419.83 M 320.25 431.91 C 322.39 427.78 326.3 427.5 330.74 419.83 M 319.99 438.31 C 320.4 435.52 328.08 428.54 335.73 420.19 M 319.99 438.31 C 323.85 433.4 332.33 424.52 335.73 420.19 M 319.72 444.71 C 325.78 437.86 333.94 432.02 341.37 419.8 M 319.72 444.71 C 327.81 435.27 335.02 428.25 341.37 419.8 M 320.12 450.35 C 328.56 440.98 336.14 431.24 346.36 420.16 M 320.12 450.35 C 328.23 440.41 335.5 432.99 346.36 420.16 M 319.86 456.75 C 328.36 447.51 336.61 431.83 352 419.77 M 319.86 456.75 C 329.25 447.72 335.24 437.16 352 419.77 M 321.56 460.88 C 325.36 448.54 335.73 446.77 356.99 420.13 M 321.56 460.88 C 333.13 450.69 342.89 436.96 356.99 420.13 M 326.55 461.24 C 336.66 446.77 351.92 433.39 362.63 419.73 M 326.55 461.24 C 340.14 446.72 353.02 432.91 362.63 419.73 M 332.19 460.85 C 339.11 449.15 347.88 436.74 367.62 420.09 M 332.19 460.85 C 344.04 446.88 360.53 428.38 367.62 420.09 M 337.18 461.21 C 346.14 451.05 359.23 432.95 373.26 419.7 M 337.18 461.21 C 349.97 446.64 360.78 434.22 373.26 419.7 M 342.82 460.81 C 355.78 450.97 362.83 433.14 378.25 420.06 M 342.82 460.81 C 356.35 446.32 364.65 434.76 378.25 420.06 M 347.81 461.17 C 358.21 454.37 365.17 439.23 383.89 419.66 M 347.81 461.17 C 358.47 449.02 372.67 433.19 383.89 419.66 M 353.45 460.78 C 358.28 449.54 370.93 444.87 388.88 420.02 M 353.45 460.78 C 363.22 447.88 370.8 437.59 388.88 420.02 M 358.44 461.14 C 375.2 446.01 380.34 435.51 394.52 419.63 M 358.44 461.14 C 367.32 453.44 371.54 443.21 394.52 419.63 M 363.43 461.5 C 373.46 454.9 378.59 441.36 399.51 419.99 M 363.43 461.5 C 371.89 451.98 383.86 441.32 399.51 419.99 M 369.07 461.1 C 378.95 443.85 394.72 437.43 404.5 420.35 M 369.07 461.1 C 378.03 452.16 384.61 443.29 404.5 420.35 M 374.06 461.46 C 391.09 444.48 400.6 434.4 410.14 419.95 M 374.06 461.46 C 384.56 448.93 394.31 438.51 410.14 419.95 M 379.7 461.07 C 388.62 451.09 392.55 447.04 415.13 420.31 M 379.7 461.07 C 391.55 446.33 406.75 430.95 415.13 420.31 M 384.69 461.43 C 395.91 445.88 414.46 432.63 420.77 419.92 M 384.69 461.43 C 392.1 450.71 403.99 440.24 420.77 419.92 M 390.33 461.03 C 401.39 450.86 411.31 441.48 425.76 420.28 M 390.33 461.03 C 403.64 445.35 418.44 429.9 425.76 420.28 M 395.32 461.39 C 405.03 456.29 410.03 440.47 431.4 419.88 M 395.32 461.39 C 402.02 449.49 413.49 439.4 431.4 419.88 M 400.96 461 C 404.34 450.98 415.09 441.28 436.39 420.24 M 400.96 461 C 415.64 447.14 427.17 429.53 436.39 420.24 M 405.95 461.36 C 417.5 447.59 427.16 439.22 441.38 420.6 M 405.95 461.36 C 416.5 447.92 428.09 433.01 441.38 420.6 M 411.59 460.96 C 417.22 450.02 426.42 445.35 441.11 427 M 411.59 460.96 C 419.1 451.54 428.01 440.75 441.11 427 M 416.58 461.32 C 421.91 449.36 434.97 443.14 440.85 433.4 M 416.58 461.32 C 423.97 453.21 432.48 443.74 440.85 433.4 M 422.22 460.93 C 427.35 456.47 435 448.14 441.25 439.04 M 422.22 460.93 C 427.23 453.06 432.85 448.36 441.25 439.04 M 427.21 461.29 C 430.66 454.37 432.73 454.41 440.99 445.44 M 427.21 461.29 C 434.01 453.83 437.78 451.02 440.99 445.44 M 432.85 460.9 C 434.33 456.35 436.28 457.91 441.38 451.08 M 432.85 460.9 C 436.69 459.06 439.2 454.29 441.38 451.08 M 437.84 461.26 C 438.23 460.42 439.47 458.68 441.12 457.48 M 437.84 461.26 C 438.3 460.22 439.01 459.7 441.12 457.48" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 420 C 362.88 418.26 411.02 415.42 440 420 M 320 420 C 363.5 418.63 406.91 420.46 440 420 M 440 420 C 439.02 432.7 438.42 447.26 440 460 M 440 420 C 441.31 429.7 441.39 442.11 440 460 M 440 460 C 396.14 459.97 351.89 454.79 320 460 M 440 460 C 412.75 458.55 390.56 455.94 320 460 M 320 460 C 321.98 447.82 321.61 443.98 320 420 M 320 460 C 319.64 450.48 318.46 440.55 320 420" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 440px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" 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384.16 C 325.37 379.1 336.42 369.72 341.19 360.01 M 320.19 384.16 C 327.61 378.14 332.16 369.1 341.19 360.01 M 319.93 390.56 C 321.78 386.68 327.84 376.61 346.18 360.37 M 319.93 390.56 C 328.82 379.04 339.11 369.7 346.18 360.37 M 320.33 396.21 C 331.53 383.74 338.46 380.06 351.82 359.98 M 320.33 396.21 C 328.91 385.16 338.85 377.02 351.82 359.98 M 321.38 401.09 C 337.22 389.03 342.97 367.75 356.81 360.34 M 321.38 401.09 C 333.26 389.23 344.08 375.98 356.81 360.34 M 326.37 401.45 C 340.37 383.01 357.57 368.52 362.45 359.94 M 326.37 401.45 C 333.34 390.23 343.87 382.12 362.45 359.94 M 332.01 401.06 C 340.96 388.48 354.36 373.67 367.44 360.3 M 332.01 401.06 C 337.98 389.5 348.51 380.67 367.44 360.3 M 337 401.42 C 353.44 385.33 361.54 366.38 373.08 359.91 M 337 401.42 C 350.34 385.05 365.84 371.69 373.08 359.91 M 342.64 401.02 C 353.05 389.55 356.72 386.68 378.07 360.27 M 342.64 401.02 C 351.29 390.64 359.34 385.27 378.07 360.27 M 347.63 401.38 C 358.55 384.19 376.86 370.82 383.71 359.88 M 347.63 401.38 C 357.33 387.08 368.35 377.5 383.71 359.88 M 353.27 400.99 C 356.89 388.83 370.35 384.95 388.7 360.24 M 353.27 400.99 C 367.25 384.78 377.83 372.63 388.7 360.24 M 358.26 401.35 C 373.67 386.2 386.04 371.47 394.34 359.84 M 358.26 401.35 C 370.46 385.55 386.83 369.72 394.34 359.84 M 363.9 400.96 C 378.56 389.89 383.78 373.33 399.33 360.2 M 363.9 400.96 C 374.19 386.56 384.6 376.87 399.33 360.2 M 368.89 401.32 C 376.87 386.42 390.5 376.06 404.97 359.81 M 368.89 401.32 C 376.13 391.09 387.18 379.41 404.97 359.81 M 374.53 400.92 C 384.89 390.17 399.32 374.23 409.96 360.17 M 374.53 400.92 C 388.51 385.3 401.34 366.75 409.96 360.17 M 379.52 401.28 C 389.06 387.44 400.11 377.15 415.6 359.77 M 379.52 401.28 C 391.34 388.86 401.08 377.64 415.6 359.77 M 385.16 400.89 C 397.17 382.78 412.59 369.02 420.59 360.13 M 385.16 400.89 C 397.05 386.16 410.19 371.75 420.59 360.13 M 390.15 401.25 C 397.61 391.97 409.99 381.07 426.23 359.74 M 390.15 401.25 C 400.18 389.4 410.77 376.08 426.23 359.74 M 395.79 400.85 C 405.45 381.69 421.88 367.75 431.22 360.1 M 395.79 400.85 C 406.75 389.11 415.3 376.27 431.22 360.1 M 400.78 401.21 C 415.84 383.68 431.57 368.69 436.86 359.7 M 400.78 401.21 C 409.27 390.06 421.73 379.29 436.86 359.7 M 406.42 400.82 C 419.85 391.76 425.11 375.01 441.19 360.82 M 406.42 400.82 C 421.61 387.22 432.86 370.55 441.19 360.82 M 411.41 401.18 C 417.66 393.25 430.64 384.01 440.93 367.22 M 411.41 401.18 C 419.76 387.42 432.82 375.95 440.93 367.22 M 417.05 400.78 C 422.19 394.27 430.6 389.02 441.32 372.86 M 417.05 400.78 C 426.46 388.66 434.26 380.38 441.32 372.86 M 422.04 401.14 C 432.61 389.96 433.68 385.05 441.06 379.26 M 422.04 401.14 C 428.4 395.07 433.23 386.57 441.06 379.26 M 427.02 401.5 C 428.09 393.09 437.4 392.59 440.8 385.65 M 427.02 401.5 C 431.9 398.86 436.49 394.09 440.8 385.65 M 432.67 401.11 C 435.29 396.71 438.78 397.34 441.2 391.3 M 432.67 401.11 C 435.45 399.87 437.35 397.43 441.2 391.3 M 437.65 401.47 C 439.16 399.57 439.49 399.65 440.93 397.7 M 437.65 401.47 C 438.76 400.38 438.99 399.37 440.93 397.7" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 360 C 368.6 358.1 406.38 363.66 440 360 M 320 360 C 350.53 357.61 377.73 357.88 440 360 M 440 360 C 439.29 378.45 436.41 391.75 440 400 M 440 360 C 439.91 368.25 441.78 379.23 440 400 M 440 400 C 399.54 394.66 363.86 400.48 320 400 M 440 400 C 410.32 399.31 377.27 398.48 320 400 M 320 400 C 319.54 382.14 320.23 368.3 320 360 M 320 400 C 320.18 392.26 319.33 383.95 320 360" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" 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492.97 460 490 M 380 490 C 395.05 487.36 415.63 488.46 460 490 M 460 490 C 456.58 376.86 456.24 265.16 460 100 M 460 490 C 456.51 375.28 456.27 258.1 460 100 M 460 100 C 482.67 97.37 510.81 102.71 540 100 M 460 100 C 486.51 101.44 518.37 100.95 540 100 M 540 100 C 539.32 103.89 540.78 108.82 540 113.63 M 540 100 C 540.55 103.89 539.2 107.43 540 113.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 536.23 112.19 C 536.23 112.19 536.23 112.19 536.23 112.19 M 536.23 112.19 C 536.23 112.19 536.23 112.19 536.23 112.19 M 538.6 115.56 C 538.73 115.15 539.31 115.11 539.91 114.05 M 538.6 115.56 C 538.67 115.06 539.32 114.85 539.91 114.05" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 118.88 M 540 118.88 C 537.94 116.2 536.7 114.5 536.5 111.88 M 540 118.88 C 538.64 117.23 537.44 113.97 536.5 111.88 M 536.5 111.88 C 536.96 111.99 538.46 113.61 540 113.63 M 536.5 111.88 C 537.36 112.6 539.29 113.12 540 113.63 M 540 113.63 C 541.13 112.53 542.88 111.79 543.5 111.88 M 540 113.63 C 541.1 113.08 541.72 112.46 543.5 111.88 M 543.5 111.88 C 543.89 113.59 540.98 115.99 540 118.88 M 543.5 111.88 C 542.82 114.35 540.87 117.35 540 118.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 280 L 379.89 293.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 379.89 298.88 L 376.39 291.88 L 379.89 293.63 L 383.39 291.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 280 M 379.89 280 C 380.65 282.83 377.5 292.47 379.89 293.63 M 379.89 280 C 379.89 284.31 380.81 285.27 379.89 293.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.71 291.51 C 376.71 291.51 376.71 291.51 376.71 291.51 M 376.71 291.51 C 376.71 291.51 376.71 291.51 376.71 291.51 M 378.41 295.65 C 378.73 295.12 379.67 294.76 379.73 294.14 M 378.41 295.65 C 378.82 295.05 378.99 294.94 379.73 294.14" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 298.88 M 379.89 298.88 C 377.25 297.98 376.59 294.29 376.39 291.88 M 379.89 298.88 C 378.13 297.11 377.52 293.5 376.39 291.88 M 376.39 291.88 C 378 292.27 378.61 293.16 379.89 293.63 M 376.39 291.88 C 377.13 292.08 378.23 292.95 379.89 293.63 M 379.89 293.63 C 380.06 293.91 381.35 293.16 383.39 291.88 M 379.89 293.63 C 381.15 293.21 382.34 291.88 383.39 291.88 M 383.39 291.88 C 383.26 294.25 380.44 297.4 379.89 298.88 M 383.39 291.88 C 382.2 294.98 381.47 296.23 379.89 298.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 340 L 379.89 353.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 379.89 358.88 L 376.39 351.88 L 379.89 353.63 L 383.39 351.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 340 M 379.89 340 C 379.14 346.87 379.84 351.33 379.89 353.63 M 379.89 340 C 378.83 342.85 379.17 349.18 379.89 353.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.24 352.06 C 376.24 352.06 376.24 352.06 376.24 352.06 M 376.24 352.06 C 376.24 352.06 376.24 352.06 376.24 352.06 M 378.6 355.43 C 378.91 354.45 379.66 354.57 379.91 353.93 M 378.6 355.43 C 378.81 355.21 379.13 354.7 379.91 353.93" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 358.88 M 379.89 358.88 C 380.06 355.87 377.94 353.63 376.39 351.88 M 379.89 358.88 C 379.06 356.95 377.54 353.75 376.39 351.88 M 376.39 351.88 C 377.19 352.15 377.8 352.08 379.89 353.63 M 376.39 351.88 C 377.24 351.95 378.23 352.67 379.89 353.63 M 379.89 353.63 C 380.96 352.93 382.83 352.73 383.39 351.88 M 379.89 353.63 C 381.14 353.34 382.01 352.55 383.39 351.88 M 383.39 351.88 C 381.95 355.18 380.36 356.44 379.89 358.88 M 383.39 351.88 C 381.94 354.75 382.12 356.02 379.89 358.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 400 L 379.89 413.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 379.89 418.88 L 376.39 411.88 L 379.89 413.63 L 383.39 411.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 400 M 379.89 400 C 377.63 405.46 382.18 410.19 379.89 413.63 M 379.89 400 C 379.96 404.12 379.71 410.37 379.89 413.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.42 411.84 C 376.42 411.84 376.42 411.84 376.42 411.84 M 376.42 411.84 C 376.42 411.84 376.42 411.84 376.42 411.84 M 378.13 415.98 C 378.19 415.55 378.65 414.5 380.1 413.71 M 378.13 415.98 C 378.75 415.61 378.86 414.83 380.1 413.71" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 379.89 418.88 M 379.89 418.88 C 379.73 417.04 379.3 416.24 376.39 411.88 M 379.89 418.88 C 379.12 416.62 378.96 415.23 376.39 411.88 M 376.39 411.88 C 376.38 412.03 378.56 412.56 379.89 413.63 M 376.39 411.88 C 378.05 412.18 378.86 413.1 379.89 413.63 M 379.89 413.63 C 381.93 413.5 382.82 412.3 383.39 411.88 M 379.89 413.63 C 380.98 412.99 382.22 412.38 383.39 411.88 M 383.39 411.88 C 382.8 414.37 381.74 418.28 379.89 418.88 M 383.39 411.88 C 382.97 414.52 380.93 415.81 379.89 418.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="22" y="97.5" width="98" height="85" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 120 139.97 C 120 144.2 118.36 148.06 115.7 150.92 C 115.24 156.97 111.47 162.08 106.2 164.38 L 106.2 164.44 C 99.78 168.24 95.94 174.72 94.77 182.5 L 88.83 182.5 L 88.83 164.45 C 88.87 158.82 90.61 155.22 94.26 153 C 95.59 152.23 96.82 151.33 97.85 150.34 C 100.56 151.32 102.95 153.26 104.48 156.02 C 104.8 156.57 105.37 156.86 105.93 156.86 C 106.2 156.86 106.49 156.79 106.75 156.64 C 107.56 156.19 107.85 155.16 107.39 154.35 L 107.38 154.35 C 105.68 151.26 103.07 148.98 100.12 147.63 C 101.63 145.26 102.48 142.45 102.44 139.07 C 102.44 139.05 102.46 139.04 102.46 139.01 C 102.46 137.49 102.24 135.99 101.83 134.6 C 105.3 133.92 108.36 132.14 110.6 129.63 C 111.23 128.93 111.18 127.86 110.49 127.24 C 109.81 126.61 108.78 126.67 108.16 127.35 C 106.2 129.52 103.55 130.99 100.55 131.4 C 98.14 126.85 93.64 123.62 88.37 123.04 C 88.72 120.15 90 117.58 91.93 115.62 C 92.56 114.97 92.56 113.9 91.93 113.24 C 91.28 112.58 90.21 112.58 89.56 113.24 C 87.1 115.75 85.45 119.1 85.04 122.82 C 78.85 122.02 74.09 116.7 74.08 110.21 C 74.08 109.28 73.32 108.52 72.44 108.52 C 71.5 108.52 70.76 109.28 70.76 110.21 C 70.76 111.3 70.87 112.35 71.07 113.38 C 68.73 115.44 65.8 116.48 62.88 116.48 C 61.44 116.48 59.99 116.22 58.63 115.71 C 58.63 115.71 58.61 115.7 58.59 115.7 C 56.91 115.09 55.37 114.11 54.03 112.75 C 53.4 112.09 52.34 112.09 51.68 112.75 C 51.02 113.4 51.02 114.47 51.68 115.12 C 53.05 116.51 54.59 117.58 56.23 118.36 C 55.9 122.56 53.5 126.17 50.13 128.2 C 48.18 125.21 45.26 122.83 41.68 121.67 C 40.78 121.39 39.85 121.88 39.57 122.77 C 39.32 123.65 39.77 124.6 40.65 124.88 C 43.32 125.73 45.46 127.41 47 129.54 C 45.97 129.81 44.91 129.97 43.77 129.97 C 43.77 129.97 43.77 129.97 43.75 129.97 L 43.6 129.97 C 39.34 129.97 35.42 131.7 32.57 134.52 C 31.89 135.17 31.88 136.24 32.54 136.9 C 32.86 137.24 33.29 137.41 33.74 137.41 C 34.12 137.41 34.54 137.25 34.86 136.93 C 37.13 134.69 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126.28 C 93.54 126.3 99.11 131.95 99.14 138.96 C 97.83 138.61 96.49 138.43 95.11 138.43 C 93.13 138.43 91.12 138.8 89.2 139.61 C 88.34 139.97 87.94 140.94 88.28 141.8 C 88.63 142.65 89.58 143.07 90.44 142.72 C 91.99 142.09 93.56 141.79 95.12 141.79 C 96.37 141.79 97.61 141.98 98.77 142.34 C 98.37 144.23 97.57 145.75 96.34 147.09 C 96.24 147.17 96.15 147.27 96.08 147.38 C 95.14 148.32 94 149.19 92.59 150.06 C 87.79 152.9 85.48 158.08 85.53 164.41 L 85.53 182.45 L 79.86 182.45 L 79.86 165.33 C 79.86 159.03 75.97 153.05 71.07 150.93 C 68.74 150.01 66.29 148.46 64.51 146.44 C 61.98 148.19 58.94 149.22 55.67 149.22 C 52.4 149.22 49.36 148.21 46.84 146.47 C 44.34 148.15 41.31 149.12 38.08 149.12 C 29.18 149.12 22 141.81 22 132.79 C 22 126.05 26.01 120.27 31.76 117.78 C 33.31 110.59 39.59 105.21 47.14 105.21 C 47.54 105.21 47.91 105.24 48.28 105.27 C 51.12 101.05 55.91 98.28 61.33 98.28 C 64.01 98.28 66.53 98.95 68.74 100.17 C 71.22 98.48 74.21 97.5 77.42 97.5 C 81.54 97.5 85.3 99.13 88.11 101.79 C 89.3 101.5 90.52 101.33 91.79 101.33 C 98.17 101.33 103.68 105.22 106.13 110.81 C 112.6 112.8 117.31 118.89 117.31 126.1 C 117.31 127.55 117.12 128.95 116.77 130.27 C 118.79 132.96 120 136.31 120 139.97 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="515" y="400" width="70" height="20" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 515.1 399.89 C 515.1 399.89 515.1 399.89 515.1 399.89 M 515.1 399.89 C 515.1 399.89 515.1 399.89 515.1 399.89 M 514.84 406.29 C 515.02 403.16 518.76 402.36 520.08 400.25 M 514.84 406.29 C 515.69 405.04 517.26 403.98 520.08 400.25 M 515.23 411.93 C 520.52 409.56 521.32 407.19 525.73 399.85 M 515.23 411.93 C 519.52 408.53 521.81 406.32 525.73 399.85 M 514.97 418.33 C 521.19 414.76 525.45 404.95 530.71 400.21 M 514.97 418.33 C 520.74 411.93 525.32 407.41 530.71 400.21 M 517.33 421.71 C 520.85 419.83 523.95 412.06 536.36 399.82 M 517.33 421.71 C 525.67 411.71 533.51 406.51 536.36 399.82 M 522.32 422.07 C 532.23 416.37 537.86 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576.19 408.08 583.86 400.04 M 570.48 421.53 C 574.07 414.01 580.24 410.95 587.54 401.91 M 570.48 421.53 C 576.34 414.59 579.99 410.86 587.54 401.91 M 575.47 421.89 C 579.14 417.55 578.97 418.35 587.28 408.31 M 575.47 421.89 C 577.66 416.61 582.59 413.59 587.28 408.31 M 580.46 422.25 C 581.8 418.12 584.55 417.12 587.67 413.95 M 580.46 422.25 C 583.81 420.01 585.25 416.49 587.67 413.95" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 515 400 C 539.89 403.2 566.85 396.23 585 400 M 515 400 C 541.89 401.75 567.91 399.25 585 400 M 585 400 C 584.1 408.12 583.96 417.24 585 420 M 585 400 C 583.07 407.24 583.1 409.5 585 420 M 585 420 C 560.65 420.23 545.6 414.88 515 420 M 585 420 C 557.96 418.21 534.94 418.86 515 420 M 515 420 C 512.97 416.3 515.83 409.6 515 400 M 515 420 C 516.17 413.66 514.59 408.16 515 400" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" 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548.35 439.78 553.44 431.95 557.38 430.02 M 538.36 451.91 C 544.54 445.47 550.48 439.21 557.38 430.02 M 544 451.51 C 549.25 444.61 555.69 437.95 563.02 429.63 M 544 451.51 C 550.41 447.83 551.15 441.28 563.02 429.63 M 548.99 451.87 C 556.48 445.78 564.63 439.03 568.01 429.99 M 548.99 451.87 C 556 445.99 562.13 436.35 568.01 429.99 M 553.97 452.23 C 561.96 450.84 562.97 439.78 573 430.35 M 553.97 452.23 C 560.13 447.82 561.84 441.28 573 430.35 M 559.62 451.84 C 566.59 444.55 571.7 435.01 578.64 429.95 M 559.62 451.84 C 565.17 446.17 568.28 441.54 578.64 429.95 M 564.6 452.2 C 564.72 446.38 576.33 441.63 583.63 430.31 M 564.6 452.2 C 567.52 447.96 572.45 441.17 583.63 430.31 M 570.25 451.8 C 579.96 443.91 584.71 437.37 587.3 432.18 M 570.25 451.8 C 572.84 447.96 578.03 442.24 587.3 432.18 M 575.23 452.16 C 582.29 446.24 579.97 446.77 587.7 437.83 M 575.23 452.16 C 578.18 447.33 585.21 441.82 587.7 437.83 M 580.88 451.77 C 581.45 449.62 583.04 446.57 587.44 444.22 M 580.88 451.77 C 582.7 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522.1 467.35 525.91 459.64 M 515.15 478.11 C 521.41 470.72 525.91 465.86 530.9 460 M 515.15 478.11 C 518.15 474.64 524.69 467.68 530.9 460 M 516.86 482.25 C 519.77 476.6 528.83 469.57 535.89 460.36 M 516.86 482.25 C 520.67 478.91 524.02 472.68 535.89 460.36 M 522.5 481.85 C 531.99 473.5 539.41 466.32 541.53 459.97 M 522.5 481.85 C 525.01 475.98 533.04 473.16 541.53 459.97 M 527.49 482.21 C 532.89 476.87 543.66 464.72 546.52 460.33 M 527.49 482.21 C 535.3 474.07 541.85 466.53 546.52 460.33 M 533.13 481.82 C 537.89 476.21 537.96 471.82 552.16 459.93 M 533.13 481.82 C 539.22 474.14 546.37 468.8 552.16 459.93 M 538.12 482.18 C 540.57 479.38 551.05 475.68 557.15 460.29 M 538.12 482.18 C 546.29 473.2 551.87 465.75 557.15 460.29 M 543.76 481.78 C 545.84 479.49 551.9 468.18 562.79 459.9 M 543.76 481.78 C 550.84 478.31 552.17 469.91 562.79 459.9 M 548.75 482.14 C 551.78 475.43 558.74 472.68 567.78 460.26 M 548.75 482.14 C 553.96 476.08 555.91 471.1 567.78 460.26 M 554.39 481.75 C 558.59 473.46 569.59 471.17 573.42 459.86 M 554.39 481.75 C 561.43 475.06 568.17 468.62 573.42 459.86 M 559.38 482.11 C 560.89 480.34 571.32 471.52 578.41 460.22 M 559.38 482.11 C 565.28 478.09 569.61 471.25 578.41 460.22 M 565.02 481.72 C 572.05 475.71 576.57 471.64 584.05 459.83 M 565.02 481.72 C 570.48 475.77 576.98 468.76 584.05 459.83 M 570.01 482.08 C 578.64 474.5 581.97 464.48 587.07 462.45 M 570.01 482.08 C 573.35 476.65 576.07 472.94 587.07 462.45 M 575.65 481.68 C 575.24 478 583.06 473.71 587.46 468.1 M 575.65 481.68 C 578.5 477.8 583.3 470.39 587.46 468.1 M 580.64 482.04 C 580.56 481.5 585.24 476.3 587.2 474.49 M 580.64 482.04 C 581.91 480.41 583.25 479.18 587.2 474.49" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 515 460 C 543.32 458.49 565.57 460.31 585 460 M 515 460 C 538.75 460.91 563.16 459.29 585 460 M 585 460 C 582.02 466.22 585.33 467.41 585 480 M 585 460 C 584.12 465.33 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