Pierre Guillod a1bacf9623
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2023-05-01 18:57:12 +02:00

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120.33 159.71 120.33 159.71 120.33 M 159.71 120.33 C 159.71 120.33 159.71 120.33 159.71 120.33 M 160.11 125.97 C 162.49 123.06 164.45 121.82 165.35 119.94 M 160.11 125.97 C 162.35 124.27 164.03 120.99 165.35 119.94 M 159.85 132.37 C 162.79 127.77 165.5 123.99 170.34 120.3 M 159.85 132.37 C 162.64 128.97 163.31 126.78 170.34 120.3 M 160.24 138.02 C 163.89 129.78 167.99 123.72 175.99 119.9 M 160.24 138.02 C 162.23 132.42 165.95 128.19 175.99 119.9 M 159.98 144.41 C 168.53 140.73 168.56 130.77 180.97 120.26 M 159.98 144.41 C 169.05 137.06 176.06 128.86 180.97 120.26 M 159.72 150.81 C 168.11 140.2 168.26 138.66 186.62 119.87 M 159.72 150.81 C 166.41 141.93 178.03 132.75 186.62 119.87 M 160.11 156.45 C 170.13 146.21 181.13 136.1 191.6 120.23 M 160.11 156.45 C 170.96 142.72 181.55 130.43 191.6 120.23 M 161.16 161.34 C 176.02 143.56 187.63 133.47 197.25 119.83 M 161.16 161.34 C 167.87 153.97 175.73 145.4 197.25 119.83 M 166.81 160.95 C 171.82 150.63 178.08 143.55 202.23 120.19 M 166.81 160.95 C 176.96 144.44 189.94 133.26 202.23 120.19 M 171.79 161.31 C 184.38 151.36 195.08 139.88 207.88 119.8 M 171.79 161.31 C 185.85 144.34 199.41 131.92 207.88 119.8 M 177.44 160.91 C 191.56 141.93 199.9 130.54 212.86 120.16 M 177.44 160.91 C 191.33 147.03 203.02 133.14 212.86 120.16 M 182.42 161.27 C 188.63 148.19 198.46 143.16 218.51 119.76 M 182.42 161.27 C 192.28 149.31 204.23 136.2 218.51 119.76 M 188.07 160.88 C 196.68 148.36 204.16 144.3 223.49 120.12 M 188.07 160.88 C 198.04 150.35 205.81 137.83 223.49 120.12 M 193.05 161.24 C 199.88 152.02 215.58 136.88 229.14 119.73 M 193.05 161.24 C 198.71 153.59 207.99 144.55 229.14 119.73 M 198.7 160.84 C 207.97 151.02 218.32 139.87 234.12 120.09 M 198.7 160.84 C 211.59 146.64 224.95 130.63 234.12 120.09 M 203.68 161.2 C 207.04 156.89 218.86 147.18 239.77 119.7 M 203.68 161.2 C 216.73 146.71 228.16 131.72 239.77 119.7 M 209.33 160.81 C 217.14 150.77 228.38 138.59 244.75 120.06 M 209.33 160.81 C 220.66 150.75 230.75 135.8 244.75 120.06 M 214.31 161.17 C 224.32 155.83 232.08 146.78 250.4 119.66 M 214.31 161.17 C 224.67 150.7 236.2 137.97 250.4 119.66 M 219.3 161.53 C 233.04 148.31 243.14 131.46 255.38 120.02 M 219.3 161.53 C 232.54 146.48 246.96 131.48 255.38 120.02 M 224.94 161.14 C 237.41 149.93 243.31 140.98 261.03 119.63 M 224.94 161.14 C 232.85 154.09 240.87 144.72 261.03 119.63 M 229.93 161.5 C 240.71 148.85 257.63 129.1 266.01 119.99 M 229.93 161.5 C 237.79 150.87 245.27 144.37 266.01 119.99 M 235.57 161.1 C 245.11 152.67 250.02 144.1 271 120.35 M 235.57 161.1 C 243.18 148.12 255.18 136.42 271 120.35 M 240.56 161.46 C 246.08 146.79 261.72 140.82 276.64 119.95 M 240.56 161.46 C 250.77 151.96 256.84 140.18 276.64 119.95 M 246.2 161.07 C 252.34 151.79 262.51 144.03 280.97 121.07 M 246.2 161.07 C 257.78 151.59 265.99 136.85 280.97 121.07 M 251.19 161.43 C 259.79 149.95 272.25 141.25 281.37 126.71 M 251.19 161.43 C 263.33 147.68 272.27 135.72 281.37 126.71 M 256.83 161.03 C 268.83 150.46 272.7 144.75 281.11 133.11 M 256.83 161.03 C 262.7 154.78 268.6 147.94 281.11 133.11 M 261.82 161.39 C 270.35 153.15 276.57 141.94 280.85 139.51 M 261.82 161.39 C 264.97 157.51 271.32 150.41 280.85 139.51 M 267.46 161 C 273.33 156.7 274.87 153.73 281.24 145.15 M 267.46 161 C 268.67 155.88 273.95 155.95 281.24 145.15 M 272.45 161.36 C 273.8 160.72 277.82 155.24 280.98 151.55 M 272.45 161.36 C 275.46 157.95 276.88 156.41 280.98 151.55 M 278.09 160.96 C 279.83 160.29 280 158.36 281.37 157.19 M 278.09 160.96 C 278.83 159.61 279.73 158.79 281.37 157.19" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 120 C 182.35 118.04 211.01 119.12 280 120 M 160 120 C 205.62 123.69 248.22 121.91 280 120 M 280 120 C 278.12 129.33 280.99 144.6 280 160 M 280 120 C 281.49 133.48 278.42 147.08 280 160 M 280 160 C 254.16 159.46 229.74 160.29 160 160 M 280 160 C 232.72 160.41 183.17 159.72 160 160 M 160 160 C 159.31 149.35 159.38 134.4 160 120 M 160 160 C 158.87 145.37 158.52 127.91 160 120" fill="none" stroke="#82b366" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 140px; margin-left: 161px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>RTL Synthesis</div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="220" y="144" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">RTL 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137.16 357.27 119.81 M 321.18 161.32 C 326.55 152.27 335.47 144.19 357.27 119.81 M 326.83 160.92 C 337.35 154.67 345.51 138.51 362.25 120.17 M 326.83 160.92 C 334.43 153.04 345.14 143.46 362.25 120.17 M 331.81 161.28 C 344.83 150.41 360.2 128.47 367.9 119.78 M 331.81 161.28 C 339.88 152.27 347.38 145.65 367.9 119.78 M 337.46 160.89 C 351.06 145.42 362.4 133.21 372.88 120.14 M 337.46 160.89 C 347.13 153.4 352.37 142.77 372.88 120.14 M 342.44 161.25 C 354.9 146.29 368.5 132 378.53 119.74 M 342.44 161.25 C 351.34 153.48 358.99 142.62 378.53 119.74 M 348.09 160.86 C 357.15 146.05 375.89 127.86 383.51 120.1 M 348.09 160.86 C 357.12 153.58 365.73 143.29 383.51 120.1 M 353.07 161.22 C 368.35 151.08 376.85 136.73 389.16 119.71 M 353.07 161.22 C 363.02 150.19 375.35 135.23 389.16 119.71 M 358.72 160.82 C 366.63 150.98 376.18 143.63 394.14 120.07 M 358.72 160.82 C 371.74 145.35 386.06 132.03 394.14 120.07 M 363.7 161.18 C 373.56 144.16 385.67 131.19 399.79 119.67 M 363.7 161.18 C 377.14 147.01 391.2 128.77 399.79 119.67 M 369.35 160.79 C 375.05 154.76 383.95 138.89 404.77 120.03 M 369.35 160.79 C 382.8 148.24 393.18 130.67 404.77 120.03 M 374.33 161.15 C 386.75 144.08 398.85 128.62 410.42 119.64 M 374.33 161.15 C 388.41 147.28 399.28 130.14 410.42 119.64 M 379.32 161.51 C 386.35 154.32 396.22 139.67 415.4 120 M 379.32 161.51 C 392.3 147.61 401.02 133.03 415.4 120 M 384.96 161.11 C 398.29 147.27 409.13 137.73 420.39 120.36 M 384.96 161.11 C 395.73 148.59 405.03 135.26 420.39 120.36 M 389.95 161.47 C 403.3 141.92 414.5 128.86 426.03 119.96 M 389.95 161.47 C 401.52 146.67 411.75 134.28 426.03 119.96 M 395.59 161.08 C 413.23 146.44 421.72 131.57 431.02 120.32 M 395.59 161.08 C 407.62 146.65 416.86 132.02 431.02 120.32 M 400.58 161.44 C 408.78 149.15 414.06 146.35 436.66 119.93 M 400.58 161.44 C 409.91 146.62 423.87 137.67 436.66 119.93 M 406.22 161.04 C 412.81 148.27 426.76 139.94 440.99 121.04 M 406.22 161.04 C 417.05 147.17 429.15 134.42 440.99 121.04 M 411.21 161.4 C 420.49 144.89 436.78 131.58 441.39 126.69 M 411.21 161.4 C 418.19 155.44 425.28 149.7 441.39 126.69 M 416.85 161.01 C 425.52 149.34 437.59 139.01 441.13 133.08 M 416.85 161.01 C 424.75 149.78 433.93 140.13 441.13 133.08 M 421.84 161.37 C 424.89 150.78 436.72 147.38 440.87 139.48 M 421.84 161.37 C 425.47 155.29 431.03 152.39 440.87 139.48 M 427.48 160.97 C 430.34 155.74 431.11 152.23 441.26 145.13 M 427.48 160.97 C 433.51 158.05 434.37 152.99 441.26 145.13 M 432.47 161.33 C 435.36 155.64 440.92 154.43 441 151.52 M 432.47 161.33 C 436.13 159.17 438.66 155.39 441 151.52 M 438.11 160.94 C 438.96 159.21 440.23 159.09 441.39 157.17 M 438.11 160.94 C 439.5 159.53 439.92 158.22 441.39 157.17" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 120 C 340.07 117.88 366.37 119.36 440 120 M 320 120 C 348.65 122.67 379.04 119.32 440 120 M 440 120 C 436.78 135.08 437.37 149.09 440 160 M 440 120 C 440.08 132.03 438.81 144.2 440 160 M 440 160 C 393.56 162.16 353.71 157.98 320 160 M 440 160 C 410.3 161.17 381.88 158.25 320 160 M 320 160 C 323.27 151.68 316.4 142.72 320 120 M 320 160 C 319.42 147.15 319.39 135.31 320 120" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 140px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Floorplanning<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="380" y="144" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Floorplanning&#xa;</text></switch></g><rect x="320" y="180" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 319.92 180.1 C 319.92 180.1 319.92 180.1 319.92 180.1 M 319.92 180.1 C 319.92 180.1 319.92 180.1 319.92 180.1 M 320.31 185.74 C 321.88 183.44 322.19 183.36 325.56 179.7 M 320.31 185.74 C 322.38 184.4 323.69 182.12 325.56 179.7 M 320.05 192.14 C 322.3 189.7 322.68 188.63 330.55 180.06 M 320.05 192.14 C 322.97 185.75 328.04 182.5 330.55 180.06 M 319.79 198.53 C 323.68 194.89 328.2 185.55 336.19 179.67 M 319.79 198.53 C 326.38 191.97 331.45 185.4 336.19 179.67 M 320.18 204.18 C 328.33 196.47 334.52 187 341.18 180.03 M 320.18 204.18 C 327.63 195.1 334 185.46 341.18 180.03 M 319.92 210.57 C 328.41 204.88 338.82 188.58 346.82 179.63 M 319.92 210.57 C 328.18 198.49 337.88 189.43 346.82 179.63 M 320.32 216.22 C 331.04 205.81 339.77 195.29 351.81 179.99 M 320.32 216.22 C 332.44 202.04 343.29 190.18 351.81 179.99 M 321.37 221.11 C 331.53 211.03 343.53 202.49 356.79 180.35 M 321.37 221.11 C 326.93 210.55 336.76 203.1 356.79 180.35 M 326.35 221.47 C 332.94 211.06 351.21 193.6 362.44 179.96 M 326.35 221.47 C 337.07 208.41 348.78 196.07 362.44 179.96 M 332 221.07 C 339.73 208.32 352.41 200.4 367.42 180.32 M 332 221.07 C 341.14 211.89 349.64 202.94 367.42 180.32 M 336.98 221.43 C 343.1 209.48 350.49 204.43 373.07 179.92 M 336.98 221.43 C 345.7 207.97 355.76 200.25 373.07 179.92 M 342.63 221.04 C 352.29 212.72 362.27 197.66 378.05 180.28 M 342.63 221.04 C 355.23 207.98 365.57 191.32 378.05 180.28 M 347.61 221.4 C 358.22 212.21 373.36 195.82 383.7 179.89 M 347.61 221.4 C 355.85 211.8 361.44 203.58 383.7 179.89 M 353.26 221 C 367.11 210.17 376.23 196.84 388.68 180.25 M 353.26 221 C 365.59 202.9 380.73 190.31 388.68 180.25 M 358.24 221.36 C 364.98 209.87 381.94 198.09 394.33 179.85 M 358.24 221.36 C 371.62 209.82 383.1 194.92 394.33 179.85 M 363.89 220.97 C 371.21 207.73 376.25 199.96 399.31 180.21 M 363.89 220.97 C 370.36 210.15 379.7 201.12 399.31 180.21 M 368.87 221.33 C 374.25 211.18 380.94 207.47 404.96 179.82 M 368.87 221.33 C 382.35 205.98 397.26 189.5 404.96 179.82 M 374.52 220.93 C 381.92 208.66 398.96 195.33 409.95 180.18 M 374.52 220.93 C 386.58 208.19 393.38 195.16 409.95 180.18 M 379.5 221.29 C 393.39 210.39 402.23 197.65 415.59 179.78 M 379.5 221.29 C 389.89 209.99 400.91 199.84 415.59 179.78 M 385.15 220.9 C 397.88 210.79 405.84 200.46 420.58 180.14 M 385.15 220.9 C 391.84 210.9 399.47 205.58 420.58 180.14 M 390.13 221.26 C 400.51 211.11 406.77 205.03 426.22 179.75 M 390.13 221.26 C 396.54 210.57 406.3 200.61 426.22 179.75 M 395.78 220.86 C 406.43 209.58 419.4 196.56 431.21 180.11 M 395.78 220.86 C 409.85 206.41 424.33 188.86 431.21 180.11 M 400.77 221.22 C 412.53 201.58 430.65 185.64 436.85 179.72 M 400.77 221.22 C 414.87 205.09 428.73 190.98 436.85 179.72 M 406.41 220.83 C 415.05 211.17 432.77 194.26 441.18 180.83 M 406.41 220.83 C 418.09 205.17 434.07 190.4 441.18 180.83 M 411.4 221.19 C 421.78 215.96 427.69 205.15 440.92 187.23 M 411.4 221.19 C 419.07 211.04 426.18 204.77 440.92 187.23 M 417.04 220.8 C 425.51 214.58 424.94 205.22 441.31 192.87 M 417.04 220.8 C 422.1 215.15 429.72 208.27 441.31 192.87 M 422.03 221.16 C 426.72 216.99 428.16 213.38 441.05 199.27 M 422.03 221.16 C 427.01 216.88 431.77 210.17 441.05 199.27 M 427.01 221.52 C 426.85 214.79 434.86 210.74 440.79 205.67 M 427.01 221.52 C 431.11 219.4 432.79 216.39 440.79 205.67 M 432.66 221.12 C 434.98 217.53 435.18 217.36 441.18 211.31 M 432.66 221.12 C 435.26 219.22 437.19 215.17 441.18 211.31 M 437.64 221.48 C 438.26 219.94 439.28 218.88 440.92 217.71 M 437.64 221.48 C 438.67 220.02 439.61 219.21 440.92 217.71" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 180 C 345.78 185.72 369.73 179.6 440 180 M 320 180 C 359.69 177.64 397.87 180.74 440 180 M 440 180 C 437.05 192.83 443.36 213.58 440 220 M 440 180 C 438.68 190.58 439.2 205.32 440 220 M 440 220 C 396.96 216.85 357.68 223.67 320 220 M 440 220 C 407.87 221.93 372.6 220.79 320 220 M 320 220 C 320.83 206.01 323.02 195.04 320 180 M 320 220 C 321.56 208.93 321.86 198.71 320 180" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 200px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Placement</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="380" y="204" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Placement</text></switch></g><rect x="320" y="240" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320.1 239.88 C 320.1 239.88 320.1 239.88 320.1 239.88 M 320.1 239.88 C 320.1 239.88 320.1 239.88 320.1 239.88 M 319.84 246.28 C 323.13 245.19 324.74 240.27 325.09 240.24 M 319.84 246.28 C 321.14 245.33 323.06 243.55 325.09 240.24 M 320.24 251.92 C 323.19 248.94 326.65 244.83 330.73 239.85 M 320.24 251.92 C 325.6 248.88 328.63 241.5 330.73 239.85 M 319.97 258.32 C 323.32 248.99 331.76 246.34 335.72 240.21 M 319.97 258.32 C 324.95 253.49 328.77 245.96 335.72 240.21 M 319.71 264.72 C 323.11 256.07 328.34 255.51 341.36 239.81 M 319.71 264.72 C 326.9 258.58 331.02 250.43 341.36 239.81 M 320.11 270.36 C 329.8 262.39 330.51 253.96 346.35 240.17 M 320.11 270.36 C 328.92 256.96 337.41 246.25 346.35 240.17 M 319.85 276.76 C 325.66 262.67 341.46 255.71 351.99 239.78 M 319.85 276.76 C 330.12 264.09 341.33 250.16 351.99 239.78 M 321.55 280.89 C 328.67 269.83 336.98 265.93 356.98 240.14 M 321.55 280.89 C 334.52 265.93 348.49 250.82 356.98 240.14 M 326.54 281.25 C 337.02 266.88 349.23 256.31 362.62 239.74 M 326.54 281.25 C 340.2 268.63 352.78 249.68 362.62 239.74 M 332.18 280.86 C 341.95 267.23 351.26 256.9 367.61 240.1 M 332.18 280.86 C 342.53 271.35 352.16 259.92 367.61 240.1 M 337.17 281.22 C 344.43 272.77 354.83 258.88 373.25 239.71 M 337.17 281.22 C 348.78 265.95 359.53 253.3 373.25 239.71 M 342.81 280.82 C 358.65 264.14 372.33 247.88 378.24 240.07 M 342.81 280.82 C 352.17 271.88 362.26 261.4 378.24 240.07 M 347.8 281.18 C 359.72 269.9 362.99 263.59 383.88 239.67 M 347.8 281.18 C 362.3 265.13 375.93 246.86 383.88 239.67 M 353.44 280.79 C 366.09 270.45 376.02 257.91 388.87 240.04 M 353.44 280.79 C 362.9 267.53 373.96 257.23 388.87 240.04 M 358.43 281.15 C 371.82 268.19 380.01 252.18 394.51 239.64 M 358.43 281.15 C 367.91 268.36 380.33 256.16 394.51 239.64 M 363.42 281.51 C 377.38 264.83 390.87 253.62 399.5 240 M 363.42 281.51 C 372.06 270.85 380.18 262.4 399.5 240 M 369.06 281.11 C 379.27 265.57 398.56 250.16 404.49 240.36 M 369.06 281.11 C 377.31 273.15 385.16 262.49 404.49 240.36 M 374.05 281.48 C 384.83 273.55 391.19 261.9 410.13 239.97 M 374.05 281.48 C 386.03 266.55 400.35 248.89 410.13 239.97 M 379.69 281.08 C 393.84 268.18 409.41 249.63 415.12 240.33 M 379.69 281.08 C 389.66 271.1 394.83 261.55 415.12 240.33 M 384.68 281.44 C 398.66 266.82 403.93 255.46 420.76 239.93 M 384.68 281.44 C 396.21 271.01 405.46 257.34 420.76 239.93 M 390.32 281.05 C 395.13 272.16 403.52 264.94 425.75 240.29 M 390.32 281.05 C 404.21 266.42 416.49 254.84 425.75 240.29 M 395.31 281.41 C 407.18 273.26 416.84 253.87 431.39 239.9 M 395.31 281.41 C 402.87 270.9 411.65 262.4 431.39 239.9 M 400.95 281.01 C 415.17 270.58 422.7 250.07 436.38 240.26 M 400.95 281.01 C 410.79 272.05 417.16 261.27 436.38 240.26 M 405.94 281.37 C 415.26 267.94 429 250.19 441.36 240.62 M 405.94 281.37 C 415.69 269.11 424.77 260.15 441.36 240.62 M 411.58 280.98 C 421.23 270.77 430.93 263.38 441.1 247.02 M 411.58 280.98 C 420.09 270.5 431.36 259.55 441.1 247.02 M 416.57 281.34 C 421.7 274.01 429.35 268.04 440.84 253.41 M 416.57 281.34 C 423.65 270.72 430.56 265.02 440.84 253.41 M 422.21 280.94 C 425.22 270.81 436.08 270.63 441.24 259.06 M 422.21 280.94 C 428.55 274.47 432.52 267.96 441.24 259.06 M 427.2 281.3 C 432.65 281.09 431.89 276.49 440.97 265.45 M 427.2 281.3 C 432.75 277.38 438.01 273.25 440.97 265.45 M 432.84 280.91 C 436.71 277.12 438.44 270.82 441.37 271.1 M 432.84 280.91 C 434.78 279.27 438.71 274.94 441.37 271.1 M 437.83 281.27 C 439.56 280.79 439.67 277.55 441.11 277.49 M 437.83 281.27 C 438.5 279.75 439.96 279.45 441.11 277.49" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 240 C 343.5 240.76 365.1 235.04 440 240 M 320 240 C 366.72 236.62 412.69 238.15 440 240 M 440 240 C 443.72 250.58 439.75 254.07 440 280 M 440 240 C 441.28 249.13 439.59 262.44 440 280 M 440 280 C 408.36 279.54 369.66 281.36 320 280 M 440 280 C 401.45 278.69 363.31 279.33 320 280 M 320 280 C 318.39 268.34 321.65 255.36 320 240 M 320 280 C 318.1 270.7 318.74 262.1 320 240" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Clock Tree Synthesis</div><div>(CTS)<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="380" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Clock Tree Synthesis...</text></switch></g><rect x="320" y="360" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 319.82 360.21 C 319.82 360.21 319.82 360.21 319.82 360.21 M 319.82 360.21 C 319.82 360.21 319.82 360.21 319.82 360.21 M 320.21 365.85 C 320.73 363.97 322.59 361.83 325.46 359.82 M 320.21 365.85 C 322.34 365.09 323.28 362.2 325.46 359.82 M 319.95 372.25 C 323.61 369.15 330.15 361.98 330.45 360.18 M 319.95 372.25 C 324.57 368.92 328.75 363.82 330.45 360.18 M 319.69 378.65 C 323.6 371.18 328.36 366.78 336.09 359.78 M 319.69 378.65 C 324.2 375.05 331.2 366.09 336.09 359.78 M 320.08 384.29 C 323.62 378.23 331.79 374.09 341.08 360.14 M 320.08 384.29 C 326.87 376.66 336.6 365.56 341.08 360.14 M 319.82 390.69 C 328.4 381.91 341.08 366.84 346.72 359.75 M 319.82 390.69 C 330.89 380.47 342.65 367.54 346.72 359.75 M 320.22 396.33 C 330.19 385.76 336.65 374.82 351.71 360.11 M 320.22 396.33 C 333.62 381.72 344.72 370.28 351.71 360.11 M 321.27 401.22 C 332.66 390.16 344.61 374.47 357.35 359.71 M 321.27 401.22 C 333.17 384.3 348.44 369.38 357.35 359.71 M 326.91 400.83 C 342.68 382.78 356.59 371.38 362.34 360.07 M 326.91 400.83 C 337.8 391.67 343.86 382.61 362.34 360.07 M 331.9 401.19 C 343.97 386.39 358.15 373.37 367.98 359.68 M 331.9 401.19 C 343.64 389.7 354.62 375.55 367.98 359.68 M 337.54 400.79 C 344.11 386.61 357.37 380.07 372.97 360.04 M 337.54 400.79 C 351.8 385.45 362.98 368.16 372.97 360.04 M 342.53 401.15 C 349.65 390.62 360.13 381.11 378.61 359.64 M 342.53 401.15 C 354.32 386.48 367.48 369.76 378.61 359.64 M 347.51 401.51 C 361.62 389.28 376.24 368.75 383.6 360 M 347.51 401.51 C 361.06 384.74 375.51 372.72 383.6 360 M 353.16 401.12 C 364.6 389.86 375.33 378.11 388.58 360.36 M 353.16 401.12 C 366.84 384.55 380.89 372.39 388.58 360.36 M 358.14 401.48 C 371.84 388.5 387.27 368.25 394.23 359.97 M 358.14 401.48 C 367.74 391.44 377.09 377.95 394.23 359.97 M 363.79 401.08 C 375.2 388.2 381.6 382.21 399.22 360.33 M 363.79 401.08 C 372.64 390.95 383.21 379.45 399.22 360.33 M 368.77 401.44 C 385.11 389.65 394.29 370.27 404.86 359.93 M 368.77 401.44 C 379.31 390.78 387.63 377.29 404.86 359.93 M 374.42 401.05 C 385.7 381.69 404.16 371.93 409.85 360.29 M 374.42 401.05 C 384.37 387.25 394.62 377.72 409.85 360.29 M 379.4 401.41 C 387.09 392.82 394.68 384.2 415.49 359.9 M 379.4 401.41 C 392.48 385.54 407.32 367.94 415.49 359.9 M 385.05 401.01 C 399.86 383.8 410.03 371.89 420.48 360.26 M 385.05 401.01 C 399.38 385.17 413.86 367.59 420.48 360.26 M 390.04 401.37 C 399.23 393.41 410.04 384.7 426.12 359.87 M 390.04 401.37 C 398.98 389.18 407.02 379.76 426.12 359.87 M 395.68 400.98 C 408.36 386.99 414.31 377.68 431.11 360.23 M 395.68 400.98 C 407.49 390.62 417.36 379.37 431.11 360.23 M 400.67 401.34 C 411.45 391.58 424.84 373.97 436.75 359.83 M 400.67 401.34 C 411.45 386.87 425.88 374.73 436.75 359.83 M 406.31 400.95 C 410.49 390.9 420.82 380.84 441.08 360.95 M 406.31 400.95 C 415.14 388.48 427.94 377.7 441.08 360.95 M 411.3 401.31 C 421.57 386.11 435.05 374.15 440.82 367.34 M 411.3 401.31 C 419.28 390.5 430.71 378.86 440.82 367.34 M 416.94 400.91 C 426.74 392.48 434.59 381.9 441.21 372.99 M 416.94 400.91 C 426.04 390.29 436.25 377.78 441.21 372.99 M 421.93 401.27 C 426.58 397.56 427.05 389.18 440.95 379.38 M 421.93 401.27 C 424.75 397.36 431.92 391.05 440.95 379.38 M 427.57 400.88 C 432.76 396 433.99 387.7 441.35 385.03 M 427.57 400.88 C 431.19 397.76 433.27 395.68 441.35 385.03 M 432.56 401.24 C 436.26 399.55 437.82 394.29 441.08 391.42 M 432.56 401.24 C 433.44 399.86 436.77 397.86 441.08 391.42 M 438.2 400.84 C 438.99 399.61 439.96 398.47 440.82 397.82 M 438.2 400.84 C 439.25 399.59 440.04 398.95 440.82 397.82" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 360 C 341.21 360.6 368.46 363.28 440 360 M 320 360 C 349.75 360.4 383.51 360.37 440 360 M 440 360 C 442.38 368.33 436.14 378.56 440 400 M 440 360 C 439.87 371.67 439.98 379.56 440 400 M 440 400 C 411.76 402.23 381.63 399.05 320 400 M 440 400 C 395.02 399.45 354.02 401.86 320 400 M 320 400 C 322.36 390.67 318.67 383.68 320 360 M 320 400 C 320.24 384.48 321.21 369.5 320 360" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 380px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Optimization</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="380" y="384" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Optimization</text></switch></g><rect x="320" y="420" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 420 C 320 420 320 420 320 420 M 320 420 C 320 420 320 420 320 420 M 319.74 426.39 C 321.98 425.71 321.94 421.95 324.99 420.36 M 319.74 426.39 C 321.1 425.81 322.65 423.42 324.99 420.36 M 320.14 432.04 C 322.4 431.22 323.52 423.42 330.63 419.96 M 320.14 432.04 C 323.52 428.42 328.86 422.4 330.63 419.96 M 319.87 438.44 C 323.97 433.91 332.66 428.21 335.62 420.32 M 319.87 438.44 C 322.79 432.52 328.58 430.56 335.62 420.32 M 320.27 444.08 C 324.08 439.58 335.34 423.69 341.26 419.93 M 320.27 444.08 C 326.63 436.42 333.94 431.01 341.26 419.93 M 320.01 450.48 C 329.75 438.4 332.68 431.26 346.25 420.29 M 320.01 450.48 C 326.33 445 331.6 436.49 346.25 420.29 M 319.75 456.87 C 326.27 442.62 339.79 435.25 351.89 419.89 M 319.75 456.87 C 331.3 443.76 342.78 430.24 351.89 419.89 M 321.45 461.01 C 331.19 449.24 347.21 430.46 356.88 420.25 M 321.45 461.01 C 333.43 446.7 349.5 428.56 356.88 420.25 M 326.44 461.37 C 331.15 455.37 340.02 442.87 362.52 419.86 M 326.44 461.37 C 336.45 447.03 347.52 435.18 362.52 419.86 M 332.08 460.97 C 337.21 452.31 348.68 437.33 367.51 420.22 M 332.08 460.97 C 344.84 445.4 356.75 433.01 367.51 420.22 M 337.07 461.33 C 343.28 450.46 359.72 434.88 373.15 419.82 M 337.07 461.33 C 348.91 452.2 357.83 441.99 373.15 419.82 M 342.71 460.94 C 354.18 448.83 368.18 430.34 378.14 420.18 M 342.71 460.94 C 351.04 450.66 363.71 440.39 378.14 420.18 M 347.7 461.3 C 363.12 446.97 373.87 436.52 383.78 419.79 M 347.7 461.3 C 360.28 446.38 371.57 432.6 383.78 419.79 M 353.34 460.9 C 363.58 448.72 375.12 437.76 388.77 420.15 M 353.34 460.9 C 362.52 449.17 368.49 439.3 388.77 420.15 M 358.33 461.26 C 363.47 455.13 370.91 446.95 394.41 419.76 M 358.33 461.26 C 368.03 451.42 374.31 440.63 394.41 419.76 M 363.97 460.87 C 380.16 444.8 386.79 435.62 399.4 420.12 M 363.97 460.87 C 373.2 449.66 386.39 434.92 399.4 420.12 M 368.96 461.23 C 383.17 445.48 389.98 430.43 405.04 419.72 M 368.96 461.23 C 379.3 448.03 391.93 435.9 405.04 419.72 M 374.6 460.84 C 389.1 446.01 396.72 430.11 410.03 420.08 M 374.6 460.84 C 382.77 451.88 389.2 442.17 410.03 420.08 M 379.59 461.2 C 394.13 450.33 400.7 435.62 415.67 419.69 M 379.59 461.2 C 390.07 446.47 403.2 433.3 415.67 419.69 M 385.23 460.8 C 399.45 447.33 406.73 434.62 420.66 420.05 M 385.23 460.8 C 395.49 448.89 404.31 439.34 420.66 420.05 M 390.22 461.16 C 401.99 446.29 407.08 436.27 426.3 419.65 M 390.22 461.16 C 402.88 444.79 417.67 429.48 426.3 419.65 M 395.21 461.52 C 401.05 450.72 411.64 443.1 431.29 420.01 M 395.21 461.52 C 407.67 446.89 418.98 436.47 431.29 420.01 M 400.85 461.13 C 414.14 452.54 416.98 438.31 436.28 420.37 M 400.85 461.13 C 407.41 453.78 414.39 444.93 436.28 420.37 M 405.84 461.49 C 410.62 447.77 424.89 444.95 441.26 420.73 M 405.84 461.49 C 419.76 448.35 432.67 431.29 441.26 420.73 M 411.48 461.09 C 415.12 455.7 426.48 445.97 441 427.13 M 411.48 461.09 C 418.4 452.75 424.07 447.22 441 427.13 M 416.47 461.45 C 423.16 452.64 431.45 445.17 441.4 432.77 M 416.47 461.45 C 424.04 452.22 428.86 446.27 441.4 432.77 M 422.11 461.06 C 425.08 451.38 434.97 446.43 441.14 439.17 M 422.11 461.06 C 426.29 454.95 432.67 448.84 441.14 439.17 M 427.1 461.42 C 429.27 455.05 437.73 454.21 440.87 445.57 M 427.1 461.42 C 432.17 455.94 437.84 452.74 440.87 445.57 M 432.74 461.02 C 437.98 459.48 441.09 453.3 441.27 451.21 M 432.74 461.02 C 437.27 458.28 439.1 454.05 441.27 451.21 M 437.73 461.38 C 437.83 460.79 440.14 459.17 441.01 457.61 M 437.73 461.38 C 438.69 460.63 440.2 459.34 441.01 457.61" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 420 C 346.93 415.64 371.82 418.72 440 420 M 320 420 C 360.78 419.38 402.33 421.79 440 420 M 440 420 C 442.65 434.08 442.13 443.05 440 460 M 440 420 C 438.47 430.22 440.37 436.69 440 460 M 440 460 C 415.16 464.93 385.6 464.74 320 460 M 440 460 C 416.6 460.21 392.74 460.4 320 460 M 320 460 C 319.92 445 317.3 427.99 320 420 M 320 460 C 320.78 446.25 318.08 432.9 320 420" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 440px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Global Routing</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="380" y="444" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Global Routing</text></switch></g><rect x="320" y="300" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320.29 299.67 C 320.29 299.67 320.29 299.67 320.29 299.67 M 320.29 299.67 C 320.29 299.67 320.29 299.67 320.29 299.67 M 320.03 306.07 C 322.42 305.64 320.75 304.29 325.28 300.03 M 320.03 306.07 C 321.04 305.16 322.01 303.41 325.28 300.03 M 319.77 312.46 C 324.58 310.54 324.26 308.99 330.92 299.63 M 319.77 312.46 C 324.89 308.34 328.05 302.74 330.92 299.63 M 320.16 318.11 C 324.14 314.62 332.01 310.29 335.91 299.99 M 320.16 318.11 C 324.97 312.49 331.27 305.72 335.91 299.99 M 319.9 324.51 C 329.66 314.11 337.93 309.41 340.89 300.35 M 319.9 324.51 C 324.88 316.76 332.92 312.88 340.89 300.35 M 320.29 330.15 C 325.95 322.72 339.43 309.51 346.54 299.96 M 320.29 330.15 C 328.32 321.81 333.94 314.03 346.54 299.96 M 320.03 336.55 C 324.57 328.78 331.39 318.18 351.52 300.32 M 320.03 336.55 C 326.62 327.07 335.41 322.4 351.52 300.32 M 321.08 341.43 C 334.17 326.71 350.07 310.32 357.17 299.93 M 321.08 341.43 C 335.65 325.93 350.09 312.07 357.17 299.93 M 326.73 341.04 C 342.24 328.11 348.35 312.24 362.15 300.29 M 326.73 341.04 C 340.61 325.71 355.45 311.08 362.15 300.29 M 331.71 341.4 C 344.9 325.55 359.36 312.61 367.8 299.89 M 331.71 341.4 C 342.88 327.63 353.49 314.24 367.8 299.89 M 337.36 341.01 C 347.09 327.78 355.4 323.36 372.78 300.25 M 337.36 341.01 C 347.14 328.02 358.88 318.82 372.78 300.25 M 342.34 341.37 C 356.24 328.16 359.81 314.65 378.43 299.86 M 342.34 341.37 C 353.17 326.21 366.85 311.09 378.43 299.86 M 347.99 340.97 C 357.86 328.02 370.23 318.72 383.41 300.22 M 347.99 340.97 C 356.32 328.33 367.46 314.48 383.41 300.22 M 352.97 341.33 C 367.13 321.56 382.37 310.41 389.06 299.82 M 352.97 341.33 C 363.96 328.47 371.24 318.33 389.06 299.82 M 358.62 340.94 C 370.57 327 375.45 318.84 394.04 300.18 M 358.62 340.94 C 367.67 329.75 379.51 319.03 394.04 300.18 M 363.6 341.3 C 371.04 329.59 384.7 321.48 399.69 299.79 M 363.6 341.3 C 376.52 326.79 392.21 310.78 399.69 299.79 M 369.25 340.9 C 377.24 331.77 390.55 318.94 404.67 300.15 M 369.25 340.9 C 376.06 331.41 382.06 323.39 404.67 300.15 M 374.23 341.26 C 378.69 333.31 389.14 323.69 410.32 299.75 M 374.23 341.26 C 381.94 329.69 389.65 322.34 410.32 299.75 M 379.88 340.87 C 388.59 330.3 400.41 317.28 415.3 300.11 M 379.88 340.87 C 392.06 326.64 399.13 318.52 415.3 300.11 M 384.86 341.23 C 398.43 323.08 410.25 308.39 420.95 299.72 M 384.86 341.23 C 391.93 332.14 399.17 322.25 420.95 299.72 M 390.51 340.83 C 405.01 330.28 412.42 313.62 425.93 300.08 M 390.51 340.83 C 398.75 329.53 407.29 322.52 425.93 300.08 M 395.49 341.19 C 409.2 329.73 421.35 314.26 431.58 299.68 M 395.49 341.19 C 407.14 324.61 424.25 309.62 431.58 299.68 M 401.14 340.8 C 411.25 329.88 429.93 312.5 436.56 300.04 M 401.14 340.8 C 411.43 326.85 422.86 315.75 436.56 300.04 M 406.12 341.16 C 412.3 333.93 418.05 327.45 440.89 301.16 M 406.12 341.16 C 413.37 333.01 421.81 326.29 440.89 301.16 M 411.11 341.52 C 423.96 328.4 431.02 311.73 441.29 306.8 M 411.11 341.52 C 419.67 329.74 430.77 319.16 441.29 306.8 M 416.75 341.12 C 421.14 336.26 431.5 329.47 441.03 313.2 M 416.75 341.12 C 423.38 333.4 431.23 326.89 441.03 313.2 M 421.74 341.48 C 430.4 331.52 433.83 326.44 440.77 319.6 M 421.74 341.48 C 424.74 337.15 431.62 332.42 440.77 319.6 M 427.38 341.09 C 429.96 335.02 438.61 328.33 441.16 325.24 M 427.38 341.09 C 429.96 337.86 437.38 332.46 441.16 325.24 M 432.37 341.45 C 438 336.67 438.48 336.15 440.9 331.64 M 432.37 341.45 C 433.85 338.65 437.06 338.18 440.9 331.64 M 438.01 341.05 C 438.39 340.2 440.7 338.51 441.29 337.28 M 438.01 341.05 C 438.87 340.8 439.12 339.41 441.29 337.28" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 320 300 C 347.69 299.04 374.05 298.64 440 300 M 320 300 C 345.87 301.8 367.88 301 440 300 M 440 300 C 440.05 306.29 439.52 316.64 440 340 M 440 300 C 438.86 311.26 439 324.98 440 340 M 440 340 C 406.05 338.24 367.07 340.89 320 340 M 440 340 C 415.49 342.29 388.24 341.14 320 340 M 320 340 C 316.97 329.05 319.39 316.17 320 300 M 320 340 C 320.78 330.72 322.68 320.45 320 300" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 320px; margin-left: 321px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Antenna Diodes Insertion</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="380" y="324" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Antenna Diodes Inser...</text></switch></g><rect x="160" y="180" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 159.9 180.12 C 159.9 180.12 159.9 180.12 159.9 180.12 M 159.9 180.12 C 159.9 180.12 159.9 180.12 159.9 180.12 M 160.29 185.76 C 161.21 183.33 164.03 183.56 165.54 179.72 M 160.29 185.76 C 161.59 184.04 164.22 181.58 165.54 179.72 M 160.03 192.16 C 165.26 189.81 168.04 185.3 170.53 180.08 M 160.03 192.16 C 163.62 187.99 167.75 185 170.53 180.08 M 159.77 198.56 C 164.3 197.61 168.45 191.56 176.17 179.69 M 159.77 198.56 C 163.38 194.19 168.85 185.98 176.17 179.69 M 160.16 204.2 C 169.24 196.21 172.59 187.76 181.16 180.05 M 160.16 204.2 C 167.95 194.76 177.77 183.74 181.16 180.05 M 159.9 210.6 C 167.15 200.45 171.3 194.7 186.8 179.65 M 159.9 210.6 C 168.9 200.43 177.75 190.5 186.8 179.65 M 160.3 216.24 C 169.19 205.03 174.87 198.22 191.79 180.01 M 160.3 216.24 C 166.25 208.54 175.17 198.09 191.79 180.01 M 161.35 221.13 C 171.16 205.67 183.14 194.18 196.77 180.37 M 161.35 221.13 C 174.35 204.23 185.61 191.14 196.77 180.37 M 166.33 221.49 C 179.62 205.75 195.9 188.51 202.42 179.98 M 166.33 221.49 C 176.2 209.18 184.94 199.97 202.42 179.98 M 171.98 221.09 C 179.9 212.79 183.67 205.86 207.4 180.34 M 171.98 221.09 C 184.14 207.24 195.67 191.64 207.4 180.34 M 176.96 221.45 C 186.34 211.54 197.84 198.09 213.05 179.95 M 176.96 221.45 C 189.84 206.44 202.46 192.09 213.05 179.95 M 182.61 221.06 C 194.49 206.29 209.56 191.81 218.03 180.31 M 182.61 221.06 C 192.33 210.29 201.54 201.6 218.03 180.31 M 187.59 221.42 C 190.97 214.15 199.66 198.71 223.68 179.91 M 187.59 221.42 C 195.17 210.4 207.32 198.56 223.68 179.91 M 193.24 221.03 C 205.93 208.62 221.73 190.56 228.66 180.27 M 193.24 221.03 C 208.26 205.05 218.37 193.26 228.66 180.27 M 198.22 221.39 C 209.02 207.21 221.32 194.6 234.31 179.88 M 198.22 221.39 C 207.58 210.18 216.53 201.95 234.31 179.88 M 203.87 220.99 C 217.56 206.29 231.28 195.19 239.29 180.24 M 203.87 220.99 C 209.82 211.27 216.8 204.45 239.29 180.24 M 208.85 221.35 C 214.91 206.6 226.07 197.86 244.94 179.84 M 208.85 221.35 C 219.6 209.18 226.04 202.35 244.94 179.84 M 214.5 220.96 C 229.13 209.55 235.7 193.79 249.92 180.2 M 214.5 220.96 C 227.35 206.26 238.18 190.76 249.92 180.2 M 219.48 221.32 C 228.89 208.27 247.88 196.95 255.57 179.81 M 219.48 221.32 C 227.61 209.45 237.16 201.54 255.57 179.81 M 225.13 220.92 C 239.49 208.22 256.18 193.02 260.56 180.17 M 225.13 220.92 C 235.05 207.8 247.57 197.94 260.56 180.17 M 230.11 221.28 C 239.45 203.55 257.37 193.31 266.2 179.77 M 230.11 221.28 C 242.21 205.61 253.66 192.55 266.2 179.77 M 235.76 220.89 C 250.24 203.63 258.64 190.3 271.19 180.13 M 235.76 220.89 C 244.49 211.3 251.49 201.83 271.19 180.13 M 240.74 221.25 C 255.45 211 264 196.51 276.83 179.74 M 240.74 221.25 C 254.37 205.75 265.88 189.25 276.83 179.74 M 246.39 220.85 C 253.01 208.74 262.54 201.68 281.16 180.85 M 246.39 220.85 C 254.49 210.91 266.81 198.19 281.16 180.85 M 251.38 221.21 C 258.7 210.2 263.39 204.04 280.9 187.25 M 251.38 221.21 C 260.58 209.35 271.62 194.32 280.9 187.25 M 257.02 220.82 C 266.06 214.85 268.64 203.45 281.29 192.89 M 257.02 220.82 C 265.67 212.12 272.8 202.79 281.29 192.89 M 262.01 221.18 C 265.19 216.87 274.22 211.59 281.03 199.29 M 262.01 221.18 C 265.49 214.64 271.57 210.12 281.03 199.29 M 267.65 220.78 C 274.99 213.48 274.67 214.49 280.77 205.69 M 267.65 220.78 C 272.16 219.07 272.28 215.86 280.77 205.69 M 272.64 221.14 C 272.9 218.47 278.41 213.79 281.16 211.33 M 272.64 221.14 C 274.77 216.64 279.08 213.94 281.16 211.33 M 277.62 221.5 C 279.11 219.59 280.51 219.72 280.9 217.73 M 277.62 221.5 C 278.12 221.2 278.9 220.31 280.9 217.73" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 180 C 185.4 182.09 209.41 182.08 280 180 M 160 180 C 192.9 180.78 226.7 178.42 280 180 M 280 180 C 278.72 192.04 275.91 201.13 280 220 M 280 180 C 281.45 189.81 279.39 202.1 280 220 M 280 220 C 249.45 220.93 219.04 218.58 160 220 M 280 220 C 249.06 223.05 218.95 219.67 160 220 M 160 220 C 160.93 203.38 156.41 188.49 160 180 M 160 220 C 161.32 204.49 159.56 187.85 160 180" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 200px; margin-left: 161px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Static Timing Analysis</div>(STA)</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="220" y="204" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Static Timing Analys...</text></switch></g><rect x="160" y="240" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160.08 239.9 C 160.08 239.9 160.08 239.9 160.08 239.9 M 160.08 239.9 C 160.08 239.9 160.08 239.9 160.08 239.9 M 159.82 246.3 C 162.45 245.08 163.38 240.48 165.07 240.27 M 159.82 246.3 C 161.95 244.76 163.59 242.8 165.07 240.27 M 160.22 251.95 C 166.15 249.47 165.61 241.91 170.71 239.87 M 160.22 251.95 C 163.06 247.91 165.14 244 170.71 239.87 M 159.95 258.34 C 163.96 251.67 164.07 252.28 175.7 240.23 M 159.95 258.34 C 161.99 255.65 166.25 250.43 175.7 240.23 M 159.69 264.74 C 165.01 254.97 167.41 255.42 181.34 239.84 M 159.69 264.74 C 167.23 258.2 170.83 248.64 181.34 239.84 M 160.09 270.38 C 168.55 265.94 171.01 260.06 186.33 240.2 M 160.09 270.38 C 170.87 258.88 178.53 251.27 186.33 240.2 M 159.83 276.78 C 165.22 269.97 169.9 258.8 191.97 239.8 M 159.83 276.78 C 167.83 266.69 173.03 258.27 191.97 239.8 M 161.53 280.92 C 169.93 272.47 178.22 257.62 196.96 240.16 M 161.53 280.92 C 174.86 267.76 187.16 251.15 196.96 240.16 M 166.52 281.28 C 176.48 269.88 187.49 259.82 202.6 239.77 M 166.52 281.28 C 179.34 269.4 188.93 253.59 202.6 239.77 M 172.16 280.88 C 182.12 271.7 190.52 254.36 207.59 240.13 M 172.16 280.88 C 178.44 273.44 184.02 263.5 207.59 240.13 M 177.15 281.24 C 187.67 266.84 202.18 260.54 213.23 239.73 M 177.15 281.24 C 185.7 272.72 191.8 261.74 213.23 239.73 M 182.79 280.85 C 192.14 265.86 203.83 258.34 218.22 240.09 M 182.79 280.85 C 196.35 264.62 208.4 249.97 218.22 240.09 M 187.78 281.21 C 199.68 264.98 211.72 251.32 223.86 239.7 M 187.78 281.21 C 198.4 269.47 207.38 259.89 223.86 239.7 M 193.42 280.81 C 204.91 268.9 221.51 251.63 228.85 240.06 M 193.42 280.81 C 199.95 269.68 209.97 260.18 228.85 240.06 M 198.41 281.17 C 207.86 265.53 227.39 248.69 234.49 239.66 M 198.41 281.17 C 207.88 272.72 213.76 263.2 234.49 239.66 M 204.05 280.78 C 215.43 269.62 222.29 255.48 239.48 240.02 M 204.05 280.78 C 210.38 269.98 219.97 259.93 239.48 240.02 M 209.04 281.14 C 222.63 270.43 231.42 258.02 245.12 239.63 M 209.04 281.14 C 217.92 270.43 228.68 256.95 245.12 239.63 M 214.03 281.5 C 224.07 266.39 235.99 260.27 250.11 239.99 M 214.03 281.5 C 223.63 271.43 230.81 259.56 250.11 239.99 M 219.67 281.1 C 228.57 272.81 231.17 263.87 255.1 240.35 M 219.67 281.1 C 236.14 263.82 246.95 248.33 255.1 240.35 M 224.66 281.46 C 233.12 272.49 239.97 264.5 260.74 239.95 M 224.66 281.46 C 230.63 274.7 237.61 264.71 260.74 239.95 M 230.3 281.07 C 243.6 264.73 255.54 253.46 265.73 240.31 M 230.3 281.07 C 238.71 269.7 249.52 259.26 265.73 240.31 M 235.29 281.43 C 242.97 267.31 256.04 255.61 271.37 239.92 M 235.29 281.43 C 244.61 267.59 257.04 258.97 271.37 239.92 M 240.93 281.03 C 250.12 271.96 264.11 252.86 276.36 240.28 M 240.93 281.03 C 251.94 272.71 259.98 259.54 276.36 240.28 M 245.92 281.39 C 254.79 265.56 268.3 257.7 281.34 240.64 M 245.92 281.39 C 257.47 266.8 269.89 255.83 281.34 240.64 M 251.56 281 C 258.15 273 266.62 262.27 281.08 247.04 M 251.56 281 C 255.7 271.6 264.99 266.68 281.08 247.04 M 256.55 281.36 C 262.26 274.29 273.05 266.27 280.82 253.44 M 256.55 281.36 C 262.36 274.25 267.94 267.69 280.82 253.44 M 262.19 280.97 C 270.82 270.7 273.27 268.84 281.22 259.08 M 262.19 280.97 C 267.03 276.23 272.32 267.91 281.22 259.08 M 267.18 281.33 C 271.71 280.28 278.84 272.51 280.95 265.48 M 267.18 281.33 C 273.27 277.1 277.1 272.62 280.95 265.48 M 272.82 280.93 C 274.62 278.4 281.67 272.79 281.35 271.12 M 272.82 280.93 C 274.29 277.03 278 274.06 281.35 271.12 M 277.81 281.29 C 278.56 280.32 279.06 278.26 281.09 277.52 M 277.81 281.29 C 278.95 280.94 279.25 279.55 281.09 277.52" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 240 C 183.12 241.93 212.78 242.32 280 240 M 160 240 C 199.93 240.56 241.52 240.64 280 240 M 280 240 C 278.99 249.79 281.9 265.62 280 280 M 280 240 C 280.05 252.36 279.78 259.22 280 280 M 280 280 C 252.85 275.62 223.01 276.27 160 280 M 280 280 C 242.64 283.81 209.66 282.21 160 280 M 160 280 C 158.49 265.71 163.03 256.81 160 240 M 160 280 C 157.87 266.27 160.43 251.24 160 240" fill="none" stroke="#82b366" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 161px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Design For Testing (DFT)</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="220" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Design For Testing (...</text></switch></g><rect x="480" y="120" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 479.75 120.29 C 479.75 120.29 479.75 120.29 479.75 120.29 M 479.75 120.29 C 479.75 120.29 479.75 120.29 479.75 120.29 M 480.15 125.93 C 480.25 123.91 484.63 122.09 485.4 119.89 M 480.15 125.93 C 481.51 124.57 483.77 123.11 485.4 119.89 M 479.89 132.33 C 484.43 132.14 484.86 123.95 490.38 120.25 M 479.89 132.33 C 481.98 128.01 485.22 126.38 490.38 120.25 M 480.28 137.97 C 484.67 133.38 488.89 132.47 496.03 119.86 M 480.28 137.97 C 484.92 132.74 488.17 130.3 496.03 119.86 M 480.02 144.37 C 484.48 137.18 489.81 134.06 501.01 120.22 M 480.02 144.37 C 482.94 138.04 487.93 134.4 501.01 120.22 M 479.76 150.76 C 487.1 137.54 501.51 133.02 506.66 119.82 M 479.76 150.76 C 491.56 137.39 498.48 127.58 506.66 119.82 M 480.15 156.41 C 494.6 137.78 504.31 123.31 511.64 120.18 M 480.15 156.41 C 487.38 148.27 496.56 138.24 511.64 120.18 M 481.2 161.3 C 486.69 153.12 499.43 142.75 517.29 119.79 M 481.2 161.3 C 495.08 146.21 508.67 133.82 517.29 119.79 M 486.85 160.9 C 492.52 153.74 505.29 134.78 522.27 120.15 M 486.85 160.9 C 500.01 144.31 514.2 130.19 522.27 120.15 M 491.83 161.26 C 504.08 149.5 517.34 129.47 527.92 119.75 M 491.83 161.26 C 499.46 149.31 506.33 140.71 527.92 119.75 M 497.48 160.87 C 507.26 148.78 516.57 133.88 532.9 120.11 M 497.48 160.87 C 506.38 150.76 516.98 139.05 532.9 120.11 M 502.46 161.23 C 511.03 152.45 519.47 143.73 538.55 119.72 M 502.46 161.23 C 512.97 148.92 520.94 140.24 538.55 119.72 M 508.11 160.83 C 522.77 150.73 530.76 139.37 543.53 120.08 M 508.11 160.83 C 517.62 151.12 523.28 139.96 543.53 120.08 M 513.09 161.19 C 523.61 148.09 541.27 131.34 549.18 119.68 M 513.09 161.19 C 524.05 146.5 537.3 134.9 549.18 119.68 M 518.74 160.8 C 536.23 145.42 546.74 132.64 554.16 120.04 M 518.74 160.8 C 531.27 144.51 545.05 129.68 554.16 120.04 M 523.72 161.16 C 541.77 145.09 549.1 127.48 559.81 119.65 M 523.72 161.16 C 532.23 150.49 544.61 137.01 559.81 119.65 M 528.71 161.52 C 540.17 154.85 546.6 138.77 564.79 120.01 M 528.71 161.52 C 539.73 149.72 550.8 133.59 564.79 120.01 M 534.35 161.12 C 539.41 150.78 548.31 138.74 569.78 120.37 M 534.35 161.12 C 549.1 145.37 559.37 133.37 569.78 120.37 M 539.34 161.48 C 548.89 150.75 558.62 135.55 575.42 119.97 M 539.34 161.48 C 551.82 145.06 565.19 133.7 575.42 119.97 M 544.98 161.09 C 552.71 148.01 556.53 139.39 580.41 120.33 M 544.98 161.09 C 553.83 150.27 566.11 136.3 580.41 120.33 M 549.97 161.45 C 558.9 154.21 566.16 141.64 586.05 119.94 M 549.97 161.45 C 564.61 145.71 574.33 133.19 586.05 119.94 M 555.61 161.05 C 564.13 150.51 573.5 140.88 591.04 120.3 M 555.61 161.05 C 565.18 147.4 578.65 132.09 591.04 120.3 M 560.6 161.41 C 574.33 153.06 578.14 136.89 596.68 119.91 M 560.6 161.41 C 570.9 147.58 582.99 133.06 596.68 119.91 M 566.24 161.02 C 576.97 148.52 594.05 132.31 601.01 121.02 M 566.24 161.02 C 578.45 146.28 590.54 129.54 601.01 121.02 M 571.23 161.38 C 585.32 149.31 589.82 133.72 601.41 126.66 M 571.23 161.38 C 580.38 151.44 586 141.63 601.41 126.66 M 576.87 160.99 C 587.25 153.79 590.25 141.15 601.15 133.06 M 576.87 160.99 C 584.71 152.9 589.57 143.52 601.15 133.06 M 581.86 161.35 C 585 157.49 593.07 147.44 600.89 139.46 M 581.86 161.35 C 588.05 154.41 592.55 150.29 600.89 139.46 M 587.5 160.95 C 589.65 158.97 596.02 150.65 601.28 145.1 M 587.5 160.95 C 591.67 157.53 592.32 155.1 601.28 145.1 M 592.49 161.31 C 593.73 160.54 595.42 155.97 601.02 151.5 M 592.49 161.31 C 595.51 157.67 596.02 157.03 601.02 151.5 M 598.13 160.92 C 599.62 159.29 599.3 159.09 600.76 157.9 M 598.13 160.92 C 598.77 160.59 599.42 159.89 600.76 157.9" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480 120 C 508.83 116.97 528.14 117.76 600 120 M 480 120 C 506.96 119.54 532.34 122.05 600 120 M 600 120 C 597.65 135.55 598.29 142.11 600 160 M 600 120 C 598.64 130.91 600.17 140.34 600 160 M 600 160 C 552.25 158.32 506.99 161.96 480 160 M 600 160 C 560.21 155.77 516.38 155.95 480 160 M 480 160 C 484.05 148.04 481.66 137.12 480 120 M 480 160 C 480.01 148.04 478.9 134.64 480 120" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 140px; margin-left: 481px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Logic Equivalence Checking (LEC)</div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="540" y="144" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Logic Equivalence Ch...</text></switch></g><rect x="480" y="180" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 479.94 180.07 C 479.94 180.07 479.94 180.07 479.94 180.07 M 479.94 180.07 C 479.94 180.07 479.94 180.07 479.94 180.07 M 479.68 186.47 C 481.72 185.55 484.51 181.67 485.58 179.68 M 479.68 186.47 C 481.87 185.15 483.3 182.26 485.58 179.68 M 480.07 192.11 C 485.32 184.98 488.83 186.54 490.57 180.04 M 480.07 192.11 C 484.14 187.51 485.33 184.96 490.57 180.04 M 479.81 198.51 C 484.76 196.47 485.26 185.84 496.21 179.64 M 479.81 198.51 C 487.21 190.83 492.85 183.25 496.21 179.64 M 480.2 204.15 C 484.94 198.54 493.36 183.66 501.2 180 M 480.2 204.15 C 486.9 196.13 493.66 189.35 501.2 180 M 479.94 210.55 C 488.45 202.01 493.14 197.41 506.18 180.36 M 479.94 210.55 C 492.27 199.89 501.97 184.43 506.18 180.36 M 479.68 216.95 C 490.73 202.58 507.56 191.6 511.83 179.97 M 479.68 216.95 C 484.97 206.41 494.43 198.41 511.83 179.97 M 481.39 221.08 C 490.77 203.92 506.77 190.21 516.81 180.33 M 481.39 221.08 C 495.35 208.59 505.76 192.94 516.81 180.33 M 486.37 221.44 C 497.78 210.11 512.67 197.83 522.46 179.93 M 486.37 221.44 C 495.54 211.85 503.63 199.13 522.46 179.93 M 492.02 221.05 C 497.33 208.83 507.89 202.83 527.44 180.29 M 492.02 221.05 C 500.71 208.96 508.56 198.06 527.44 180.29 M 497 221.41 C 506.48 204.57 519.02 188.59 533.09 179.9 M 497 221.41 C 509.01 205.28 520.48 192.43 533.09 179.9 M 502.65 221.01 C 517.25 210.6 521.26 192.84 538.07 180.26 M 502.65 221.01 C 515.17 203.45 529.81 189.01 538.07 180.26 M 507.63 221.37 C 515.81 208.96 520.13 199.46 543.72 179.87 M 507.63 221.37 C 516.34 213.33 522.97 204.24 543.72 179.87 M 513.28 220.98 C 522.35 207.22 540.57 191.53 548.7 180.23 M 513.28 220.98 C 521.15 211.37 530.09 202.31 548.7 180.23 M 518.26 221.34 C 527.46 212.51 538.24 203.51 554.35 179.83 M 518.26 221.34 C 531.17 207.53 542.13 191.11 554.35 179.83 M 523.91 220.95 C 531.38 210.14 547.59 197.78 559.33 180.19 M 523.91 220.95 C 532.61 210.82 543.44 198.31 559.33 180.19 M 528.89 221.31 C 538.22 210.69 542.3 206.93 564.98 179.8 M 528.89 221.31 C 543.72 206.98 555.1 188.19 564.98 179.8 M 534.54 220.91 C 548.27 206.95 561.41 188.62 569.97 180.16 M 534.54 220.91 C 543.5 210 553.96 197.82 569.97 180.16 M 539.52 221.27 C 557.59 206.82 566.3 193.53 575.61 179.76 M 539.52 221.27 C 551.74 207.44 559.41 196.5 575.61 179.76 M 545.17 220.88 C 553.93 212.96 562.86 203.54 580.6 180.12 M 545.17 220.88 C 558.66 204.43 572.35 190.33 580.6 180.12 M 550.16 221.24 C 555.32 215.1 564.86 201.21 586.24 179.73 M 550.16 221.24 C 561.29 208.18 570.55 198.08 586.24 179.73 M 555.8 220.84 C 565.32 212.23 571.18 204.47 591.23 180.09 M 555.8 220.84 C 571.41 207.16 586.12 188.92 591.23 180.09 M 560.79 221.2 C 569.2 213.79 578.64 200.79 596.87 179.69 M 560.79 221.2 C 575.86 206.05 587.85 190.37 596.87 179.69 M 566.43 220.81 C 577.6 204.81 590.46 188.03 601.2 180.81 M 566.43 220.81 C 574.93 209.67 579.95 202.92 601.2 180.81 M 571.42 221.17 C 579.99 211.17 582.13 206.09 600.94 187.21 M 571.42 221.17 C 581.23 212.29 590.83 202 600.94 187.21 M 576.4 221.53 C 578.71 218.65 585.2 206.83 601.33 192.85 M 576.4 221.53 C 587.64 209.14 596.05 200.66 601.33 192.85 M 582.05 221.13 C 590.63 211.32 592.11 204.69 601.07 199.25 M 582.05 221.13 C 588.72 216 592.42 208.07 601.07 199.25 M 587.03 221.49 C 594.17 218.02 591.76 217.16 600.81 205.64 M 587.03 221.49 C 592.02 216.27 596.25 212.71 600.81 205.64 M 592.68 221.1 C 595.46 215.27 598.68 214.98 601.2 211.29 M 592.68 221.1 C 595.03 217.72 597.54 216.8 601.2 211.29 M 597.66 221.46 C 598.63 220.5 599.33 220.06 600.94 217.68 M 597.66 221.46 C 598.1 220.87 599.44 219.5 600.94 217.68" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480 180 C 506.55 176.81 531.5 178 600 180 M 480 180 C 513.99 178.52 551.16 179.47 600 180 M 600 180 C 597.92 193.3 604.27 206.6 600 220 M 600 180 C 601.24 189.45 600.56 197.47 600 220 M 600 220 C 555.65 221.01 518.96 219.65 480 220 M 600 220 C 553.79 216.54 507.09 218.48 480 220 M 480 220 C 480.02 210.37 478.68 205.44 480 180 M 480 220 C 480.55 209.82 479.78 198.03 480 180" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 200px; margin-left: 481px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Detailed Routing</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="540" y="204" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Detailed Routing</text></switch></g><rect x="640" y="120" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 639.77 120.26 C 639.77 120.26 639.77 120.26 639.77 120.26 M 639.77 120.26 C 639.77 120.26 639.77 120.26 639.77 120.26 M 640.17 125.91 C 642.41 124.3 641.95 123.63 645.42 119.87 M 640.17 125.91 C 641.35 124.92 641.64 122.85 645.42 119.87 M 639.91 132.3 C 646.34 125.05 646.54 123.56 650.4 120.23 M 639.91 132.3 C 643.22 130.62 645.57 127.14 650.4 120.23 M 640.3 137.95 C 644.72 130.17 649.18 126.2 656.05 119.83 M 640.3 137.95 C 646.04 132.02 650.41 123.51 656.05 119.83 M 640.04 144.34 C 644.09 133.14 655.59 122.51 661.03 120.19 M 640.04 144.34 C 646.3 139.46 650.65 134.36 661.03 120.19 M 639.78 150.74 C 647.21 141.35 663.89 122.07 666.68 119.8 M 639.78 150.74 C 643.77 145.43 651.38 137.93 666.68 119.8 M 640.17 156.38 C 655.32 146.85 662.76 131.97 671.66 120.16 M 640.17 156.38 C 648.68 147.8 654.11 138.2 671.66 120.16 M 641.22 161.27 C 657.42 144.3 661.94 134.99 677.31 119.76 M 641.22 161.27 C 654.09 146.84 665.77 131.43 677.31 119.76 M 646.87 160.88 C 661.92 145.85 670.51 132.74 682.29 120.12 M 646.87 160.88 C 658.77 147.96 671.5 132.9 682.29 120.12 M 651.85 161.24 C 659.4 146.48 674.8 137.83 687.94 119.73 M 651.85 161.24 C 661.93 148.6 671.12 134.99 687.94 119.73 M 657.5 160.84 C 667.86 147.79 683.17 131.24 692.92 120.09 M 657.5 160.84 C 665.04 151.37 673.85 142.05 692.92 120.09 M 662.48 161.2 C 666.68 148.99 675.44 146.02 698.57 119.7 M 662.48 161.2 C 671.96 147.54 682.54 139.06 698.57 119.7 M 668.13 160.81 C 684.6 147.7 692.03 132.24 703.55 120.06 M 668.13 160.81 C 682.85 144.04 693.27 129.19 703.55 120.06 M 673.11 161.17 C 689.21 146.22 700.48 131.06 709.2 119.66 M 673.11 161.17 C 683.76 146.58 695.91 135.43 709.2 119.66 M 678.1 161.53 C 685.95 151.24 695.96 138.01 714.18 120.02 M 678.1 161.53 C 691.11 147.92 703 134.2 714.18 120.02 M 683.74 161.14 C 689.02 153.71 698.51 146.17 719.83 119.63 M 683.74 161.14 C 694.68 145.68 708.33 133.68 719.83 119.63 M 688.73 161.5 C 704.81 146.62 713.74 130.88 724.81 119.99 M 688.73 161.5 C 698.48 152.94 702.95 143.8 724.81 119.99 M 694.37 161.1 C 703.32 143.67 721.63 135.21 729.8 120.35 M 694.37 161.1 C 707.01 146.88 720.73 130.37 729.8 120.35 M 699.36 161.46 C 709.05 153.04 717.53 141.96 735.44 119.95 M 699.36 161.46 C 708.98 148.78 718.95 138.26 735.44 119.95 M 705 161.07 C 714.8 148.88 720.84 138.68 740.43 120.31 M 705 161.07 C 714.41 151.14 726.45 137.06 740.43 120.31 M 709.99 161.43 C 717.74 148.38 729.55 141.18 746.07 119.92 M 709.99 161.43 C 723.17 144.18 739.18 128.2 746.07 119.92 M 715.63 161.03 C 725.26 147.63 742.69 133.57 751.06 120.28 M 715.63 161.03 C 724.57 150.06 733.43 141.05 751.06 120.28 M 720.62 161.39 C 725.38 154.92 732.45 145.09 756.7 119.88 M 720.62 161.39 C 727.59 149.22 740.26 140.68 756.7 119.88 M 726.26 161 C 732.54 148.11 742.21 138.76 761.03 121 M 726.26 161 C 735.62 149.46 744.52 136.7 761.03 121 M 731.25 161.36 C 739.1 154.38 745.01 144.72 760.77 127.4 M 731.25 161.36 C 741.9 148.15 751.66 137.18 760.77 127.4 M 736.89 160.96 C 743.74 157.14 750.31 148.86 761.17 133.04 M 736.89 160.96 C 745.03 154.45 751.63 145.03 761.17 133.04 M 741.88 161.32 C 744.98 157.93 752.08 151.09 760.91 139.44 M 741.88 161.32 C 745.91 153.99 752.82 150.27 760.91 139.44 M 747.52 160.93 C 751.64 155.97 756.47 154.57 761.3 145.08 M 747.52 160.93 C 751.21 156.51 752.26 155 761.3 145.08 M 752.51 161.29 C 755.13 157.56 758.18 158.31 761.04 151.48 M 752.51 161.29 C 755.52 158.81 759.13 153.05 761.04 151.48 M 758.15 160.89 C 758.22 160.87 759.65 160.38 760.78 157.87 M 758.15 160.89 C 759.02 160.38 758.91 159.69 760.78 157.87" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 640 120 C 664.26 124.65 686.86 118.24 760 120 M 640 120 C 685.03 117.5 725.99 116.88 760 120 M 760 120 C 756.59 139.05 760.66 151.09 760 160 M 760 120 C 759.84 136 760.95 150.59 760 160 M 760 160 C 719.05 163.7 682.93 157.34 640 160 M 760 160 C 731.36 157.3 705.8 157.02 640 160 M 640 160 C 637.58 144.7 637.31 129.76 640 120 M 640 160 C 638.69 151.59 642.25 145.43 640 120" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 140px; margin-left: 641px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">RC Extraction</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="700" y="144" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">RC Extraction</text></switch></g><rect x="640" y="180" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 639.96 180.05 C 639.96 180.05 639.96 180.05 639.96 180.05 M 639.96 180.05 C 639.96 180.05 639.96 180.05 639.96 180.05 M 639.7 186.45 C 640.56 182.39 645.09 183.4 645.6 179.65 M 639.7 186.45 C 641.34 184.18 643.54 181.05 645.6 179.65 M 640.09 192.09 C 645.13 187.12 646.31 185 650.59 180.01 M 640.09 192.09 C 642.18 190.12 645.68 185.72 650.59 180.01 M 639.83 198.49 C 644.63 192.8 645.21 187.3 655.57 180.37 M 639.83 198.49 C 644.18 193.39 651.53 187.66 655.57 180.37 M 640.22 204.13 C 648.35 200.16 650.75 190.61 661.22 179.98 M 640.22 204.13 C 646.26 197.55 656.38 189.32 661.22 179.98 M 639.96 210.53 C 648.52 198.94 655.43 187.62 666.2 180.34 M 639.96 210.53 C 645.8 203.79 652.28 194.54 666.2 180.34 M 639.7 216.93 C 651.46 202.39 666.01 191.01 671.85 179.95 M 639.7 216.93 C 647.75 205.94 657.47 198.36 671.85 179.95 M 641.41 221.06 C 654.33 211.34 662.95 198.91 676.83 180.31 M 641.41 221.06 C 654.38 205.22 662.9 194.54 676.83 180.31 M 646.39 221.42 C 650.37 210.45 661.92 204.25 682.48 179.91 M 646.39 221.42 C 655.9 211.55 662.49 201.93 682.48 179.91 M 652.04 221.03 C 669.42 205.63 681.24 186.82 687.46 180.27 M 652.04 221.03 C 663.14 208.3 673.26 192.43 687.46 180.27 M 657.02 221.39 C 667.12 202.12 685.69 184.45 693.11 179.88 M 657.02 221.39 C 667.6 209.95 677.23 199.53 693.11 179.88 M 662.67 220.99 C 672.91 207.16 685.23 195.16 698.09 180.24 M 662.67 220.99 C 674.16 202.09 691.38 187.86 698.09 180.24 M 667.65 221.35 C 677.67 213.89 689.47 200.25 703.74 179.84 M 667.65 221.35 C 681.66 206.14 693.17 189.24 703.74 179.84 M 673.3 220.96 C 687.95 205.35 699.8 191.24 708.72 180.2 M 673.3 220.96 C 687.97 203.3 702.91 186.53 708.72 180.2 M 678.28 221.32 C 692.79 211.01 702.03 193.54 714.37 179.81 M 678.28 221.32 C 687.41 210.45 700.23 199.44 714.37 179.81 M 683.93 220.92 C 695.49 210.47 705.07 191.89 719.36 180.17 M 683.93 220.92 C 695.01 206.06 711.07 191.08 719.36 180.17 M 688.91 221.28 C 702.86 209.01 717.43 189.6 725 179.77 M 688.91 221.28 C 696.8 211.63 705.59 199.85 725 179.77 M 694.56 220.89 C 706.72 209.4 714.19 194.81 729.99 180.13 M 694.56 220.89 C 705.41 207.5 715.31 194.82 729.99 180.13 M 699.54 221.25 C 709.75 209.11 725.2 191.94 735.63 179.74 M 699.54 221.25 C 704.91 211.15 713.17 205.07 735.63 179.74 M 705.19 220.85 C 714.39 212.41 725.55 201.41 740.62 180.1 M 705.19 220.85 C 717.61 206.71 731.06 192.5 740.62 180.1 M 710.18 221.21 C 722.16 209.26 728.25 200.74 746.26 179.7 M 710.18 221.21 C 719.85 208.09 731.39 198.53 746.26 179.7 M 715.82 220.82 C 728.09 210.77 742.01 190.56 751.25 180.06 M 715.82 220.82 C 725.17 209.81 735.27 197.88 751.25 180.06 M 720.81 221.18 C 735.46 208.8 747.39 193.82 756.89 179.67 M 720.81 221.18 C 732.56 207.69 745.12 193.98 756.89 179.67 M 726.45 220.78 C 733.17 212.4 746.63 202.47 761.22 180.78 M 726.45 220.78 C 740.66 208.84 749.44 194.07 761.22 180.78 M 731.44 221.14 C 739.91 209.18 749.61 194.95 760.96 187.18 M 731.44 221.14 C 737.02 214.4 745.03 205.54 760.96 187.18 M 736.42 221.5 C 740.11 217.34 747.08 204.22 761.35 192.83 M 736.42 221.5 C 746.81 209.75 752.92 201.25 761.35 192.83 M 742.07 221.11 C 750.62 210.99 759.13 207.58 761.09 199.22 M 742.07 221.11 C 746.58 215.58 752.69 208.05 761.09 199.22 M 747.05 221.47 C 751.54 211.85 758.36 206.74 760.83 205.62 M 747.05 221.47 C 751.56 215.24 756.19 212.62 760.83 205.62 M 752.7 221.08 C 756.85 217.49 756.25 212.11 761.22 211.26 M 752.7 221.08 C 755.05 219.2 758.05 215.77 761.22 211.26 M 757.68 221.44 C 759.69 219.6 759.23 218.04 760.96 217.66 M 757.68 221.44 C 758.41 220.74 758.79 219.38 760.96 217.66" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 640 180 C 661.98 179.69 690.22 181.68 760 180 M 640 180 C 668.06 181.28 696.81 183.1 760 180 M 760 180 C 763.25 188.8 757.05 199.58 760 220 M 760 180 C 758.43 194.55 761.34 207.71 760 220 M 760 220 C 730.45 218.39 694.9 223.03 640 220 M 760 220 C 728.94 218.06 696.52 219.56 640 220 M 640 220 C 643.14 207.03 643.93 198.08 640 180 M 640 220 C 639.23 205.37 639.13 192.83 640 180" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject 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300.38 639.67 300.38 M 640.07 306.02 C 641.5 304.82 642.59 302.1 645.32 299.98 M 640.07 306.02 C 642.36 304.4 643.33 302.12 645.32 299.98 M 639.81 312.42 C 645.55 307.33 649.8 302.16 650.3 300.34 M 639.81 312.42 C 641.14 310.16 645.8 308.04 650.3 300.34 M 640.2 318.06 C 644.66 314.46 649.35 307.44 655.95 299.95 M 640.2 318.06 C 643.16 310.42 649.49 307.47 655.95 299.95 M 639.94 324.46 C 648.35 314.06 653.82 308.76 660.93 300.31 M 639.94 324.46 C 644.58 317.86 648.28 311.31 660.93 300.31 M 639.68 330.86 C 649.82 324.57 655.39 312.71 666.58 299.91 M 639.68 330.86 C 646.47 322.33 656.16 314.96 666.58 299.91 M 640.07 336.5 C 654.47 326.8 659.64 311.51 671.56 300.27 M 640.07 336.5 C 649.86 327.48 655.54 318.3 671.56 300.27 M 641.12 341.39 C 651.14 330.49 656.23 322.52 677.21 299.88 M 641.12 341.39 C 654.63 329.06 664.42 314.63 677.21 299.88 M 646.77 340.99 C 656.12 334.26 669.44 319.13 682.19 300.24 M 646.77 340.99 C 655.04 331.75 666.31 319.75 682.19 300.24 M 651.75 341.35 C 664.27 333.04 673.8 319.78 687.84 299.84 M 651.75 341.35 C 664.29 328.03 675.79 309.4 687.84 299.84 M 657.4 340.96 C 667.62 333.67 673.85 323.62 692.82 300.2 M 657.4 340.96 C 666.66 327.97 680.76 312.87 692.82 300.2 M 662.38 341.32 C 671.86 335.1 680.95 321.89 698.47 299.81 M 662.38 341.32 C 674.83 330.3 684.01 314.02 698.47 299.81 M 668.03 340.92 C 679.21 331.53 687.01 320.14 703.45 300.17 M 668.03 340.92 C 682.5 329.25 694.6 314.86 703.45 300.17 M 673.01 341.28 C 686.69 324.49 699.56 310.92 709.1 299.78 M 673.01 341.28 C 685.02 328.25 692.06 317.55 709.1 299.78 M 678.66 340.89 C 691.6 329.37 699.86 315.92 714.08 300.14 M 678.66 340.89 C 687.71 330.4 697.31 322.28 714.08 300.14 M 683.64 341.25 C 693.03 334.17 695.9 320.39 719.73 299.74 M 683.64 341.25 C 695.34 326.45 710.27 307.94 719.73 299.74 M 689.29 340.86 C 700.88 324.89 712.86 310.06 724.71 300.1 M 689.29 340.86 C 700.77 328.9 709.66 314.7 724.71 300.1 M 694.27 341.22 C 701.8 334.1 714.59 321.19 730.36 299.71 M 694.27 341.22 C 701.84 333.94 708.06 324.92 730.36 299.71 M 699.92 340.82 C 716.73 325.28 730.9 310.31 735.34 300.07 M 699.92 340.82 C 713.64 323.86 727.19 310.18 735.34 300.07 M 704.9 341.18 C 715.33 329.67 723.8 317.66 740.99 299.67 M 704.9 341.18 C 715.05 329.35 723.02 318.97 740.99 299.67 M 710.55 340.79 C 716.93 330.13 733.12 320.5 745.97 300.03 M 710.55 340.79 C 718.93 331.93 725.87 324.95 745.97 300.03 M 715.53 341.15 C 729.02 324.81 739.63 314.23 751.62 299.64 M 715.53 341.15 C 729.54 325.86 741.09 314.75 751.62 299.64 M 720.52 341.51 C 731.52 330.07 749.08 310.26 756.6 300 M 720.52 341.51 C 729.83 335 735.07 324.43 756.6 300 M 726.16 341.11 C 734.94 327.85 744.17 317.34 760.93 301.11 M 726.16 341.11 C 739.63 324.77 752.29 307.99 760.93 301.11 M 731.15 341.47 C 741.13 331.14 740.85 326.96 761.33 306.76 M 731.15 341.47 C 737.75 330.2 746.09 324.45 761.33 306.76 M 736.79 341.08 C 746.08 328.02 753.08 318.51 761.07 313.15 M 736.79 341.08 C 740.12 335.17 748.44 329.71 761.07 313.15 M 741.78 341.44 C 744.85 337.74 750.97 326.13 760.81 319.55 M 741.78 341.44 C 747.65 333.71 752.97 330.38 760.81 319.55 M 747.42 341.04 C 748.89 337.93 754.95 332.28 761.2 325.19 M 747.42 341.04 C 750 335.62 751.45 335.05 761.2 325.19 M 752.41 341.4 C 756.4 339.58 755.63 335.24 760.94 331.59 M 752.41 341.4 C 753.71 339.79 756.11 336.09 760.94 331.59 M 758.05 341.01 C 759.17 340.11 759.81 338.37 761.33 337.24 M 758.05 341.01 C 758.43 340.26 759.33 339.4 761.33 337.24" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 640 300 C 667.69 299.53 693.58 301.92 760 300 M 640 300 C 675.09 300.26 711.63 300.51 760 300 M 760 300 C 763.52 306.55 763.04 324.07 760 340 M 760 300 C 761.03 313.1 761.73 328.83 760 340 M 760 340 C 733.85 341.09 706.88 340.72 640 340 M 760 340 C 722.51 338.82 687.23 338.09 640 340 M 640 340 C 639.1 329.36 640.95 318.4 640 300 M 640 340 C 641.37 327.15 641.6 316.22 640 300" fill="none" stroke="#82b366" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 320px; margin-left: 641px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">GDSII Streaming</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="700" y="324" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">GDSII Streaming</text></switch></g><rect x="640" y="240" width="120" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 640.14 239.84 C 640.14 239.84 640.14 239.84 640.14 239.84 M 640.14 239.84 C 640.14 239.84 640.14 239.84 640.14 239.84 M 639.88 246.23 C 643.03 243.24 642.22 242.1 645.13 240.2 M 639.88 246.23 C 641.4 244.79 642.99 243.01 645.13 240.2 M 640.28 251.88 C 644.62 248.66 643.46 249.25 650.77 239.8 M 640.28 251.88 C 643.58 249.34 646.19 246.29 650.77 239.8 M 640.01 258.27 C 644.85 257.4 645.66 248.84 655.76 240.16 M 640.01 258.27 C 645.59 252.1 646.9 247.92 655.76 240.16 M 639.75 264.67 C 647.7 256.42 656.5 247.09 661.4 239.77 M 639.75 264.67 C 648.39 256.11 654.11 246.15 661.4 239.77 M 640.15 270.32 C 647.55 255.68 656.68 245.64 666.39 240.13 M 640.15 270.32 C 647.53 260.42 656.06 251.32 666.39 240.13 M 639.89 276.71 C 650.87 263.29 663.15 251.51 672.03 239.73 M 639.89 276.71 C 649.22 269.28 655.2 258.12 672.03 239.73 M 641.59 280.85 C 657.14 262.42 673.46 251.12 677.02 240.09 M 641.59 280.85 C 653.57 267.08 664.2 257.37 677.02 240.09 M 646.58 281.21 C 660.01 270.3 667.44 253.87 682.66 239.7 M 646.58 281.21 C 657.98 266.75 670.29 251.94 682.66 239.7 M 652.22 280.81 C 664.96 270.39 678.94 254.92 687.65 240.06 M 652.22 280.81 C 660.28 271.59 665.59 262.91 687.65 240.06 M 657.21 281.17 C 668.71 269.23 678.09 258.16 693.29 239.66 M 657.21 281.17 C 671.23 266.12 686.24 249.84 693.29 239.66 M 662.85 280.78 C 676.72 264.94 689.37 250.7 698.28 240.02 M 662.85 280.78 C 671.85 274.11 680.58 264.24 698.28 240.02 M 667.84 281.14 C 679.7 270.63 690.98 252.86 703.92 239.63 M 667.84 281.14 C 681.59 267.06 690.75 254.66 703.92 239.63 M 672.83 281.5 C 685.29 263.78 698.97 251.01 708.91 239.99 M 672.83 281.5 C 687.45 265.08 697.56 252.47 708.91 239.99 M 678.47 281.1 C 690.05 269.58 705.52 251.92 713.9 240.35 M 678.47 281.1 C 687.66 273.36 694.21 263.91 713.9 240.35 M 683.46 281.46 C 699.34 269.68 710.5 252.63 719.54 239.95 M 683.46 281.46 C 693.98 273.84 700.33 264.38 719.54 239.95 M 689.1 281.07 C 698.59 269.13 708.22 258.61 724.53 240.31 M 689.1 281.07 C 702.71 266.63 711.88 253.8 724.53 240.31 M 694.09 281.43 C 712.02 262.59 721.15 251.28 730.17 239.92 M 694.09 281.43 C 707.04 266.75 716.6 253.33 730.17 239.92 M 699.73 281.03 C 709.91 271.41 715.93 258.56 735.16 240.28 M 699.73 281.03 C 709.24 266.62 721.11 253.33 735.16 240.28 M 704.72 281.39 C 716.2 265.6 729.79 252.78 740.8 239.89 M 704.72 281.39 C 717.93 265.3 731.38 254.72 740.8 239.89 M 710.36 281 C 720.96 271.45 731.41 260.51 745.79 240.25 M 710.36 281 C 722.37 266.62 731.98 253.84 745.79 240.25 M 715.35 281.36 C 721.82 268.41 736.89 259.72 751.43 239.85 M 715.35 281.36 C 729.8 266.01 742.62 247.94 751.43 239.85 M 720.99 280.97 C 734.48 270.7 741.47 254.28 756.42 240.21 M 720.99 280.97 C 729.24 267.93 742.19 256.41 756.42 240.21 M 725.98 281.33 C 735.42 264.31 748.66 252.96 761.4 240.57 M 725.98 281.33 C 733.51 272.4 743.26 261.43 761.4 240.57 M 731.62 280.93 C 742.08 274.97 745.44 258.39 761.14 246.97 M 731.62 280.93 C 742.88 269.53 751.2 259.3 761.14 246.97 M 736.61 281.29 C 742.56 267.13 757.76 261 760.88 253.37 M 736.61 281.29 C 741.95 270.41 749.57 262.13 760.88 253.37 M 742.25 280.9 C 746.96 275.61 750.69 271.8 761.28 259.01 M 742.25 280.9 C 749.47 274.97 754 267.84 761.28 259.01 M 747.24 281.26 C 753.69 276.66 758.98 270.46 761.01 265.41 M 747.24 281.26 C 751.27 277.48 756.3 271.78 761.01 265.41 M 752.88 280.86 C 758.41 279.19 759.18 273.92 761.41 271.05 M 752.88 280.86 C 756.12 279.51 757.92 275.53 761.41 271.05 M 757.87 281.22 C 758.1 279.39 759.83 279.47 761.15 277.45 M 757.87 281.22 C 758.89 280.42 759.31 280.07 761.15 277.45" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 640 240 C 665.41 234.58 688.94 237.36 760 240 M 640 240 C 686.12 239.24 730.45 237.93 760 240 M 760 240 C 762.18 252.3 759.43 260.56 760 280 M 760 240 C 759.63 251.65 762.12 265.95 760 280 M 760 280 C 713.25 283.78 662.85 278.41 640 280 M 760 280 C 720.09 279.58 677.94 280.63 640 280 M 640 280 C 636.67 263.69 639.58 250.71 640 240 M 640 280 C 637.91 268.92 638.47 259.62 640 240" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 641px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Physical Verification</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="700" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" 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267.08 497.21 258.13 512.01 239.76 M 481.57 280.87 C 494.08 269.46 506.7 254.8 517 240.12 M 481.57 280.87 C 493.87 269.43 501.55 256.21 517 240.12 M 486.56 281.23 C 495.88 266.36 513.25 248.81 522.64 239.72 M 486.56 281.23 C 495.35 271.51 501.31 262.4 522.64 239.72 M 492.2 280.84 C 499.89 269.68 503.42 267.95 527.63 240.08 M 492.2 280.84 C 501.46 269.87 507.91 262.71 527.63 240.08 M 497.19 281.2 C 508.17 271.31 512.57 259.41 533.27 239.69 M 497.19 281.2 C 506.89 268.64 515.37 259.73 533.27 239.69 M 502.83 280.8 C 507.79 271.33 517.05 264.05 538.26 240.05 M 502.83 280.8 C 514.04 268.68 525.61 252.84 538.26 240.05 M 507.82 281.16 C 520.99 268.56 528.4 260.87 543.9 239.65 M 507.82 281.16 C 520.62 268.93 530.6 254.78 543.9 239.65 M 512.81 281.52 C 524.06 272.33 538.55 252.35 548.89 240.01 M 512.81 281.52 C 520.5 270.03 530.44 259.79 548.89 240.01 M 518.45 281.13 C 528.66 268.18 543.35 246.31 553.88 240.37 M 518.45 281.13 C 530.86 265.39 545.44 250.47 553.88 240.37 M 523.44 281.49 C 528.94 274.75 541.18 262.73 559.52 239.98 M 523.44 281.49 C 534.35 270.19 543.33 261.47 559.52 239.98 M 529.08 281.09 C 538.09 273.17 553.38 258.96 564.51 240.34 M 529.08 281.09 C 540.81 265.57 554.27 250.13 564.51 240.34 M 534.07 281.45 C 545.52 267.18 559.79 257.77 570.15 239.94 M 534.07 281.45 C 539.53 271.68 549.21 262.14 570.15 239.94 M 539.71 281.06 C 550.34 267.79 563.29 248.9 575.14 240.3 M 539.71 281.06 C 550.63 269.19 560.84 260.29 575.14 240.3 M 544.7 281.42 C 555.58 269.34 566.29 255.72 580.78 239.91 M 544.7 281.42 C 553.75 271.91 561.46 261.43 580.78 239.91 M 550.34 281.02 C 563.52 272.58 568.24 260.34 585.77 240.27 M 550.34 281.02 C 558.89 270.69 568.09 260.26 585.77 240.27 M 555.33 281.38 C 562.79 271.83 574.32 265.02 591.41 239.87 M 555.33 281.38 C 563.01 270.27 573.88 261.54 591.41 239.87 M 560.97 280.99 C 570.81 271.65 583.45 258.37 596.4 240.23 M 560.97 280.99 C 573.93 266.68 586.73 250.06 596.4 240.23 M 565.96 281.35 C 577.49 267.4 594.54 247.44 601.38 240.59 M 565.96 281.35 C 576.76 267.98 586.43 258.96 601.38 240.59 M 571.6 280.95 C 581.33 270.01 588.47 256.85 601.12 246.99 M 571.6 280.95 C 583.7 269.22 592.18 254.31 601.12 246.99 M 576.59 281.31 C 582.35 272.6 584.91 267.45 600.86 253.39 M 576.59 281.31 C 585.07 270.42 595.98 259.34 600.86 253.39 M 582.23 280.92 C 584.38 277.67 597.54 269.29 601.26 259.03 M 582.23 280.92 C 585.93 272.8 593.67 265.87 601.26 259.03 M 587.22 281.28 C 591.28 275.19 595.81 268.46 600.99 265.43 M 587.22 281.28 C 589.32 278.86 595.17 275.21 600.99 265.43 M 592.86 280.88 C 592.63 276.11 598.43 277.08 601.39 271.07 M 592.86 280.88 C 596.75 277.83 599.65 274.22 601.39 271.07 M 597.85 281.25 C 599.19 280.35 600.02 278.24 601.13 277.47 M 597.85 281.25 C 598.51 280.39 599.46 279.54 601.13 277.47" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 480 240 C 503.12 242.42 532.31 237.6 600 240 M 480 240 C 509.15 243.01 541.27 240.15 600 240 M 600 240 C 600.85 250.05 595.81 265.05 600 280 M 600 240 C 600.62 250.19 600.91 263.07 600 280 M 600 280 C 556.65 278.47 514.82 284.1 480 280 M 600 280 C 553.66 280.34 508.65 279.16 480 280 M 480 280 C 482.23 266.02 478.2 251.03 480 240 M 480 280 C 480.05 270.7 480.95 263.02 480 240" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 481px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; 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163.21 37.71 146.54 40 100 M 40 100 C 61.87 100 77.3 97.45 107.88 100 M 40 100 C 55.88 97.57 69.58 97.72 107.88 100 M 107.88 100 C 108.29 104.61 115.77 107.36 119.19 111.43 M 107.88 100 C 111.13 101.12 112.66 105.83 119.19 111.43" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 107.88 100 M 107.88 100 C 105.26 103.45 109.67 108.9 103.84 107.35 M 107.88 100 C 105.54 106.69 108.56 102.31 103.84 107.35 M 103.84 107.35 C 106.96 108.18 116.31 110.37 119.19 111.67 M 103.84 107.35 C 105.65 108.92 111.67 109.82 119.19 111.67" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe 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871.04 316.04 869.84 341.31 869.29 360 M 869.29 291.43 C 866.37 311.99 870.14 328.54 869.29 360 M 869.29 360 C 853.46 362.78 835.13 360.53 800 360 M 869.29 360 C 847.09 362.1 829.87 358.58 800 360 M 800 360 C 801.5 330.12 796.5 296.52 800 280 M 800 360 C 800.17 331.31 800.75 301.95 800 280 M 800 280 C 820.79 279.21 837.64 280.07 859.39 280 M 800 280 C 821.47 280.92 838.74 282.44 859.39 280 M 859.39 280 C 865.57 286.13 864.67 286.51 869.29 291.43 M 859.39 280 C 862.63 283.25 867.62 288.81 869.29 291.43" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 859.39 280 M 859.39 280 C 856.66 284.13 858.07 286.62 855.86 287.35 M 859.39 280 C 863.75 281.36 858.22 285.62 855.86 287.35 M 855.86 287.35 C 859.24 290.69 865.44 291.67 869.29 291.67 M 855.86 287.35 C 860.62 288.38 863.85 290.54 869.29 291.67" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" 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458.01 C 100.78 459.28 90.61 460 80 460 C 57.91 460 40 456.96 40 453.21 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 120 386.79 C 120 388.59 115.79 390.32 108.28 391.6 C 100.78 392.87 90.61 393.59 80 393.59 C 57.91 393.59 40 390.54 40 386.79" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 36.46 388.93 L 47.73 380.89 L 81.02 382.22 L 106.04 385.04 L 121.32 384.67 L 120.77 453.83 L 105.72 456.51 L 83.07 458.55 L 55.39 458.38 L 37.82 458.39 L 38.65 386.64" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 40 386.79 M 40 386.79 C 36.94 381.16 58.6 379 80 380 M 40 386.79 C 39.31 379.12 54.9 383.03 80 380 M 80 380 C 94.48 382.39 103.94 383.18 108.28 381.99 M 80 380 C 91.47 383.15 102.4 376.39 108.28 381.99 M 108.28 381.99 C 115.17 380.22 116.43 384.78 120 386.79 M 108.28 381.99 C 115.84 383.7 121.71 388.45 120 386.79 M 120 386.79 C 118 406.65 120.78 423.28 120 453.21 M 120 386.79 C 120.75 402.2 118.82 420.9 120 453.21 M 120 453.21 C 123.83 453.57 117.22 458.42 108.28 458.01 M 120 453.21 C 122.99 451.16 116.65 459.53 108.28 458.01 M 108.28 458.01 C 99.38 456.35 88.93 461.65 80 460 M 108.28 458.01 C 104.96 459.42 92.84 459.08 80 460 M 80 460 C 56.36 456.22 38.32 455.97 40 453.21 M 80 460 C 58.77 462.07 36.7 453.57 40 453.21 M 40 453.21 C 41.59 441.23 37.75 426.14 40 386.79 M 40 453.21 C 37.21 440.45 40.49 426.43 40 386.79" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 120 386.79 M 120 386.79 C 116.46 390.73 111.8 389.22 108.28 391.6 M 120 386.79 C 121.17 391.14 113.22 393.82 108.28 391.6 M 108.28 391.6 C 102.87 392.08 92.15 392.88 80 393.59 M 108.28 391.6 C 97.84 391.14 94.14 391.92 80 393.59 M 80 393.59 C 55.66 393.13 37 394.35 40 386.79 M 80 393.59 C 56.35 393.41 36.48 388.38 40 386.79" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g 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d="M 120 140 M 120 140 C 123.73 138.81 131.81 135.95 153.63 140 M 120 140 C 127.51 139.8 136.96 137.84 153.63 140" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 152.1 136.24 C 152.1 136.24 152.1 136.24 152.1 136.24 M 152.1 136.24 C 152.1 136.24 152.1 136.24 152.1 136.24 M 153.81 140.38 C 154.01 140.06 154.72 139.43 155.78 138.11 M 153.81 140.38 C 154.19 139.61 154.9 139.35 155.78 138.11" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 158.88 140 M 158.88 140 C 156.6 140.26 152.28 141.87 151.88 143.5 M 158.88 140 C 156.67 140.14 155.43 142.13 151.88 143.5 M 151.88 143.5 C 152.35 142.23 152.48 141.46 153.63 140 M 151.88 143.5 C 152.39 141.9 153.33 140.66 153.63 140 M 153.63 140 C 153.75 138.98 153.41 138.29 151.88 136.5 M 153.63 140 C 152.8 139.29 152.97 138.28 151.88 136.5 M 151.88 136.5 C 155.54 137.16 155.28 139.04 158.88 140 M 151.88 136.5 C 153.94 138.13 156.61 138.77 158.88 140" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 160 L 220 173.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 220 178.88 L 216.5 171.88 L 220 173.63 L 223.5 171.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 160 M 220 160 C 221.83 160.75 220.88 167.41 220 173.63 M 220 160 C 221.28 164.7 221.45 169.39 220 173.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 216.27 172.15 C 216.27 172.15 216.27 172.15 216.27 172.15 M 216.27 172.15 C 216.27 172.15 216.27 172.15 216.27 172.15 M 218.63 175.52 C 218.76 174.91 219.05 174.97 219.94 174.02 M 218.63 175.52 C 219.09 174.99 219.31 174.81 219.94 174.02" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 178.88 M 220 178.88 C 218.67 176.21 217.41 175.1 216.5 171.88 M 220 178.88 C 219.25 176.71 217.83 175.34 216.5 171.88 M 216.5 171.88 C 217.3 172.09 218.55 173.54 220 173.63 M 216.5 171.88 C 217.79 172.23 219.31 172.93 220 173.63 M 220 173.63 C 220.9 173.65 222.52 172.41 223.5 171.88 M 220 173.63 C 221.14 173.11 222.18 172.7 223.5 171.88 M 223.5 171.88 C 221.96 174.49 222.46 175.69 220 178.88 M 223.5 171.88 C 222.94 174.59 221.07 176.53 220 178.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 220 L 220 233.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 220 238.88 L 216.5 231.88 L 220 233.63 L 223.5 231.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 220 M 220 220 C 219.77 224.79 217.22 226.27 220 233.63 M 220 220 C 220.22 225.98 219.81 230.58 220 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 216.45 231.93 C 216.45 231.93 216.45 231.93 216.45 231.93 M 216.45 231.93 C 216.45 231.93 216.45 231.93 216.45 231.93 M 218.16 236.07 C 218.34 235.74 219.71 235.35 220.13 233.8 M 218.16 236.07 C 218.57 235.31 219.11 235.03 220.13 233.8" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 238.88 M 220 238.88 C 218.34 237.37 218.76 234.58 216.5 231.88 M 220 238.88 C 218.61 236.55 217.85 234.02 216.5 231.88 M 216.5 231.88 C 218.06 231.96 219.31 232.46 220 233.63 M 216.5 231.88 C 217.83 232.1 218.47 232.65 220 233.63 M 220 233.63 C 221.1 233.01 221.03 232.68 223.5 231.88 M 220 233.63 C 221.13 233.11 221.84 232.45 223.5 231.88 M 223.5 231.88 C 222.8 233.68 220.7 237.53 220 238.88 M 223.5 231.88 C 222.4 234.36 221.45 236.32 220 238.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 160 L 380 173.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 178.88 L 376.5 171.88 L 380 173.63 L 383.5 171.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 160 M 380 160 C 378.26 163.38 379.56 165.13 380 173.63 M 380 160 C 378.61 164.52 380.35 166.32 380 173.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.29 172.12 C 376.29 172.12 376.29 172.12 376.29 172.12 M 376.29 172.12 C 376.29 172.12 376.29 172.12 376.29 172.12 M 378.65 175.5 C 378.7 174.88 379.43 174.3 379.96 173.99 M 378.65 175.5 C 378.99 175.07 379.77 174.18 379.96 173.99" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 178.88 M 380 178.88 C 378.01 175.41 376.99 174.06 376.5 171.88 M 380 178.88 C 379.54 176.39 377.87 174.26 376.5 171.88 M 376.5 171.88 C 377.25 171.84 378.5 172.94 380 173.63 M 376.5 171.88 C 377.15 171.98 378.47 172.38 380 173.63 M 380 173.63 C 380.5 173.59 382.59 172.25 383.5 171.88 M 380 173.63 C 381.04 172.89 382.12 172.42 383.5 171.88 M 383.5 171.88 C 381.5 174.6 383.76 173.44 380 178.88 M 383.5 171.88 C 381.86 173.98 381.82 175.97 380 178.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 220 L 380 233.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 238.88 L 376.5 231.88 L 380 233.63 L 383.5 231.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 220 M 380 220 C 382.2 221.97 381.89 223.99 380 233.63 M 380 220 C 380.28 225.79 378.72 230.23 380 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.47 231.91 C 376.47 231.91 376.47 231.91 376.47 231.91 M 376.47 231.91 C 376.47 231.91 376.47 231.91 376.47 231.91 M 378.18 236.04 C 379.45 235.63 379.07 234.28 380.15 233.78 M 378.18 236.04 C 379 235.37 379.79 234.62 380.15 233.78" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 238.88 M 380 238.88 C 377.68 236.58 378.34 236.67 376.5 231.88 M 380 238.88 C 378.62 236.22 377.61 232.94 376.5 231.88 M 376.5 231.88 C 376.51 231.86 377.76 231.99 380 233.63 M 376.5 231.88 C 377.19 231.85 377.62 232.89 380 233.63 M 380 233.63 C 381.4 232.6 382.51 231.82 383.5 231.88 M 380 233.63 C 381.03 232.89 381.79 232.95 383.5 231.88 M 383.5 231.88 C 382.34 233.8 382 235.28 380 238.88 M 383.5 231.88 C 382.88 233.75 382.2 235.75 380 238.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 280 L 380 293.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 298.88 L 376.5 291.88 L 380 293.63 L 383.5 291.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 280 M 380 280 C 380.69 280.56 378.78 288.3 380 293.63 M 380 280 C 379.22 281.61 379.81 285.97 380 293.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.66 291.7 C 376.66 291.7 376.66 291.7 376.66 291.7 M 376.66 291.7 C 376.66 291.7 376.66 291.7 376.66 291.7 M 378.37 295.83 C 379.62 294.81 380.18 294.18 380.33 293.57 M 378.37 295.83 C 378.9 295.12 379.9 294.36 380.33 293.57" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 298.88 M 380 298.88 C 380.49 297.74 379.7 296.15 376.5 291.88 M 380 298.88 C 378.68 297.46 379.03 295.99 376.5 291.88 M 376.5 291.88 C 377.97 292.08 378.35 293.18 380 293.63 M 376.5 291.88 C 378 292.21 379.03 293.45 380 293.63 M 380 293.63 C 380.1 293.53 381.1 292.09 383.5 291.88 M 380 293.63 C 380.93 293.46 382.07 292.14 383.5 291.88 M 383.5 291.88 C 383.18 292.99 380.25 297.13 380 298.88 M 383.5 291.88 C 381.65 294.92 381.17 296.78 380 298.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 340 L 380 353.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 358.88 L 376.5 351.88 L 380 353.63 L 383.5 351.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 340 M 380 340 C 379.18 344.6 381.11 347.16 380 353.63 M 380 340 C 380.89 342.89 380.89 347.15 380 353.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.19 352.24 C 376.19 352.24 376.19 352.24 376.19 352.24 M 376.19 352.24 C 376.19 352.24 376.19 352.24 376.19 352.24 M 378.55 355.62 C 379.06 355.64 378.99 355.2 379.86 354.11 M 378.55 355.62 C 379.12 355.17 379.53 354.66 379.86 354.11" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 358.88 M 380 358.88 C 379.46 357.51 376.52 352.83 376.5 351.88 M 380 358.88 C 379.61 357.3 379.05 354.67 376.5 351.88 M 376.5 351.88 C 377.16 351.96 379.11 353.66 380 353.63 M 376.5 351.88 C 377.26 352.08 378.96 353.18 380 353.63 M 380 353.63 C 381 352.54 382.58 353.22 383.5 351.88 M 380 353.63 C 380.92 353.45 381.73 352.67 383.5 351.88 M 383.5 351.88 C 381.6 353.92 383.02 356.17 380 358.88 M 383.5 351.88 C 382.95 354.69 381.83 356.56 380 358.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 400 L 380 413.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 418.88 L 376.5 411.88 L 380 413.63 L 383.5 411.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 400 M 380 400 C 377.55 400.79 382.36 403.88 380 413.63 M 380 400 C 378.86 403.62 379.77 406.03 380 413.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.37 412.02 C 376.37 412.02 376.37 412.02 376.37 412.02 M 376.37 412.02 C 376.37 412.02 376.37 412.02 376.37 412.02 M 378.74 415.4 C 379.44 415.13 379.38 414.16 380.05 413.89 M 378.74 415.4 C 379.18 414.66 379.62 414.3 380.05 413.89" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 418.88 M 380 418.88 C 378.56 415.39 378.53 414.93 376.5 411.88 M 380 418.88 C 378.65 415.91 378.15 413.77 376.5 411.88 M 376.5 411.88 C 377.28 411.84 379.44 413.62 380 413.63 M 376.5 411.88 C 376.98 411.94 378.32 412.33 380 413.63 M 380 413.63 C 381.98 412.5 383.03 412.62 383.5 411.88 M 380 413.63 C 380.49 413.54 381.83 412.83 383.5 411.88 M 383.5 411.88 C 382.53 414.46 380.04 415.39 380 418.88 M 383.5 411.88 C 381.93 414.62 380.91 416.24 380 418.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 160 L 540 173.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 540 178.88 L 536.5 171.88 L 540 173.63 L 543.5 171.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 160 M 540 160 C 541.5 164.83 539.24 168.19 540 173.63 M 540 160 C 540.52 164.89 540.85 169.94 540 173.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 536.31 172.1 C 536.31 172.1 536.31 172.1 536.31 172.1 M 536.31 172.1 C 536.31 172.1 536.31 172.1 536.31 172.1 M 538.67 175.48 C 539.11 175.05 539.4 174.87 539.98 173.97 M 538.67 175.48 C 538.93 175.11 539.51 174.34 539.98 173.97" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 178.88 M 540 178.88 C 538.23 176.56 536.75 174.41 536.5 171.88 M 540 178.88 C 538.02 175.6 536.61 173.87 536.5 171.88 M 536.5 171.88 C 538.11 171.86 538.7 172.67 540 173.63 M 536.5 171.88 C 537.79 172.16 538.94 173.54 540 173.63 M 540 173.63 C 540.62 173.43 541.55 172.89 543.5 171.88 M 540 173.63 C 541.18 173.19 542.12 172.66 543.5 171.88 M 543.5 171.88 C 544.08 172.25 542.81 174.43 540 178.88 M 543.5 171.88 C 542.96 174.39 541.28 176.03 540 178.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 220 L 540 233.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 540 238.88 L 536.5 231.88 L 540 233.63 L 543.5 231.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 220 M 540 220 C 539.98 223.42 541.58 227.05 540 233.63 M 540 220 C 539.47 223.44 539.22 225.68 540 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 536.49 231.89 C 536.49 231.89 536.49 231.89 536.49 231.89 M 536.49 231.89 C 536.49 231.89 536.49 231.89 536.49 231.89 M 538.2 236.02 C 538.75 235.97 538.92 235.22 540.17 233.76 M 538.2 236.02 C 538.89 235.44 539.39 234.27 540.17 233.76" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 238.88 M 540 238.88 C 537.91 237.72 538.11 237.02 536.5 231.88 M 540 238.88 C 539.36 236.84 537.75 235.35 536.5 231.88 M 536.5 231.88 C 537.3 231.74 537.89 233.15 540 233.63 M 536.5 231.88 C 537.9 232.17 538.95 233.4 540 233.63 M 540 233.63 C 541.59 232.44 543.1 232.46 543.5 231.88 M 540 233.63 C 540.38 233.33 541.78 232.55 543.5 231.88 M 543.5 231.88 C 542.07 234.58 541.34 236.27 540 238.88 M 543.5 231.88 C 542.42 234.16 541.66 235.82 540 238.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 160 L 700 173.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 700 178.88 L 696.5 171.88 L 700 173.63 L 703.5 171.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 160 M 700 160 C 698.47 162 698.47 165.91 700 173.63 M 700 160 C 701.13 164.71 700.31 166.87 700 173.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 696.33 172.08 C 696.33 172.08 696.33 172.08 696.33 172.08 M 696.33 172.08 C 696.33 172.08 696.33 172.08 696.33 172.08 M 698.69 175.46 C 699.05 175.02 699.78 174.2 700 173.95 M 698.69 175.46 C 698.96 175.04 699.44 174.66 700 173.95" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 178.88 M 700 178.88 C 700.71 178.89 699.46 176.5 696.5 171.88 M 700 178.88 C 698.72 176.68 697.77 175.6 696.5 171.88 M 696.5 171.88 C 696.49 171.61 698.65 172.07 700 173.63 M 696.5 171.88 C 697.16 172.83 698.88 173.13 700 173.63 M 700 173.63 C 700.22 173.37 701.62 172.72 703.5 171.88 M 700 173.63 C 701.07 172.97 702.06 172.38 703.5 171.88 M 703.5 171.88 C 703.61 172.37 700.98 175.31 700 178.88 M 703.5 171.88 C 701.88 173.92 702.03 175.6 700 178.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 220 L 700 233.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 700 238.88 L 696.5 231.88 L 700 233.63 L 703.5 231.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 220 M 700 220 C 702.41 220.59 700.8 224.77 700 233.63 M 700 220 C 700.07 225.98 701.39 230.78 700 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 696.51 231.86 C 696.51 231.86 696.51 231.86 696.51 231.86 M 696.51 231.86 C 696.51 231.86 696.51 231.86 696.51 231.86 M 698.22 236 C 698.75 234.66 699.58 234.14 700.19 233.73 M 698.22 236 C 699.03 235.42 699.37 234.84 700.19 233.73" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 238.88 M 700 238.88 C 699.68 235.53 696.29 233.17 696.5 231.88 M 700 238.88 C 699.65 236.51 697.79 234.28 696.5 231.88 M 696.5 231.88 C 698.02 231.84 699.31 233.25 700 233.63 M 696.5 231.88 C 697.26 232.7 698.1 232.85 700 233.63 M 700 233.63 C 701.19 232.38 701.61 232.29 703.5 231.88 M 700 233.63 C 701.06 233.11 701.72 233.05 703.5 231.88 M 703.5 231.88 C 701.33 234.7 702.36 237.16 700 238.88 M 703.5 231.88 C 703.19 233.69 702.69 235.39 700 238.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 280 L 700 293.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 700 298.88 L 696.5 291.88 L 700 293.63 L 703.5 291.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 280 M 700 280 C 700.9 284.63 697.69 283.63 700 293.63 M 700 280 C 698.47 281.8 699.21 286.52 700 293.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 696.7 291.65 C 696.7 291.65 696.7 291.65 696.7 291.65 M 696.7 291.65 C 696.7 291.65 696.7 291.65 696.7 291.65 M 698.41 295.78 C 698.84 295.04 699.39 294.04 700.37 293.52 M 698.41 295.78 C 698.93 295.17 699.48 294.58 700.37 293.52" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 298.88 M 700 298.88 C 699.35 296.55 697.64 295.64 696.5 291.88 M 700 298.88 C 698.73 296.35 697.53 294.53 696.5 291.88 M 696.5 291.88 C 697.21 291.72 698.5 292.16 700 293.63 M 696.5 291.88 C 698 292.92 699.44 293.28 700 293.63 M 700 293.63 C 700.59 292.96 703.16 291.86 703.5 291.88 M 700 293.63 C 700.97 292.75 702 292.1 703.5 291.88 M 703.5 291.88 C 702.17 293.89 700.6 295.87 700 298.88 M 703.5 291.88 C 701.95 294.86 701.66 296.41 700 298.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 280 L 220 300 L 300 300 L 300 100 L 380 100 L 380 113.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 380 118.88 L 376.5 111.88 L 380 113.63 L 383.5 111.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 280 M 220 280 C 219.11 284.72 220.03 291.65 220 300 M 220 280 C 220.2 284.51 220.44 291.31 220 300 M 220 300 C 233.97 297.39 255 301.68 300 300 M 220 300 C 236.79 298.69 257.43 298.16 300 300 M 300 300 C 296.18 244.58 298.42 185.73 300 100 M 300 300 C 299.59 260.17 301.55 219.67 300 100 M 300 100 C 321.59 96.69 334.18 100.05 380 100 M 300 100 C 329.88 101.93 354.39 99.87 380 100 M 380 100 C 379.69 105.88 379.69 104.82 380 113.63 M 380 100 C 380.92 101.58 380.76 105.4 380 113.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 376.76 111.58 C 376.76 111.58 376.76 111.58 376.76 111.58 M 376.76 111.58 C 376.76 111.58 376.76 111.58 376.76 111.58 M 378.47 115.71 C 378.5 114.82 379.58 115 380.43 113.45 M 378.47 115.71 C 378.7 115.07 379.48 114.47 380.43 113.45" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 118.88 M 380 118.88 C 378.75 117.72 378.72 115.12 376.5 111.88 M 380 118.88 C 378.8 117.59 378.95 116.01 376.5 111.88 M 376.5 111.88 C 377.97 111.59 377.69 112.64 380 113.63 M 376.5 111.88 C 378.11 112.8 378.66 113 380 113.63 M 380 113.63 C 380.79 113.88 381.68 112.13 383.5 111.88 M 380 113.63 C 380.96 112.89 381.67 112.77 383.5 111.88 M 383.5 111.88 C 383.71 114.67 380.25 114.77 380 118.88 M 383.5 111.88 C 382.97 114.49 380.47 116.06 380 118.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 330 40 L 440 40 L 450 60 L 440 80 L 330 80 L 340 60 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 326.47 42.63 L 441.2 36.63 L 448.42 63.2 L 441.51 82.72 L 327.52 78.07 L 337.79 58.03 L 326.57 36.66" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 330 40 M 330 40 C 353.28 43.08 382.09 44.7 440 40 M 330 40 C 353.46 36.82 376.1 39.86 440 40 M 440 40 C 441.35 41.66 442.29 48.15 450 60 M 440 40 C 443.16 45.32 445.79 51.46 450 60 M 450 60 C 447.27 63.74 439.24 78.03 440 80 M 450 60 C 445.9 67.27 443.77 70.92 440 80 M 440 80 C 406.46 79 363.64 75.87 330 80 M 440 80 C 404.29 82.94 369.62 82.06 330 80 M 330 80 C 332.04 71.99 339.2 65.68 340 60 M 330 80 C 333.19 74.84 334.84 67.49 340 60 M 340 60 C 337.31 54.95 338.97 48.4 330 40 M 340 60 C 337.28 54.8 334.33 50.36 330 40" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 331px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Implementation</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="390" y="64" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Implementation</text></switch></g><path d="M 170 40 L 280 40 L 290 60 L 280 80 L 170 80 L 180 60 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 166.47 43.31 L 278.01 42.34 L 286.35 58.56 L 279.84 77.6 L 168.06 80.48 L 182.58 58.89 L 169.66 42.39" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 170 40 M 170 40 C 204.4 36.25 234.8 35.22 280 40 M 170 40 C 211.2 39.57 254.92 42.17 280 40 M 280 40 C 279.7 43.12 284.21 51.84 290 60 M 280 40 C 282.57 46.38 287.66 51.11 290 60 M 290 60 C 284.64 62.55 286.28 71.26 280 80 M 290 60 C 288.01 66.17 286.7 68.53 280 80 M 280 80 C 255.49 82.77 235.91 83.18 170 80 M 280 80 C 257.11 80.28 233.66 81.24 170 80 M 170 80 C 173.3 78.59 173.45 71.79 180 60 M 170 80 C 171.41 75.5 174.71 69.57 180 60 M 180 60 C 176.49 54.18 172.31 43.46 170 40 M 180 60 C 175.85 54.15 174.56 48.59 170 40" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 171px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Synthesis</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="230" y="64" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Synthesis</text></switch></g><path d="M 490 40 L 600 40 L 610 60 L 600 80 L 490 80 L 500 60 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 486.47 43.99 L 602.82 40.06 L 612.27 61.92 L 598.16 80.48 L 488.6 82.89 L 499.36 59.74 L 492.74 40.12" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 490 40 M 490 40 C 527.52 41.83 559.5 38.13 600 40 M 490 40 C 530.93 41.93 569.73 40.09 600 40 M 600 40 C 600.06 48.58 610.13 55.52 610 60 M 600 40 C 601.18 47.43 604.73 54.76 610 60 M 610 60 C 610.02 61.35 605.31 72.5 600 80 M 610 60 C 609.32 65.07 604.82 70.14 600 80 M 600 80 C 570.52 78.54 536.18 82.49 490 80 M 600 80 C 563.93 82.03 529.7 80.81 490 80 M 490 80 C 489.36 73.18 492.5 69.89 500 60 M 490 80 C 492.84 76.15 493.79 71.65 500 60 M 500 60 C 497.67 57.41 497.66 54.52 490 40 M 500 60 C 499.21 53.89 495.59 51.23 490 40" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" 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650 40 C 684.15 42.17 711.02 43.78 760 40 M 650 40 C 673.15 40.08 695.6 40.61 760 40 M 760 40 C 764.65 49.4 765.27 49.36 770 60 M 760 40 C 763.05 43.91 762.63 48.28 770 60 M 770 60 C 767.95 70.2 761.63 74.8 760 80 M 770 60 C 767.73 68.04 761.23 72.77 760 80 M 760 80 C 717.25 77.15 678.14 78.87 650 80 M 760 80 C 727.97 79.58 694.65 78.58 650 80 M 650 80 C 651.57 75.46 652.4 69.37 660 60 M 650 80 C 650.65 76.18 655.9 70.92 660 60 M 660 60 C 656.48 58.8 656 52.2 650 40 M 660 60 C 659.34 55.88 654.25 48.89 650 40" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 651px;"><div style="box-sizing: 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416.67 131.74 416.67 M 134.1 420.04 C 134.7 419.39 135.25 418.8 135.41 418.54 M 134.1 420.04 C 134.43 419.37 135.02 418.8 135.41 418.54" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 138.88 420 M 138.88 420 C 136.9 419.86 135.41 422.61 131.88 423.5 M 138.88 420 C 136.69 420.65 134.61 422.23 131.88 423.5 M 131.88 423.5 C 132.09 423.17 132.22 420.88 133.63 420 M 131.88 423.5 C 132.15 422.73 132.89 421.26 133.63 420 M 133.63 420 C 133.38 419.61 133.43 418.24 131.88 416.5 M 133.63 420 C 132.54 418.59 132.51 417.37 131.88 416.5 M 131.88 416.5 C 134.98 419.17 137.4 418.43 138.88 420 M 131.88 416.5 C 135.03 418.19 138.17 419.6 138.88 420" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 760 320 L 793.63 320" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 798.88 320 L 791.88 323.5 L 793.63 320 L 791.88 316.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 760 320 M 760 320 C 768.33 320.83 776.82 318.29 793.63 320 M 760 320 C 769.16 318.66 774.54 321.32 793.63 320" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 792.08 316.27 C 792.08 316.27 792.08 316.27 792.08 316.27 M 792.08 316.27 C 792.08 316.27 792.08 316.27 792.08 316.27 M 793.79 320.4 C 794.69 319.93 795.24 318.57 795.76 318.14 M 793.79 320.4 C 794.6 319.36 795.1 318.48 795.76 318.14" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 798.88 320 M 798.88 320 C 796.69 320.63 793.88 321.29 791.88 323.5 M 798.88 320 C 797.47 320.93 794.33 321.78 791.88 323.5 M 791.88 323.5 C 793.01 323.36 793.25 321.99 793.63 320 M 791.88 323.5 C 792.25 322.86 792.97 321.5 793.63 320 M 793.63 320 C 793.84 318.49 792.51 317.54 791.88 316.5 M 793.63 320 C 793.06 318.8 792.45 318.29 791.88 316.5 M 791.88 316.5 C 793.62 318.02 797.47 319.62 798.88 320 M 791.88 316.5 C 794.14 318.01 796.25 319.57 798.88 320" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 460 L 380 490 L 460 490 L 460 100 L 540 100 L 540 113.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 540 118.88 L 536.5 111.88 L 540 113.63 L 543.5 111.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 380 460 M 380 460 C 378.47 464.82 377.48 469.03 380 490 M 380 460 C 378.9 467.9 379.37 478.35 380 490 M 380 490 C 411.8 488.58 439.73 490.19 460 490 M 380 490 C 406.2 489.2 433.71 492.42 460 490 M 460 490 C 458.33 409.1 459.05 324.01 460 100 M 460 490 C 459.62 355.18 459.33 221.03 460 100 M 460 100 C 489.98 102.87 519.42 103.47 540 100 M 460 100 C 492.66 100.66 521.91 101.69 540 100 M 540 100 C 539.4 106.48 537.8 109.31 540 113.63 M 540 100 C 541.41 104.45 541.18 110.15 540 113.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 536.78 111.56 C 536.78 111.56 536.78 111.56 536.78 111.56 M 536.78 111.56 C 536.78 111.56 536.78 111.56 536.78 111.56 M 538.49 115.69 C 539.37 114.62 539.65 113.98 540.45 113.43 M 538.49 115.69 C 539 114.69 539.73 114.41 540.45 113.43" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 118.88 M 540 118.88 C 538.32 118.07 538.06 114.43 536.5 111.88 M 540 118.88 C 538.85 116.48 537.44 114.54 536.5 111.88 M 536.5 111.88 C 537.91 113.14 539.24 113.89 540 113.63 M 536.5 111.88 C 538.12 112.73 539.07 113.61 540 113.63 M 540 113.63 C 541.27 113.31 542.18 111.91 543.5 111.88 M 540 113.63 C 541.69 112.62 543 112.03 543.5 111.88 M 543.5 111.88 C 542.7 112.44 540.6 116.64 540 118.88 M 543.5 111.88 C 543 114.43 540.69 115.69 540 118.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 280 L 540 300 L 620 300 L 620 100 L 700 100 L 700 113.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 700 118.88 L 696.5 111.88 L 700 113.63 L 703.5 111.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 540 280 M 540 280 C 536.4 280.63 541.06 291.12 540 300 M 540 280 C 541.54 286.65 541.16 293.86 540 300 M 540 300 C 557.87 303.82 578.33 302.77 620 300 M 540 300 C 566.68 301.88 590 300.66 620 300 M 620 300 C 616.91 229.22 621.57 152.65 620 100 M 620 300 C 620.95 223 622.33 144.75 620 100 M 620 100 C 642.28 102.58 668.04 98.8 700 100 M 620 100 C 646.05 100.24 675.75 100.96 700 100 M 700 100 C 702.04 101.83 701.55 105.38 700 113.63 M 700 100 C 699.85 102.7 699.72 108.27 700 113.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 696.8 111.54 C 696.8 111.54 696.8 111.54 696.8 111.54 M 696.8 111.54 C 696.8 111.54 696.8 111.54 696.8 111.54 M 698.51 115.67 C 698.9 115.64 699.71 114.98 700.47 113.4 M 698.51 115.67 C 699.34 115.24 699.68 114.34 700.47 113.4" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 118.88 M 700 118.88 C 697.29 117.83 698.02 114.24 696.5 111.88 M 700 118.88 C 698.21 116.32 697.46 113.22 696.5 111.88 M 696.5 111.88 C 697.17 113.02 698.5 112.81 700 113.63 M 696.5 111.88 C 697.44 112.6 699.08 113.34 700 113.63 M 700 113.63 C 701.47 112.67 702.27 112.18 703.5 111.88 M 700 113.63 C 700.9 112.76 701.89 112.7 703.5 111.88 M 703.5 111.88 C 703.82 114.76 702.26 115.35 700 118.88 M 703.5 111.88 C 702.74 114.2 701.34 115.48 700 118.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="675" y="410" width="70" height="20" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 674.71 410.33 C 674.71 410.33 674.71 410.33 674.71 410.33 M 674.71 410.33 C 674.71 410.33 674.71 410.33 674.71 410.33 M 675.1 415.98 C 678.09 414.76 676.96 412.24 680.35 409.94 M 675.1 415.98 C 677.34 414.54 677.65 413.05 680.35 409.94 M 674.84 422.38 C 680.67 415.91 681.49 410.5 685.34 410.3 M 674.84 422.38 C 677.55 418.84 678.55 415.85 685.34 410.3 M 675.24 428.02 C 678.54 424.97 681.33 416.01 690.98 409.91 M 675.24 428.02 C 679 423.19 683.06 419.88 690.98 409.91 M 676.94 432.15 C 680.19 429.83 684.78 421.78 695.97 410.27 M 676.94 432.15 C 684.91 424.93 690.36 419.39 695.97 410.27 M 682.59 431.76 C 688.34 429.69 694.71 421.38 701.61 409.87 M 682.59 431.76 C 689.97 421.59 696.5 413.8 701.61 409.87 M 687.57 432.12 C 689.53 425.89 694.96 426.18 706.6 410.23 M 687.57 432.12 C 692.49 424.71 696.91 419.32 706.6 410.23 M 693.22 431.72 C 694.85 428.64 705.4 424.75 712.24 409.84 M 693.22 431.72 C 699.73 426.02 702.94 417.85 712.24 409.84 M 698.2 432.08 C 700.49 427.42 707.97 420.29 717.23 410.2 M 698.2 432.08 C 703.16 423.56 712.51 418.78 717.23 410.2 M 703.85 431.69 C 709.63 423.7 716.92 422.9 722.87 409.8 M 703.85 431.69 C 710.71 422.8 715.31 417.2 722.87 409.8 M 708.83 432.05 C 713.09 425.85 727.39 419.28 727.86 410.16 M 708.83 432.05 C 714.28 427.34 718.07 419.22 727.86 410.16 M 714.48 431.65 C 718.01 427.88 725.45 421.05 733.5 409.77 M 714.48 431.65 C 721.64 424.43 725.99 417.67 733.5 409.77 M 719.46 432.01 C 724.39 428.16 731.62 420.32 738.49 410.13 M 719.46 432.01 C 725.47 426.5 729.72 420.68 738.49 410.13 M 725.11 431.62 C 729.19 429.55 738.72 420.14 744.13 409.73 M 725.11 431.62 C 732.72 427 735.88 416.9 744.13 409.73 M 730.09 431.98 C 732.08 425.32 744.28 422.78 747.15 412.36 M 730.09 431.98 C 736.54 424.06 740.45 419.35 747.15 412.36 M 735.74 431.59 C 741.67 424.81 742.97 423.43 747.55 418 M 735.74 431.59 C 738.6 428.7 741.64 422.33 747.55 418 M 740.72 431.95 C 743.28 430.87 744.53 426.66 747.28 424.4 M 740.72 431.95 C 741.27 430.65 742.8 427.76 747.28 424.4" fill="none" stroke="#f8cecc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 675 410 C 700.17 409.23 731.57 411.44 745 410 M 675 410 C 696.58 408.3 719.15 410.62 745 410 M 745 410 C 742.8 413.03 741.92 420.75 745 430 M 745 410 C 744.28 415.81 744.15 424.46 745 430 M 745 430 C 718.12 427 699.34 428 675 430 M 745 430 C 728.63 429.69 710.37 429.84 675 430 M 675 430 C 672.25 425.94 674.73 419.91 675 410 M 675 430 C 673.89 425.31 674.79 422.9 675 410" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: 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685.76 439.82 M 675.26 451.89 C 676.48 447.78 679.78 446.15 685.76 439.82 M 675 458.29 C 678.34 452.05 681.36 448.04 690.75 440.18 M 675 458.29 C 679.14 452.76 684.31 447.39 690.75 440.18 M 677.36 461.67 C 680 455.57 690.55 448.27 696.39 439.78 M 677.36 461.67 C 683.72 455.97 688.5 449.02 696.39 439.78 M 682.35 462.03 C 687.67 456.55 695.83 450.03 701.38 440.14 M 682.35 462.03 C 687.26 457.59 691.66 450.76 701.38 440.14 M 687.99 461.63 C 694.33 450.87 701.44 446.2 707.02 439.75 M 687.99 461.63 C 694.13 453.91 698.7 449.07 707.02 439.75 M 692.98 461.99 C 703.2 452.19 703.62 443.54 712.01 440.11 M 692.98 461.99 C 699.06 456.97 704.61 449.5 712.01 440.11 M 698.62 461.6 C 707.69 450.85 709.57 443.21 717.65 439.71 M 698.62 461.6 C 704.63 455.61 709.45 448.81 717.65 439.71 M 703.61 461.96 C 710.66 453.68 716.79 442.83 722.64 440.07 M 703.61 461.96 C 711.8 453.49 717.57 444.19 722.64 440.07 M 709.25 461.57 C 716.39 458.51 716.11 447.56 728.28 439.68 M 709.25 461.57 C 711.77 456.14 719.02 452.95 728.28 439.68 M 714.24 461.93 C 721.52 455.21 721.13 446.31 733.27 440.04 M 714.24 461.93 C 720.22 453.75 726.84 447.58 733.27 440.04 M 719.88 461.53 C 725.69 454.81 731.36 444.05 738.91 439.64 M 719.88 461.53 C 724.82 456.07 727.52 453.83 738.91 439.64 M 724.87 461.89 C 726.77 457.94 738.11 449.88 743.9 440 M 724.87 461.89 C 728.87 454.22 735.38 448.07 743.9 440 M 729.86 462.25 C 732.81 458.62 738.89 452.88 747.57 441.87 M 729.86 462.25 C 733.99 455.63 741.14 450.73 747.57 441.87 M 735.5 461.86 C 737.35 455.27 746.63 448.8 747.31 448.27 M 735.5 461.86 C 739.01 456.3 745.53 452.73 747.31 448.27 M 740.49 462.22 C 743.31 458.52 744.13 456.3 747.71 453.91 M 740.49 462.22 C 743.11 459.86 744.06 457.2 747.71 453.91" fill="none" stroke="#dae8fc" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 675 440 C 703.6 442.52 730.29 437.52 745 440 M 675 440 C 693.44 440.26 714.4 439.45 745 440 M 745 440 C 741.52 445.13 744.09 456.92 745 460 M 745 440 C 744.53 447.9 743.99 450.68 745 460 M 745 460 C 729.08 462.03 707.59 461.02 675 460 M 745 460 C 723.87 460.81 699.98 460.51 675 460 M 675 460 C 674.06 454.23 678.66 445.8 675 440 M 675 460 C 676.5 452.92 674.06 447.82 675 440" fill="none" stroke="#6c8ebf" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 68px; height: 1px; padding-top: 450px; margin-left: 676px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; 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701.8 469.66 M 687.76 491.9 C 698.39 485.44 704.43 476.48 706.78 470.02 M 687.76 491.9 C 692.07 486.02 696.71 479.46 706.78 470.02 M 692.75 492.26 C 701.11 488.67 706.75 475.61 712.43 469.62 M 692.75 492.26 C 699.23 486.14 702.12 478.82 712.43 469.62 M 698.39 491.87 C 699.91 490.46 707.19 478.93 717.41 469.98 M 698.39 491.87 C 706.38 482.58 710.84 478.59 717.41 469.98 M 703.38 492.23 C 707.25 488.56 713 481.07 722.4 470.34 M 703.38 492.23 C 708.42 487.59 710.98 480.81 722.4 470.34 M 709.02 491.84 C 716.38 484.55 718.71 481.21 728.04 469.95 M 709.02 491.84 C 713.53 485.86 720.41 478.96 728.04 469.95 M 714.01 492.2 C 725.49 485.83 727.09 477.7 733.03 470.31 M 714.01 492.2 C 717.93 485.35 721.78 483.66 733.03 470.31 M 719.65 491.8 C 728 482.61 730.98 480.56 738.67 469.91 M 719.65 491.8 C 727.85 483.61 735.58 474.78 738.67 469.91 M 724.64 492.16 C 725.45 487.26 737.69 479.89 743.66 470.27 M 724.64 492.16 C 731.17 482.78 739.25 476.41 743.66 470.27 M 730.28 491.77 C 731.23 488.62 735.76 479.56 747.34 472.14 M 730.28 491.77 C 734.96 487.77 739.45 481.1 747.34 472.14 M 735.27 492.13 C 737.76 487.47 742.66 483.41 747.08 478.54 M 735.27 492.13 C 738.83 487.28 743.48 481.51 747.08 478.54 M 740.91 491.73 C 743.12 489.72 746.95 485.55 747.47 484.19 M 740.91 491.73 C 742.06 489.04 744.6 485.85 747.47 484.19" fill="none" stroke="#d5e8d4" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 675 470 C 701.31 471.56 725.66 466.97 745 470 M 675 470 C 700.87 469.85 722.02 471.47 745 470 M 745 470 C 748.48 480.18 748.77 482 745 490 M 745 470 C 743.06 476.94 744.31 482.79 745 490 M 745 490 C 730.55 486.54 715.71 488.53 675 490 M 745 490 C 719.49 488.57 694.78 490.05 675 490 M 675 490 C 671.36 485.37 677.02 473.75 675 470 M 675 490 C 673.4 483.73 675.3 479.27 675 470" fill="none" stroke="#82b366" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 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